"SATCOM General Purpose Modem DSCS III SCT Beacon Telemetry Display" by James D. Coppola

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science in Electrical Engineering


Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

First Advisor

Mark Mehalic, PhD


This thesis documents the design and implementation of a DSCS III single Channel Transponder (SCT) beacon telemetry display. The system is a personal computer based design which interfaces to three SCT beacon receiver/demodulators. The software was designed to decode and display both the DSCS III A and DSCS HI B satellite beacons. Recordings of the SCT beacon display can be made on paper and/or magnetic media when triggered by the user, a watchdog timer, or the SCT command accept telemetry bit. In addition, the system can be configured with an IRIG B Universal Time Coordinates (UTC) card which enables the software to determine the difference between the decoded SCT clock time and the local IRIG time source. Remoting the SCT configuration display is also possible using Hayes-compatible modems over a telephone link.

AFIT Designator


DTIC Accession Number



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