"Simulation of Finite-Precision Effects in Digital Filters" by Perry L. Choate

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

First Advisor

Martin DeSimio, PhD


This thesis develops and demonstrates software that models finite- precision effects in digital filters. Coefficient quantization and internally generated roundoff noise effects are simulated by rounding coefficients and multiplier output values to (B+1) bits. Outputs include magnitude and phase responses that may be plotted to show results of coefficient quantization. The output noise power due to roundoff is calculated. Three types of digital filter structures are examined. The first type is direct form I implementation for FIR and IIR structures, second is direct form II, and third is cascading the canonic direct form II second-order sections for higher order filter designs. Re- arrangement of the second-order sections can be done to examine the change in the roundoff power generated. One other feature converts the cascade canonic form into a direct form for analysis. The software is menu driven with help screens written in FORTRAN77.

AFIT Designator


DTIC Accession Number



The author's Vita page is omitted.

choate_298.pdf (103 kB)
SF298 for Choate thesis
