Theses/Dissertations from 2001
Design and Specification of Dynamic, Mobile and Reconfigurable Multiagent Systems, Athie L. Self
Transforming Analysis Models into Design Models for the Multiagent Engineering Systems (MASE) Methodology, Clint H. Sparkman
Implementation and Analysis of the Parallel Genetic Rule and Classifier Construction Environment, David M. Strong
Multicast Algorithms for Mobile Satellite Communication Networks, Ryan W. Thomas
Microdot-A 4-BIT Synchronous Microcontroller for Space Applications, Kirby M. Watson
Models for Data Source Tracking with XML, Teoman Yoruk
Theses/Dissertations from 2000
A Methodology for Integrating Tools in a Web-based Environment, Musa Serdar Arslan
Tool-Based Integration and Code Generation of Object Models, Michael Ray Ashby
Modeling and Simulation of Communication Systems in OPNET, David M. Banker
Extracting Mission Semantics from Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Telemetry and Flight Plans, Walter T. Berridge
Investigation of Ge2Te2Sb5 Chalcogenide Thin Film for Use as an Analog Memory, Travis F. Blake
Evaluation of a Method for Kinematic GPS Carrier-Phase Ambiguity Resolution Using a Network of Reference Receivers, Brian L. Bracy
Stochastic Modeling-Based DGPS Estimation Algorithm, James T. Broaddus
Generating Executable Persistent Data Storage/Retrieval Code from Object-Oriented Specifications, Steven R. Buckwalter
Development of a Real Time Guidance System for a Kinematic Test Vehicle, Orhan Cekic
Comparative Analysis of Mobility Management Schemes in a Low Earth Orbit Satellite Network, Stephen R. Conkling
Design and Validation of an Accurate GPS Signal and Receiver Truth Model for Comparing Advanced receiver Processing Techniques, Phillip Martin Corbell
An Object-Oriented Repository-based Software Synthesis System, Gary L. Cornn Jr.
Multi-Conjugate Adaptive Optics for the Compensation of Amplitude and Phase Distortions, Peter N. Crabtree
An Analysis of the Effectiveness of a Constructive Induction-Based Virus Detection Prototype, Kevin T. Damp
Distributed Object System Engineering for Terminal Aerodrome Forecast Validation and Metrics Processing, James S. Douglas
Realtime Color Stereovision Processing, Byron P. Formwalt
A Comparative Analysis of Cockpit Display Development Tools, Matthew J. Gebhardt
Three-Dimensional Data Visualization of Electronic Military Intelligence Using the Project Broadsword System, Michael L. Goeringer
A Distributed Agent Architecture for a Computer Virus Immune System, Paul K. Harmer
Data Warehouse Techniques to Support Global On-demand Weather Forecast Metrics, Meriellen C. Joga
A Human-Centered Approach for Designing Decision Support Systems, Sean G. Kern
An Information Visualization Solution for the Analysis of the AFM Simulation Output Data, Stuart H. Kurkowski
A Formal Methodology and Technique for Verifying Communication Protocols in a Multi-agent Environment, Timothy H. Lacey
An Intelligent User Interface to Support Air Force Weather Product Generation and Automated Metrics, Darryl N. Leon
Formal Object State Model Transformations for Automated Agent System Synthesis, David W. Marsh
A Method of Focusing the Attention of the Decision-Maker on Uncertain Information, John F. Moesner IV
A Comparative Analysis of Proposed Mobility Support Schemes for IP Multicast, Alexander Muller Jr.
Effects of Jamming on Radars, Ahmet Okuyucu
Algorithm Development for On-Line Control of the AirBorne Laser, Michael W. Oppenheimer
An Improved Algorithm for Translating Relational Schemas into an Object Model, Joseph C. Pearson
Active Multispectral Bidirectional Reflectance Distribution Function Measurement System, Mark J. Proctor
Knowledge Base Support for Design and Synthesis of Multi-Agent Systems, Marc J. Raphael
NonUniformly Spaced Array Elements, Daniel R. Richards Jr.
A Component Based Approach to Agent Specification, David J. Robinson
Turbo Codes for Wireless Mobile Communication Systems Applications, Moataz M. Salah
Investigation of Conformal High-Impedance Ground Planes, Michael A. Saville
Mission Route Planning with Multiple Aircraft & Targets Using Parallel A* Algorithm, Ergin Sezer
Post-Processing Resolution Enhancement of Open Skies Photographic Imagery, Daniel E. Sperl
The Air Force Institute of Technology (AFIT) Micro Electro-Mechanical Systems (MEMS) Interferometric Gyroscope (MiG), Jeremy P. Stringer
Validation and Verification of Formal Specifications in Object-Oriented Software Engineering, Steven A. Thomson
Enhancing a Virtual Distributed Library User Interface via Server-side User Profile Caching, Jason T. Ward
Improving the Analyst and Decision-Maker’s Perspective through Uncertainty Visualization, Evan T. Watkins
Explicitly Modeling Hierarchically Heterogeneous Software Architectures in an Object-Oriented Formal Transformation System, Darin L. Williams
Multiagent Systems Engineering: A Methodology for Analysis and Design of Multiagent Systems, Mark F. Wood
A Performance Analysis of a Joint LMDS/ Satellite Communication Network, Ronald J. Zwickel
Theses/Dissertations from 1999
An Interactive Tool for Refining Software Specifications from a Formal Domain Model, Gary L. Anderson
An Improved Asynchronous Implementation of a Fast Fourier Transform Architecture for Space Applications, David J. Barnhart
Dual Channel Matched Filtering and Space-Time Adaptive Processing, Scott D. Berger
Asymmetric Load Balancing on a Heterogeneous Cluster of PCs, Christopher A. Bohn
Performance Analysis of TCP Enhancements in Satellite Data Networks, Ren H. Broyles
A Constructive Induction Approach to Computer Immunology, Kelley J. Cardinale and Hugh M. O'Donnell
Integrated UPS/INS Precision Approach Landing with M3AE Interference Avoidance, Stephan H. Chastain
TE Scattering From Bubbles in RAM, John G. Cochran
An Efficient GPS Position Determination Algorithm, Carlos R. Colon
Methodology for Integrating the Scenario Databases of Simulation Systems, Emilia M. Colonese
An Empirical Prediction Model of the Performance Impacts of Material Tolerances in Frequency Selective Surfaces Using the Monte Carlo Method, Matthew D. Craig
Radar Cross Section Enhancement of Simple Targets, Brian J. Crothers
A Comparative Analysis of the Iridium® and Globalstar® Satellite Transmission Paths, Kenneth E. Crowe
Protein Structure Prediction Using Parallel Linkage Investigating Genetic Algorithms, Karl R. Deerman
Bistatic Radar Cross Section (RCS) Characterization of Complex Objects, Robert L. Eigel Jr.
A Performance Analysis of a Low Earth Orbit Satellite System, Korkut A. Ercakar
Analysis of USAF Battlelabs' Communication Infrastructure Over Various Protocols, Rocky A. Favorito and David M. McIllece
Trade-Off Analysis of Communications Capabilities of Inter-Satellite Links, Andrew J. Feltman
Strategies for Steganalysis of Bitmap Graphics Files, Christopher J. Fogle
Computation of Scattering from Bodies of Revolution Using an Entire-Domain Basis Implementation of the Moment Method, Arthur P. Ford IV
Non Co-Operative Detection of LPI/LPD Signals Via Cyclic Spectral Analysis, Andrew M. Gillman
Parallel Data Mining with the Message Passing Interface Standard on Clusters of Personal Computers, Lonnie P. Hammack
Methodology for Application Design Using Information Dissemination and Active Database Technologies, Robert H. Hartz
Optimal Wavelet Denoising for High Range Resolution Radar Classification, Brian M. Huether
Analysis of Radio Frequency Interference Effects on a Modern Coarse Acquisition Code Global Positioning System (GPS) Receiver, Kenneth D. Johnston
Development of Site Characterization Simulator, Neil W. Kassel
SCAN-IT: A Computer Vision Model Motivated by Human Physiology and Behavior, John G. Keller
Transforming Aggregate Object-Oriented Formal Specifications to Code, John A. Kissack
Graphical User Interface and Microprocessor Control Enhancement of a Pseudorandom Code Generator, John M. Kos
Image Fusion Using Autoassociative-Heteroassociative Neural Networks, Claudia V. Kropas-Hughes
Target Pose Estimation from Radar Data Using Adaptive Networks, Andrew W. Learn
A Modeling and Simulation Approach to Analyze the Workload Associated with the Growth of Network Router Access Control Lists, Douglas R. Lomsdalen
Extensible Multi-Agent System for Heterogeneous Database Association Rule Mining and Unification, Christopher G. Marks
Evolving Compact Decision Rule Sets, Robert E. Marmelstein
Terrain Backscattering Coefficient Generator, Ricardo Mediavilla
Transforming COBOL Legacy Software to a Generic Imperative Model, Dina L. Moraes
The Effect of Registration Errors on Tracking in a Networked Radar System, Bradley J. Mortenson
A Structured Approach to Software Tool Integration, Penelope A. Noe
Low Grazing Angle Terrain Backscattering Coefficient Generator, William N. O'Connor
Incorporating Scene Mosaics as Visual Indexes into UAV Video Imagery Databases, Timothy I. Page
Structural Emergence and the Collaborative Behavior of Autonomous Nano-Satellites, Daniel J. Petrovich
A Climatology-Based Model for Long-Term Prediction of Radar Beam Refraction, Todd S. Pittman
A Performance Analysis of Dynamic Routing Algorithms in an IRIDIUM-Like Low Earth Orbit Satellite System, Stephen R. Pratt
Close Formation Flight Control, Andrew W. Proud
Analysis of the Applicability of Video Segmentation to Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Surveillance Video, Bradley L. Pyburn
COBOL Reengineering Using the Parameter Based Object Identification (PBOI) Methodology, Sonia de Jesus Rodrigues
Modulation of Electrostatic Microelectromechanical Mirrors Using a CMOS Controller, Paul C. Rounsavall
Approximation and Optimization of an Auditory Model for Realization in VLSI Hardware, Samuel L. SanGregory
Antenna Gain Enhancement Using a Photonic Band Gap Reflector, Karl C. Schloer