"Design Recovery for Software Library Population" by Chester A. Wright Jr.

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

First Advisor

James Cardow, Capt., USAF


This thesis research investigated design recovery as a means of populating a reuse library. The targeted library was part of the Automatic Programming Technologies for Avionics Systems (APTAS). APTAS uses a knowledge base of forms, to present questions to a user, and rules, to select the forms to present and choose existing library modules to use in composing a new system. The approach applied the reengineering model developed by Eric Byrne to accomplish planning for the project, expanded the renovation phase of this model to cover the actual design recovery, and applied the expanded model to populating the library. Using the model in the project showed that design recovery is feasible in populating the library. However, if the recovered design could not be used directly, it could be used as a guide in developing new components. Additionally, certain modules make better candidates than others. Ideal candidates are self-contained in that they receive a value, perform a computation, and return a value. Once the module starts performing too many operations, expertise is required the module behavior in order to separate the component for reuse.

AFIT Designator


DTIC Accession Number



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