Theses/Dissertations from 1995
Deriving Optimal Solutions from Incomplete Knowledge Bases, Shawn A. Northrop
A Comparison of Loose and Tight GPS/INS Integration Using Real INS and GPS Data, Warren H. Nuibe
Design of Flight Control Laws for Aircraft with Flexible Wings Using Quantitative Feedback Theory, Christina L. Osmon
Design and Development of Microswitches for Micro-Electro-Mechanical Relay Matrices, Mark W. Phipps
Computer-Aided Diagnosis of Mammographic Masses, William E. Polakowski
Three Dimensional Inverse Synthetic Aperture Radar Imaging, Jack D. Pullis
Electroencephalography: Subdural Multi-Electrode Brain Chip, John E. Rosenstengel
Neural Network Analysis of Chemical Compounds in Nonrebreathing Fisher-344 Rat Breath, Robert E. Sackett Jr.
Maximum Likelihood Estimation of Wave Front Slopes using a Hartmann-type Sensor, Scott A. Sallberg
Dynamic Transfer of Control between Manned and Unmanned Simulation Actors, Neal W. Schneider
Design, Fabrication and Characterization of Micro Opto-Electro-Mechanical Systems, Darren E. Sene
Characterization of Atmospheric Turbulence over Long Horizontal Paths Using Optical Slope Measurements, Eric E. Silbaugh
Multiple Model Adaptive Control of the Vista F-16, Michael J. Stepaniak
Improving the Morse Intercept Operator's Audio Display, Jesse M. Washburn
Determination of the Temperature Coefficients of Selected Material Constants of Dilithium Tetraborate, Gregory S. Weaver
Binary Gas Mixture Analysis with an Interdigitated Gate Electrode Field Effect Transistor (IGEFET) Microsensor, John M. Wiseman
Theses/Dissertations from 1994
An Analysis of Bayesian Networks as Classifiers, Gregory C. Ahlquist
Dyadic Wavelet Features for Isolated Word Speaker Dependent Speech Recognition, Stephen Ainge
Generalized Probabilistic Reasoning and Empirical Studies on Computational Efficiency and Scalability, Eric P. Baenen
The Enhanced Performance of an Integrated Navigation System in a Highly Dynamic Environment, Brian J. Bohenek
Rapid and Accurate Timing Simulation of Radiation-Hardened Digital Microelectronics Using VHDL, Charles P. Brothers Jr.
Next Generation Real-Time Systems: Investigating the Potential of Partial-Solution Tasks, Robert E. J. Caley
Effective Parallel Algorithm Animation, Paul W. Chase
Multipoint Multirate Signal Processing, Roger L. Claypoole Jr.
Characterization and Redesign of the AFIT Multielectrode Array, Richard G. Darenberg Jr.
Subgrouped Real Time Recurrent Learning Neural Networks, Jeffrey S. Dean
Survey and Implementation of Commercial Manual Controllers for a Generic Telerobotics Architecture, Thomas E. Deeter
The Photo-Realistic AFIT Virtual Cockpit, Milton E. Diaz
Voice Analysis Using the Bispectrum, Deborah A. Douglass
A 3-D Finite Difference Time Domain Investigation of Microwave Propagation through Inhomogeneous Biological Materials, David B. Dunn Jr.
Searching for Plans Using a Hierarchy of Learned Macros and Selective Reuse, Douglas E. Dyer
Implementation and Demonstration of a Multiple Model Adaptive Estimation Failure Detection System for the F-16, Peter K. Eide
Classification of Ultra High Range Resolution Radar Using Decision Boundary Analysis, Christopher L. Eisenbies
Global Picture Archiving and Communication Systems (GPACS): An Overview, Russell C. Ellis
The Design and Analysis of Integrated Navigation Systems Using Real INS and GPS Data, Curtis D. Evans
Analysis and Simulation of Narrowband GPS Jamming Using Digital Excision Temporal Filtering, Gerald L. Falen
Spatio-temporal Pattern Recognition Using Hidden Markov Models, Kenneth H. Fielding
Distributed Interactive Simulation Virtual Cassette Recorder (DIS VCR): A Datalogger with Variable Speed Replay, Jonathan L. Fortner
Embedology and Neural Estimation for Time Series Prediction, Robert E. Garza
Predicting Protein Structure Using Parallel Genetic Algorithms, George H. Gates Jr.
Isolated Digit Recognition without Time Alignment, Jeffrey M. Gay
Artificially Intelligent Air Combat Simulation Agents, Daniel E. Gisselquist
Parallelization of the 2D Roe Scheme on the Intel Paragon, John R. Graham III
An Integrated GPS-INS-BARO and Radar Altimeter System for Aircraft Precision Approach Landings, Robert A. Gray
Control of a Large Space Structure Using Multiple Model Adaptive Estimation and Control Techniques, Gordon C. Griffin Jr.
Dynamic Load Balancing for a Parallel Discrete-Event Battlefield Simulation, Seth R. Guanu
Multicriteria Mission Route Planning Using A Parallel A* Search, Michael S. Gudaitis
Enhanced Visual User Interface Support for Domain-Oriented Application Composition Systems, Richard A. Guinto
Design and Analysis of a Mode B and Mode JD Satellite Earth Station, Dennis J. Hance
Using Object-Oriented Database Technology to Develop a Multiple Domain Capability for Domain-Oriented Application Composition Systems, Alfred W. Harris Jr.
ROC Analysis of IR Segmentation Techniques, Georgia K. Harrup
Analytic Performance Models for Parallel Discrete Event Battlefield Simulation with Conservative Synchronization, James B. Hiller
ModeIing Operational Task Assignment in Air Force Wing Command and Control, Robert J. Hunt
Accelerating Conservative Parallel Simulation of VHDL Circuits, Joel F. Hurford
Multiclassifier Fusion of an Ultrasonic Lip Reader in Automatic Speech Recognition, David L. Jennnings
Flow Visualization of a Turbulent Shear Flow using an Optical Wavefront Sensor, Daniel W. Jewell
Electro-Hydrostatic Actuator Controller Design Using Quantitative Feedback Theory, Ki Ho Kang
EASY-SIM: A Visual Simulation System Software Architecture with an ADA 9X Application Framework, Jordan R. Kayloe
Generic Satellite Monitoring Expert System, Loretta A. Kelemen
Development of a Mammographic Image Processing Environment Using MATLAB, John L. Kelley
Computer-Aided Breast Cancer Diagnosis, Catherine M. Kocur
Improving Intrusion Detection in Unix-based Networks, David R. Landry
Unification of LARCH and Z-Based Object Models to Support Algebraically-based Design Refinement: The LARCH Perspective, Catherine J. Lin
Designing and Implementing an Ada Language Binding Specification for ODMG-93, Stephen R. Lindsay
A Format for Storing and Managing Multiple Level of Detail Terrain for Simulated Environments, Keith L. Meissner
Head Related Transfer Function Approximation Using Neural Networks, John K. Millhouse
A General Object Model Transformation System, John P. Mullaney
Adaptive Beamforming in Frequency-Dispersive Multipath Environments, David A. Murray
Image Perception Wavelet Simulation and Enhancement for the Visually Impaired, Lemuel Ray Myers Jr.
Multirate Time-Frequency Distributions, John R. O'Hair
A Quantitative Feedback Theory FCS Design for the Subsonic Envelope of the Vista F-16 Including Configuration Variation, Scott N. Phillips
Clustering Techniques in Speaker Recognition, Douglas N. Prescott
Silicon Based Microactuators for Telerobotic Tactile Stimulation, Britton C. Read III
Automation of Formation Flight Control, Vincent P. Reyna
Design and Implementation of Tools to Increase User Control and Knowledge Elicitation in a Virtual Battlespace, Jim J. Rohrer
Multiple Model Adaptive Estimation and Head Motion Tracking in a Virtual Environment: An Engineering Approach, James E. Russell
Modeling Workload Effectiveness and Efficiency of Air Force Wing Command and Control, Michael D. Sarchet
Experimental Definition for Implantation of the AFIT Cortical Multielectrode Array, Adam G. Spenik
Laser Beam Propagation in Non-Kolmogorov Atmospheric Turbulence, Bruce E. Stribling
Embedded Chaotic Time Series: Applications in Prediction and Spatio-temporal Classification, James R. Stright
Processing of Wide-Angle Synthetic Aperture Radar Signals for Detection of Obscured Ground Targets, Richard J. Sumner
Compensated Deconvolution from Wavefront Sensing, Lori A. Thorson
A Diffraction-Based Model of Anisoplanatism Effects in Adaptive Optic Systems, Steven E. Troxel
Space Modeler: An Expanded, Distributed, Virtual Environment for Space Visualization, John C. Vanderburgh
Advanced Formation Flight Control, Michael J. Veth
Unification of LARCH and Z-based Object Models to Support Algebraically-based Design Refinement: The Z Perspective, Kathleen M. Wabiszewski
Minimizing the Impact of Synchronization Overhead in Parallel Discrete Event Simulations, Andrew C. Walton
3D Stereo Data Visualization and Representation, Kai-Heng (Felix) Wang
Polarization Sensitivity of Monopulse Radar Boresight Error Induced by Large, Ogive Radomes, Kelce S. Wilson
Perceptual Based Image Fusion with Applications to Hyperspectral Image Data, Terry A. Wilson
Reduction of Off-Boresight Fields for a TEM Horn Antenna, Dennis J. Wolstenholme
The Re-Engineering of the Air Force Institute of Technology Student Information System, Douglas J. Wu
Improving the Performance of Spiral Antennas by Using Passive Scatterers, Joseph S. Zaren
Theses/Dissertations from 1993
Virtual Memory Management and Virtual Bus Overloading on Multiple Channel Architectures, John N. Armitstead
A Decision Criteria to Select an Associative-Memory Organization That Minimizes the Execution Time of a Mix of Associative-Search Operations, David W. Banton
Object-Oriented Design and Implementation of a Parallel Ada Simulation System, James T. Belford
Design of a Parallel Discrete Event Simulation Coprocessor, Jacob L. Berlin
Evaluation of Moderate Angle of Attack Roll of a Dual Engine, Thrust Vectoring Aircraft Using Quantitative Feedback Theory, Kevin E. Boyum
Genetic Algorithms and Their Application to the Protein Folding Problem, Donald J. Brinkman
A Study of Two Dimensional Tapered Periodic Edge Treatments to Reduce Wideband Edge Diffraction, Russell A. Burleson