Theses/Dissertations from 1992
An Assessment of Software Safety as Applied to the Department of Defense Software Development Process, Peter W. Colan and Robert W. Prouhet
Cepstral and Auditory Model Features for Speaker Recognition, John M. Colombi
Silicon Micromachining Applied to the Management of the Thermal Environment in Wafer Scale Integration Technology, Paul E. Cook
SATCOM General Purpose Modem DSCS III SCT Beacon Telemetry Display, James D. Coppola
An Analytical and Experimental Investigation of FM-by-Noise Jamming, Charles J. Daly
Object-Oriented Analysis, Design, and Implementation of the Saber Wargame, David S. Douglass
Hardware-Verification Through Logic Extraction, Michael A. Dukes
Design of a Laboratory Computer Interface, Douglas L. Durand
An Examination of Hypercube Implementations of Genetic Algorithms, Andrew Dymek
Implementation and Analysis of NP-Complete Algorithms on a Distributed Memory Computer, Joel S. Garmon
Autonomous Face Segmentation, Kevin P. Gay
The Non-Linear Dynamics of Composite Cylindrical Shells, James M. Greer Jr.
A VHDL Interpreter for Model-Based Diagnoses, David R. Griffin
Solution to a Multicriteria Aircraft Routing Problem Utilizing Parallel Search Techniques, James J. Grimm III
Comparison of Artificial Neural Networks with a Conventional Heuristic Technique for Optimization Problems, Jeffrey S. Gruner
Failure Identification using Multiple Model Adaptive Estimation for the LAMBDA Flight Vehicle, Peter D. Hanlon
The Effect of an Adaptive Optical System's Spatio-Temporal Response on Imaging Performance, Patrick M. Harrington
Design and Development of a High-Speed Winograd Fast Fourier Transform Processor Board, James F. Herron
Analysis and Simulation of Modified Tanlock and Delay Lock Loops for GPS Receiver Design, James A. Hird
A User Interface to a True 3-D Display Device, Bruce A. Hobbs
Design and Analysis of Electrical Circuits that Produce Fractional-Order Differentiation, Richard N. Hughes
Increasing the Corrected Field of View of an Adaptive Optical Telescope, Dustin C. Johnston
Boolean Reasoning and Informed Search in the Minimization of Logic Circuits, James J. Kainec
An Investigation of Discovery-Based Learning in the Route Planning Domain, Freeman A. Kilpatrick Jr.
Remote Sensing of Turbulence and Transverse Atmospheric Wind Profiles using Optical Reference Sources, Steven C. Koeffler
Recurrent Neural Networks for Radar Target Identification, Eric T. Kouba
Face Recognition With Neural Networks, Dennis L. Krepp
Development of a Flight Information System Using the Structured Method, Yeong-Lae Kwak
Version and Transaction Management in OSMAGIC: an Object-Oriented Database Implementation of the Magic VLSI Layout Design Tool, Gary M. Lightner
Efficient Derivation and Approximations of Cepstral Coefficients for Speech Coding, Kimberly A. Limcangco
Speech Recognition Using Visible and Infrared Detectors, Patrick T. Marshall
A Generic Template Extractor (GENTEX) in C for VLSI Design Verification, Kenneth J. McClellan Jr.
Multiple Model Adaptive Estimation Applied to the Vista F-16 with Actuator and Sensor Failures, Timothy E. Menke
Generalization and Parallelization of Messy Genetic Algorithms and Communication in Parallel Genetic Algorithms, Laurence D. Merkle
A Unified Model of Program Behavior, Douglas T. Michel
Object Tracking Through Adaptive Correlation, Dennis A. Montera
Computer Simulation of a General Purpose Satellite Modem, William L. Montgomery Jr.
An Enhanced User Interface for the SABER Wargame, Donald R. Moore
Design of an Artificial Neural Network Based Tactile Sensor for the UTAH/MIT Dexterous Hand, Jeffery D. Nering
ADA Implementation of an Object Data Repository, Stephen P. Perucca
A Synthetic Environment for Satellite Modeling and Satellite Orbital Motion, David L. Pond
Feature Extraction and Classification of FLIR Imagery Using Relative Locations of Non-Homogeneous Regions with Feedforward Neural Networks, Kevin L. Priddy
Digital Signal Processing Using Lapped Transforms with Variable Parameter Windows and Orthonormal Bases, Brian D. Raduenz
Creating and Manipulating a Domain-Specific Formal Object Base to Support a Domain-Oriented Application Composition System, Mary Anne Randour
A Radiosity Approach to Realistic Image Synthesis, Richard L. Remington
Radar Cross Section Models for Limited Aspect Angle Windows, Mark C. Robinson
A Toposcopic Investigation of Brain Electrical Activity Induced by Motion Sickness, Dwight A. Roblyer
Entity-Relationship versus Object-Oriented Modeling and the Underlying DBMS, Kevin J. Routhier
Automated Face Recognition System, Kenneth R. Runyon
Output Frequency Changes in a Commercial Rubidium Clock Resulting from Magnetic Field and Microwave Power Variations, Edward B. Sarosy
Development of an Analog MIMO Quantitative Feedback Theory (QFT) CAD Package, Richard R. Sating
Enhancement of Audio Localization Cue Synthesis by Adding Environmental and Visual Cues, Eric L. Scarborough
Acquisition of Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum Signals using Digital Signal Processing Techniques, Ronald E. Schmitz
Management of SIMNET and DIS Entities in Synthetic Environments, Steven M. Sheasby
Examining a Layered Approach to Function and Design Representation for Reusable Software Components, Paul D. Siebels
Retinal Modeling: Segmenting Motion from Spatio-Temporal Inputs using Neural Networks, David E. Swanson
A Synthetic Environment Flight Simulator: The AFIT Virtual Cockpit, John C. Switzer
Methods for Viewing Radar Cross Section Data in Three Dimensions, David J. Tisdale
SaTool II: An IDEFo Case Workbench Using Ada and the X Window System, Betty Topp
An Object-Oriented Computer Aided Design Program for Modern Control Systems Analysis, Frederick L. Trevino
Development of a Protocol Usage Guideline for Conservative Parallel Simulations, Prescott J. Van Horn
Detection of Spoofing, Jamming, or Failure of a Global Positioning System (GPS), Juan R. Vasquez
Correlation Based Target Location and Identification, Richard A. Wenzel
Signal Approximation with a Wavelet Neural Network, Charles M. Westphal
An Intelligent Real-Time System Architecture Implemented in ADA, Michael A. Whelan
Scientific Visualization of Volumetric Radar Cross Section Data, Thomas G. Wojszynski
X-AAARF An X Windows Version of the AFIT Algorithm Animation Research Facility, Charles R. Wright Jr.
Design Recovery for Software Library Population, Chester A. Wright Jr.
Formalizing, Validating, and Verifying Real-Time System Requirements with Reacto and VHDL, Frank C. Young
Theses/Dissertations from 1991
LQG Control of a Deformable Mirror Adaptive Optics System with Time- Delayed Measurements, David J. Anderson
GPS/INS Integration for Improved Aircraft Attitude Estimates, Daniel T. Bagley
A Formal Definition of the Object-Oriented Paradigm for Requirements Analysis, Andrew D. Boyd
Electrically Erasable Programmable Integrated Circuits for Replacement of Obsolete TTL Logic, Joseph V. Breen
Design and Application of an Object Oriented Graphical Database Management System for Synthetic Environments, John A. Brunderman
A Rigorous UTD Analysis of Electromagnetic Scattering from Resistive Strips and Resistive-Loaded Conducting Strips, Douglas H. Casanova
Radar Scattering from Foamed Plastic Target Supports, Michael W. Chambers
Simulation of Finite-Precision Effects in Digital Filters, Perry L. Choate
Parallel Implementation of VHDL Simulations on the Intel iPSC/2 Hypercube, Ronald C. Comeau
Application of Silicon Micromachining to Thermal Dissipation Issues in Wafer Scale Integrated Circuits, Edward Cosnyka
Binaural Sound Localization Using Neural Networks, Rushby C. Craig
Analysis of a Decision Support System for CASE Tool Selection and the Specification of an Ada to SQL Abstract Interface, Tina M. DeAngelis
Formalization and Validation of an SADT Specification Through Executable Simulation Using the Refine Specification Environment, Randall L. Douglass
The Application of Statistical Estimation Techniques to Terrain Modeling, Donald P. Duckett Jr.
A Walsh-Domain Adaptive Filter, Larry J. Duvall
Robotic Tactile Sensors Fabricated from a Monolithic Silicon Integrated Circuit and a Piezoelectric Polyvinylidene Fluoride Thin Film, Craig S. Dyson
Real Imagery as a Three Dimensional Display, Juan C. Echeverry
Logic Programming in Digital Circuit Design, Joseph W. Eicher
Formalization and Validation of an SADT Specification Through Executable Simulation in VHDL, Daniel L. Eickmeier
Global Optimization of Digital Circuits, Richard Flandera
A Rigorous Uniform Diffraction Analysis of the Electromagnetic Scattering from Impedance Edges and Junctions, Joseph C. Fortney
A Time-Dependent Adaptive Filter for Cochannel Interference Reduction, Matthew H. Foster
An Event Driven State Based Interface for Synthetic Environments, Mark J. Gerken
Face Recognition Using the Discrete Cosine Transform, James R. Goble
Evaluation of an Interdigitated Gate Electrode Field-Effect Transistor (IGEFET) for In Situ Resin Cure Monitoring, Thomas E. Graham
Control of a Large Flexible Space Structure Using Multiple Model Adaptive Algorithms, John A. Gustafson
Gabor Segmentation of High resolution Synthetic Aperture Radar Imagery, Michael A. Hazlett
Determination of Bistatic Radar Clutter Power from Topographic Data, Clyde R. Heddings
Kalman Filter Tracking of a Reflective Target Using Forward Looking Infrared and Doppler Return Measurements, Theodore D. Herrera
Design and Implementation of a Graphical User Interface and Database Management System for the Saber Wargame, Andrew M. Horton