Theses/Dissertations from 1999
Formal Representation and Application of Software Design Information, Thomas M. Schorsch
Loop Gain Estimation for Adaptive Control, Jamey P. Sillence
Parallel Digital Signal Processing on a Network of Personal Computers Case Study: Space-Time Adaptive Processing, Fernando Silva
Generating Executable Code from Formal Specifications of Primitive Objects, Travis W. Tankersley
Ultra-Wideband TEM Horns, Transient Arrays and Exponential Curves: A FDTD Look, Troy S. Utton
Analysis of N-Tier Architecture Applied to Distributed-Database Systems, Alexandre G. Valente
GPS Signal Offset Detection and Noise Strength Estimation in a Parallel Kalman Filter Algorithm, Barry J. Vanek
Application of the Finite Element Method to the Scattering of a Two-Dimensional, Semi-Infinite Periodic Structure, Perry N. Villanueva
An Integrated Synthetic Aperture Radar/Global Positioning System/Inertial Navigation System for Target Geolocation Improvement, Brian J. Young
Timed Safety Automata and Logic Conformance, Frank C. D. Young
Theses/Dissertations from 1998
A Decision Theoretic Approach for Interface Agent Development, Scott M. Brown
Development and Packaging of Microsystems Using Foundry Services, Jeffrey T. Butler
Foundry Microfabrication of Deformable Mirrors for Adaptive Optics, William D. Cowan
Methodology for the Analysis and Design of Internet Software Components Providing Relational Database Access Through the World Wide Web, Daniel L. DiPiro
Multiple Model Adaptive Estimation Using Filter Spawning, Kenneth A. Fisher
Channel-Mismatch Compensation in Speaker Identification Feature Selection and Adaptation with Artificial Neural Networks, Edmund A. Fitzgerald
Trigonometric Transforms for Image Reconstruction, Thomas M. Foltz
Linear Reconstruction of Non-Stationary Image Ensembles Incorporating Blur and Noise Models, Stephen D. Ford
A Performance Analysis of the IRIDIUM Low Earth Orbit Satellite System, Carl E. Fossa Jr.
Global Positioning System (GPS) Receiver Design for Multipaths Mitigation, El-Sayed Abdel-Salam Gadallah
A Web-based Prototype for AFIT Edplan Administration, Tien-Chen Lee
Real Time Detection of Anomalous Satellite Behavior Has Ground Based Telescope Images, Geoffrey S. Maron
High Amplitude Tracking Control, Joseph W. McNamee
Modified Multiple Model Adaptive Estimation (M3AE) for Simultaneous Parameter and State Estimation, Mikel M. Miller
Radial Complexity Estimation for Improved Generalization in Artificial Neural Networks, Lemuel R. Myers Jr.
Improved Mathematical Modeling for GPS Based Navigation, Salvatore Nardi
Optical Physics of Microcavity Surface Emitting Lasers, Michael J. Noble
An Advanced Visualization Method for an Operations Research Analysis, Steven C. Oimoen
New Algorithms for Moving-Bank Multiple Model Adaptive Estimation, Juan R. Vasquez
Effects of Clutter Height Distribution on Adaptive Clutter Erasure Performance, Kelce Steven Wilson
Automatic Target Cueing of Hyperspectral Image Data, Terry A. Wilson
Theses/Dissertations from 1997
An Examination of Multi-Tier Designs for Legacy Data Access, Michael L. Acker
A GPS Code Tracking Receiver Design for Multipath Mitigation Using Maximum Likelihood Estimation, Fred P. Baier
An Incompleteness Handling Methodology for Validation of Bayesian Knowledge Bases, David J. Bawcom
Message-Bundle Converting in Intenet Protocol Multicast-Based High Level Architecture Exercises, Tracy A. Bobo
An Investigation into the Use of Software Product Metrics for COBOL Systems, Richard E. Boone
Microelectromechanical Scanner Using a Vertical Cavity Surface Emitting Laser, Joseph G. Bouchard Jr.
Pseudorandom Code Generation for Communication and Navigation System Applications, John F. Brendle Jr.
Physiologically-Based Vision Modeling Applications and Gradient Descent-Based Parameter Adaptation of Pulse Coupled Neural Networks, Randy P. Broussard
Space Object Identification Using Feature Space Trajectory Neural Networks, Neal W. Bruegger
Microelectromechanical Optical Beam Steering Systems, David M. Burns
Visualization and Animation of a Missile/Target Encounter, Jeffrey T. Bush
Multiple Model Adaptive Estimation and Control Redistribution Performance on the VISTA F-16 During Partial Actuator Impairments, Curtis S. Clark
Breast Cancer Mass Detection using Difference of Gaussians and Pulse Coupled Neural Networks, Donald A. Cournoyer
Response Surface Methodology: An Analytical Method for Locating Migrated Contaminant Sources, Orlando J. Dona Jr.
Concept Vectors: A Synthesis of Concept Mapping and Matrices for Knowledge Representation in Intelligent Tutoring Systems, Mark L. Dyson
Effects of Near-Field Scatterers on Space-Time Adaptive Processing, Jonathan W. Fitton
Reorientations of Flexible Spacecraft Using Momentum Exchange Devices, Kevin A. Ford
A Dispersive Scattering Center, Parametric Model for 1-D ATR, Dane F. Fuller
A Comparative Analysis of Networks of Workstations and Massively Parallel Processors for Signal Processing, David C. Gindhart
Decision Boundary Analysis Feature Selection for Breast Cancer Diagnosis, Daniel W. Gregg
Secondary Data Support and Non-Homogeneities in Space-Time Adaptive Processing, Todd B. Hale
Optimized Design Methodology of Cavity-Backed Microstrip Antennas with Dielectric Overlays, Douglas J. Hermes
A Single Chip Low Power Implementation of an Asynchronous FFT Algorithm for Space Applications, Bruce W. Hunt
A Representational Approach to Knowledge and Multiple Skill Levels for Broad Classes of Computer Generated Forces, Larry J. Hutson
Diffraction Analysis and Tactical Applications of Signal Propagation over Rough Terrain, You-Cheol Jang
The Virtual Spaceplane: Integrating Multiple Motion Models and Hypertext in a Virtual Environment, Troy Johnson
Micro-Electromechanical Switches for Micro-Satellite Power Transfer, Glen A. Kading
A Modeling and Simulation Approach to Characterize Network Layer Internet Survivability, Leif S. King
Self-Assembly of Microstructures, Paul E. Kladitis
Analytic Transfer Function of the Forward Propagation of Diffuse Photon Density Waves in Turbid Media with an Embedded Spherical Inhomogeneity, Deborah L. Lasocki
User Location Determination Strategy in a Low Earth Orbit Satellite Network, Jaehee Lee
A Mammographic Registration Method Based on Optical Flow and Multiresolution Computing, Kevin A. Lee
Atmospheric Turbulence Scintillation Effects on Wavefront Tilt Estimation, James A. Louthain
A Reconfigurable Superscalar Architecture, Christopher B. Mayer
A Crosstalk Correcting Router That Uses Online Noise Simulation to Route High Speed Multichip Modules, Kenneth J. McClellan Jr.
Using Cross-Eye Techniques to Counter Radio Frequency Agile Monopulse Processing, Gregory J. Meyer
Manual Tracking Flight Control with Amplitude and Rate Constrained Dynamic Actuators, Russel B. Miller
Atmospheric Induced Errors in Space-Time Adaptive Processing, Vinod D. Naga
Cepstral Processing for GPS Multipath Detection and Mitigation, Charles D. Ormsby
Scattering from Dielectric Bodies, Jeffery M. Parks
FPGA Processor Implementation for the Forward Kinematics of the UMDH, Steven M. Parmley
Applications of Unsupervised Clustering Algorithms to Aircraft Identification Using High Range Resolution Radar, Dzung Tri Pham
Autonomous Construction of Multi Layer Perceptron Neural Networks, Thomas F. Rathbun
Speaker Verification in the Presence of Channel Mismatch Using Gaussian Mixture Models, Robert B. Reid
A Framework for an Automated Compilation System for Reconfigurable Architectures, George R. Roelke IV
Architecture, Design, and Implementation of a Rapidly Prototyped Virtual Environment for a Military Spaceplane, Scott A. Rothermel
A Wire Antenna Designed for Space Wave Radiation over the Earth Using a Genetic Algorithm, Brian S. Sandlin
Net-Centric Design and Analysis of Information Systems, Timothy R. Schmoyer
Extracting Functionally Equivalent Object-Oriented Designs from Legacy Imperative Code, Ricky E. Sward
Evaluation of a Maximum A-Posteriori Slope Estimator for a Hartmann Wavefront Sensor, Troy B. Van Caster
A Performance Analysis of the Faugeras Color Space as a Component of Color Histogram-Based Image Retrieval, Chad A. Vander Meer
Microprogramming a Writeable Control Memory using Very Long Instruction Word (VLIW) Compilation Techniques, Randall S. Whitman
Modeling Intelligent Control of Distributed Cooperative Inferencing, Edward M. Williams
Electromagnetic Scattering from a Cavity in a Ground Plane: Theory and Experiment, William D. Wood Jr.
Modeling and Simulation Support for Parallel Algorithms in a High-Speed Network, Dustin E. Yates
Parameter Estimation for Real Filtered Sinusoids, Daniel R. Zahirniak
Theses/Dissertations from 1996
Pulse Coupled Neural Networks for the Segmentation of Magnetic Resonance Brain Images, Shane L. Abrahamson
Requirements, Design, and Development of a Rapidly Reconfigurable, Photo-Realistic, Virtual Cockpit Prototype, Terry A. Adams
A Two-Phase Damped-Exponential Model for Speech Synthesis, H. Allan Arb
Evaluation of Segmentation for Bone Structures in 3D Rendering of Ultrasound Residual Limb Images, Min C. Baker
A Domain Independent Framework for Developing Knowledge Based Computer Generated Forces, James L. Benslay Jr.
Neural Network Classification of Environmental Samples, Jeffrey L. Blackmon
Inference Algorithm Performance and Selection under Constrained Resources, Brett J. Borghetti
Development of Object-Based Teleoperator Control for Unstructured Applications, Hyunki Cho
Electromagnetic Scattering from Semi-Infinite Planar Arrays, Peter J. Collins
Generalized Hidden Filter Markov Models Applied to Speaker Recognition, John M. Colombi
Structures and Techniques for Implementing and Packaging Complex, Large Scale Microelectromechanical Systems Using Foundry Fabrication Processes, John H. Comtois
Data-Driven Process Discovery: A Discrete Time Algebra for Relational Signal Analysis, David M. Conrad
Artificial Cochlea Design Using Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems, George C. Dalton II