Theses/Dissertations from 1996
A Methodology for Reengineering Relational Databases to an Object-Oriented Database, Pedro A. Linhares Lima
A Test-Case Based Approach to Bayesian Knowledge Base Incompleteness Detection and Correction, Louise J. Lyle
Perceptual Fidelity for Digital Color Imagery, Curtis E. Martin
Using Kriging to Interpolate Spatially Distributed Volumetric Medical Data, Stephen M. Matechik
A Crosstalk Correcting Router that Uses Online Noise Simulation to Route High-Speed Multichip Modules, Kenneth J. McClellan Jr.
Optimization of a GPS-Based Navigation Reference System, Jason B. McKay
Analysis of Linkage-Friendly Genetic Algorithms, Laurence D. Merkle
Integrating the Capability Maturity Model for Software and the Quality Air Force Criteria, Marshall B. Messamore
Linear and Non-Linear Preprocessing of Wavefront Sensor Slope Measurements for Improved Adaptive Optics Performance, Dennis A. Montera
Graphical Display of a Missile Endgame Scenario, Joseph E. Moritz
A Specific Network Link and Path Likelihood Prediction Tool, Gary K. Moy
Clustered Microcalcification Detection Using Optimized Difference of Gaussians, Edward M. Ochoa
The Development of a Scenario Translator for Distributed Simulations, Heon-Gyu Park
Interference Suppression for Spread Spectrum Signals Using Adaptive Beamforming and Adaptive Temporal Filter, Wonjin Park
Text-Independent, Open-Set Speaker Recognition, Stephen V. Pellissier
Maximum Likelihood Estimation of Exponentials in Unknown Colored Noise for Target Identification in Synthetic Aperture Radar Images, Matthew P. Pepin
SimWorx: An ADA Distributed Simulation Application Framework Supporting HLA and DIS, Earl C. Pilloud
Performance Analysis of a Hartman Wavefront Sensor Used for Sensing Atmospheric Turbulence Statistics, Toby D. Reeves
Microelectromechanical Isolation of Acoustic Wave Resonators, James R. Reid Jr.
Countering the Effects of Measurement Noise during the Identification of Dynamical Systems, Odell R. Reynolds
Evaluation of Design Tools for Rapid Prototyping of Parallel Signal Processing Algorithms, James C. Savage
An Approach to Evaluate Software Effectiveness, Timothy J. Schalick
Experimental Investigation of Radar Cross Section Spatial Correlation Properties for a Point Scattering Target, John D. Shannon
An Incremental Language Conversion Method to Convert C++ into Ada95, Ding-yuan Sheu
An Object-Oriented Discrete-Event Simulation System for Hierarchical Parallel Simulations, Kenneth W. Stauffer
Utilizing Data and Knowledge Mining for Probabilistic Knowledge Bases, Daniel J. Stein III
Survivability Analysis of the Iridium Low Earth Orbit Satellite Network, Douglas K. Stenger
Performance Study of Shared Versus Nonshared Bandwidth on a Packet-Switched Network, John P. Stevens
Student Modeling in an Intelligent Tutoring System, Jeremy E. Thompson
Collaborative Workspaces within Distributed Virtual Environments, William D. Wells
MMAE Detection of Interference/Jamming and Spoofing in a DPGS-Aided Inertial System, Nathan A. White
Solar System Modeler: A Distributed, Virtual Environment for Space Visualization and GPS Navigation, Gary E. Williams
On Unifying Time and Uncertainty: The Probabilistic Temporal Network, Joel D. Young
Weighted Mahalanobis Distance for Hyper-Ellipsoidal Clustering, Khaled S. Younis
Investigation of Radio Wave Propagation in the Martian Ionosphere Utilizing HF Sounding Techniques, Robert J. Yowell
Performance Study of a Brazilian Air Force Data Communications Network, Oswaldo Zanelli
Speaker Recognition by Hidden Markov Models and Neural Networks, Erik J. Zeek
A Software Architecture for Computer Generated Forces in Complex Distributed Virtual Environments, Vincent B. Zurita
Theses/Dissertations from 1995
Design and Evaluation of Standard Telerobotic Control Software, Kevin P. Anchor
Acquiring Consistent Knowledge for Bayesian Forests, Darwyn O. Banks
Evaluation of the Sensitivity of Radar Cross Section Predictions to Uncertainties in Material Characteristics, Greg A. Barnhart
Scattering from Finite by Infinite Periodic Arrays with Arbitrary Piecewise-Linear Slot Elements, Paul R. Barre
Transforming Algebraically-Based Object Models into a Canonical Form for Design Refinement, Charles G. Beem
Identification and Evaluation of Monitoring Techniques for the Performance of a Communication Network, Maureen E. Borgia
Space Object Identification Using Spatio-Temporal Pattern Recognition, Gary W. Brandstrom
A Differential GPS Aided INS for Aircraft Landings, Ryan L. Britton
Optimal Inputs for System Identification, James M. Brown II
A Quantitative Feedback Theory FCS Design for the Subsonic Envelope of the Vista F-16 Including Configuration Variation and Aerodynamic Control Effector Failures, Vicent J. Cacciatore
Biomedical Data Interpolation for 3-D Visualization, Ming-Chung Chen
Computer Aided Detection of Microcalcifications Utilizing Texture Analysis, Ronald C. Dauk
Design and Analysis of a Navigation System Using the Federated Filter, Stephen J. Delory
The Automated Wingman: An Airborne Companion for Users of DIS Compatible Flight Simulators, Mark M. Edwards
Design, Fabrication, Processing, and Testing of Micro-Electro-Mechanical Chemical Sensors, Brian S. Freeman
An Architecture for Dynamic Meta-Level Process Control for Model-Based Troubleshooting, John E. Friskie
The Application of Hybridized Genetic Algorithms to the Protein Folding Problem, Robert L. Gaulke
Formal Foundations for the Specification of Software Architecture, Mark J. Gerken
Probabilistic Knowledge Base Validation, Howard T. Gleason
Tolerance Theory of Periodic Surfaces, James A. Godsey
Visage: Improving the Ballistic Vulnerability Modeling and Analysis Process, Brett F. Grimes
Objectism 3.0: A Software Architecture for the Development of Portable Visual Simulation Applications, Shawn M. Hannan
Velocity Determination for an Inverted Pseudolite Navigation Reference System, Jeffrey M. Hebert
A Neural Network Approach to the Prediction and Confidence Assignation of Nonlinear Time Series Classifications, Erin S. Heim
An Object-Oriented, Formal Methods Approach to Organizational Process Modeling, Vincent S. Hibdon
Temporal Influence on Awareness, Don E. Hill
Semantic Interpretation of an Artificial Neural Network, Stanley D. Kinderknecht
Full Envelope Control of Nonlinear Plants with Parameter Uncertainty by Fuzzy Controller Scheduling, Thomas J. Kobylarz
Design and Fabrication of a Micromechanical Gyroscope, Richard M. Kuhns
Reducing Lag in Virtual Displays Using Multiple Model Adaptive Estimation, David W. Kyger
Narrowband Interference Suppression in Spread Spectrum Communication Systems, James A. Lascody
Analysis and Extension of Model-based Software Executives, Keith E. Lewis
Effects of Jamming and Excision Filtering Upon Error Rates and Detectability of a Spread Spectrum Communication System, Christopher B. Madden
Wing Flexure Compensation for Aircraft Attitude and Position Determination in an Inverted Carrier-Phase Positioning System, Bradley W. Mahlum
Design and Analysis of Parallel Hierarchical Battlefield Simulation, Conrad P. Masshardt
Optimal Formation Flight Control, Shawn B. McCamish
Detection of Clustered Microcalcifications Using Wavelets, Donald A. McCandless
Investigation of Ground Target Detection Methods in Fully Polarimetric Wide Angle Synthetic Aperture Radar Images, Wayne B. McLaggan
Ohmic Contact to Ion Implanted Gallium Arsenide Antimonide for Application to Indium Aluminum Arsenide-Gallium Arsenide Antimonide Heterostructure Insulated-Gate Field Effect Transistors, Kenneth G. Merkel II
Design, Fabrication, Modeling, and Testing of Surface-Micromachined Micromirror Devices, M. Adrian Michalicek
Deriving Optimal Solutions from Incomplete Knowledge Bases, Shawn A. Northrop
A Comparison of Loose and Tight GPS/INS Integration Using Real INS and GPS Data, Warren H. Nuibe
Design of Flight Control Laws for Aircraft with Flexible Wings Using Quantitative Feedback Theory, Christina L. Osmon
Design and Development of Microswitches for Micro-Electro-Mechanical Relay Matrices, Mark W. Phipps
Computer-Aided Diagnosis of Mammographic Masses, William E. Polakowski
Three Dimensional Inverse Synthetic Aperture Radar Imaging, Jack D. Pullis
Electroencephalography: Subdural Multi-Electrode Brain Chip, John E. Rosenstengel
Neural Network Analysis of Chemical Compounds in Nonrebreathing Fisher-344 Rat Breath, Robert E. Sackett Jr.
Maximum Likelihood Estimation of Wave Front Slopes using a Hartmann-type Sensor, Scott A. Sallberg
Dynamic Transfer of Control between Manned and Unmanned Simulation Actors, Neal W. Schneider
Design, Fabrication and Characterization of Micro Opto-Electro-Mechanical Systems, Darren E. Sene
Characterization of Atmospheric Turbulence over Long Horizontal Paths Using Optical Slope Measurements, Eric E. Silbaugh
Multiple Model Adaptive Control of the Vista F-16, Michael J. Stepaniak
Improving the Morse Intercept Operator's Audio Display, Jesse M. Washburn
Determination of the Temperature Coefficients of Selected Material Constants of Dilithium Tetraborate, Gregory S. Weaver
Binary Gas Mixture Analysis with an Interdigitated Gate Electrode Field Effect Transistor (IGEFET) Microsensor, John M. Wiseman
Theses/Dissertations from 1994
An Analysis of Bayesian Networks as Classifiers, Gregory C. Ahlquist
Dyadic Wavelet Features for Isolated Word Speaker Dependent Speech Recognition, Stephen Ainge
Generalized Probabilistic Reasoning and Empirical Studies on Computational Efficiency and Scalability, Eric P. Baenen
The Enhanced Performance of an Integrated Navigation System in a Highly Dynamic Environment, Brian J. Bohenek
Rapid and Accurate Timing Simulation of Radiation-Hardened Digital Microelectronics Using VHDL, Charles P. Brothers Jr.
Next Generation Real-Time Systems: Investigating the Potential of Partial-Solution Tasks, Robert E. J. Caley