Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

First Advisor

Patricia K. Lawlis, PhD


Information overload has long been a problem in the fast moving technical field of software development. Yet quality information is needed to make informed decisions about buying software tools that help in software development. Computer Aided Software Engineering (CASE) tools help to coordinate and control information in large software developments. Many CASE tool purchases, however, are being based on ad hoc tool evaluation and selection methods which depend on biased vendor information. To capture specific knowledge about how to pick a tool for a given software development effort, a historical database that identifies important tool characteristics needed to be maintained by an unbiased organization and a mechanism (in the form of a decision support system) for interpreting that database needed to be made available. To address this deficiency, the Software Technology Support Center at Hill AFB in Utah was developing a CASE tool selection support tool, the STEMdB. This research accomplishes an analysis of this tool and suggests ways to make it more robust, portable and maintainable. It presents an object oriented approach to the design while addressing the issue of portability by accomplishing an Ada to Structured Query Language (SQL) abstract interface design.

AFIT Designator


DTIC Accession Number



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