Theses/Dissertations from 1993
A Non-Homogeneous, Spatio-temporal, Wavelet Multiresolution Analysis and Its Application to the Analysis of Motion, Thomas J. Burns
Using Database Technology to Support Domain-Oriented Application Composition Systems, Danny A. Cecil and Joseph A. Fullenkamp
Three Dimensional Object Recognition Using a Complex Autoregressive Model, David E. Chelen
Object-Oriented Database Access from Ada, Li Chou
Developing a Sophisticated User Interface to Support Domain-Oriented Application Composition and Generation Systems, Jay A. Cossentine
On the Automation of Object-Oriented Requirements Analysis, Nancy L. Crowley
Design of a Hardware Discrete Event Simulation Coprocessor, David W. Daniel
A Parallel Computational Fluid Dynamics Unstructured Grid Generator, Deborah E. Davis
Self-Referenced Speckle Holography (SRSH) Image Reconstruction Performance, John R. Devey
Frequency Domain Speech Compression Using the Karhunen-Loeve Transform, Donald W. Dryley
Object Imaging Accomplished with an Integrated Circuit Robotic Tactile Sensor Incorporating a Piezoelectric Polyvinylidene Fluoride Thin Film, John M. Emmert
Weapon System Sensor Integration for a Dis-Compatible Virtual Cockpit, Matthew N. Erichsen
A Physics-Based Heterojunction Bipolar Transistor Model for Integrated Circuit Simulation, James A. Fellows
Multiple Model Adaptive Control of a Large Flexible Space Structure with Purposeful Dither for Enhanced Identifiability, James A. Fitch
Vulnerability Assessment Using a Fuzzy Logic Based Method, Richard W. Fleming
Design Analysis of a Combined Optical-LADAR Deep-Space Surveillance Satellite, Bradley K. Fournier
Predicting Nonlinear Time Series, James C. Gainey Jr.
A Distributed Interactive Simulation Based Remote Debriefing Tool for Red Flag Missions, Michael T. Gardner
Weapon System Integration for the AFIT Virtual Cockpit, William E. Gerhard Jr.
Analyzing Adaptive Beamformer Performance in a Stable Multipath Environment, Mark Godino
Alternative Architectures for Domain-Oriented Application Composition and Generation Systems, Warren E. Gool
Enhanced Tracking of Airborne Targets Using Forward Looking Infrared and Laser Return Measurements, Patrick J. Grondin
An Immersive Synthetic Environment for Observation and Interaction with a Large Volume of Interest, Rex G. Haddix III
Performance Measurement of Three Commercial Object-Oriented Database Management Systems, Timothy J. Halloran
Filtering, Coding, and Compression with Malvar Wavelets, Stephen R. Hall
Incorporation of Carrier Phase Global Positioning System Measurements into the Navigation Reference System for Improved Performance, Neil P. Hansen
Analysis and Simulation of a GPS Receiver Design Using Combined Delay-Lock and Modified Tanlock Loops, George D. Harris
Developing Realistic Cooperative Behaviors for Autonomous Agents in Air Combat Simulation, Dean P. Hipwell
Developing Realistic Behaviors in Adversarial Agents for Air Combat Simulation, George S. Hluck
Development of a 4-Bit Parallel Analog-To-Digital Converter and a Four- Quadrant Double-Balanced Mixer Using Heterojunction Bipolar Transistor Technology, Scott F. Jokerst
Radar Cross Section Visualization Using Sample Buffer Progressive Refinement Volume Rendering, Alain L. Jones
Partitioning Structural VHDL Circuits for Parallel Execution on Hypercubes, Kevin L. Kapp
Design of a Flight Controller for an Unmanned Research Vehicle with Control Surface Failures Using Quantitative Feedback Theory, Mark S. Keating
Identity Verification Through the Fusion of Face and Speaker Recognition, John G. Keller
Investigation into Formalization of Domain-Oriented Parallel Software Development, Daniel P. King
Processing of Wide-Angle Synthetic Aperture Radar Signals for Target Detection, Kurt W. Knurr
A Virtual Environment for Satellite Modeling and Orbital Analysis in a Distributed Interactive Simulation, Andrea A. Kunz
Multiple Model Adaptive Estimation Applied to the LAMBDA URV for Failure Detection and Identification, David W. Lane
Comparison of a Distributed Kalman Filter Versus a Centralized Kalman Filter with Fault Detection Considerations, Paul J. Lawrence Jr.
Application of Sequence Comparison Methods to Multisensor Data Fusion and Target Recognition, Edmund W. Libby
Toward Reusable Graphics Components in Ada, Sam-Kyu Lim
Investigation into Model-Based Fuzzy Logic Control, Michael W. Logan
Interactive Control of a Parallel Simulation from a Remote Graphics Workstation, Douglas C. Looney
Optical Wavelet Transform for Fingerprint Identification, Robert P. MacDonald
Characterization of Laboratory Generated Turbulence by Optical Phase Measurements, Eric P. Magee
Integration and Enhancement of the Saber Wargame, Karl S. Mathias
Rendering the Out-the-Window View for the AFIT Virtual Cockpit, W. Dean McCarty
Color Image Segmentation, Kimberley A. McCrae
Phased Array Antenna Analysis Using Hybrid Finite Element Methods, Daniel T. McGrath
Using Discovery-Based Learning to Prove the Behavior of an Autonomous Agent, David N. Mezera
Developing a Graphical User Interface to Support a Real-Time Digital Signal Processing System, Jeffrey C. Miller
Evaluation of an Acoustic Charge Transport (ACT) Device for Adaptive Interference Suppression in Spread Spectrum Communications Systems, Michael S. Mills
Failure Detection, Isolation, and Recovery in an Integrated Navigation System, William B. Mosle III
An Object-Oriented Database Interface for Ada, Anthony D. Moyers
Development of a Performance Evaluation Tool (MMSOFE) for Detection of Failures with Multiple Model Adaptive Estimation (MMAE), Robert L. Nielsen
Genetic Algorithms Applied to a Mission Routing Problem, James B. Olsan
System Design Analysis of a Lightweight Laser Satellite Terminal, Brian C. Page
Experimental Verification of Tomographic Reconstruction of Turbulent Air Flow Structure Using Optical Wavefront Measurements, Bryon L. Pedersen
Performance Comparison of Shearing Interferometer and Hartmann Wave Front Sensors, Timothy L. Pennington
A Prototype Architecture for an Automated Scenario Generation System for Combat Simulations, Mark W. Pfefferman
Detection of Low-Intensity Magnetic Fields with a Magnetostrictive Fiber Optic Sensor, Laura L. Picon
The AFIT Multielectrode Array for Neural Recording and Simulation: Design, Testing, and Encapsulation, James R. Reid Jr
Design of a Shared Coherent Cache for a Multiple Channel Architecture, John A. Reisner
Design and Performance Evaluation of a Gas Chromatograph Micromachined in a Single Crystal Silicon Substrate, Rocky R. Reston
Design of a Subsonic Envelope Flight Control System for the Vista F-16 Using Quantitative Feedback Theory, Odell R. Reynolds
A Method for Populating the Knowledge Base of APTAS, a Domain-Oriented Application Composition System, Raleigh A. Sandy III
Control of a Large Space Structure Using Multiple Model Adaptive Estimation and Control Techniques, Gregory J. Schiller
Neural Networks for Dynamic Flight Control, Ronald E. Setzer
Handwritten Word Recognition Based on Fourier Coefficients, Gary F. Shartle
ObjectSim - A Reusable Object Oriented DIS Visual Simulation, Mark I. Snyder
Graphical Tools for Situational Awareness Assistance for Large Battle Spaces, Brian B. Soltz
An Analysis of FM Jamming and Noise Quality Measures, Timothy N. Taylor
Radome Depolarization Effects on Monopulse Receiver Tracking Performance, Michael A. Temple
Object Interaction in a Parallel Object-Oriented Discrete-Event Simulation, Walter G. Trachsel
Development of an Air-to-Air Refueling Automatic Flight Control System Using Quantitative Feedback Theory, Dennis W. Trosen
Domain Modeling of Time-Dependent Systems, Robert W. Waggoner
A Method for Populating the Knowledge Base of AFIT's Domain-Oriented Application Composition System, Russell M. Warner
Development of a Visual System Interface to Support a Domain-Oriented Application Composition System, Timothy L. Weide
Domain Analysis and Modeling of a Model-Based Software Executive, Robert L. Welgan
Synthetic Battlebridge: Information Visualization and User Interface Design Applications in a Large Virtual Reality Environment, Kirk G. Wilson
ANNS An X Window Based Version of the AFIT Neural Network Simulator, Ching-Seh Wu
A Distributed Object-Oriented Database Application Design, Hsin-Feng Edward Wu
Theses/Dissertations from 1992
Creating and Manipulating Formalized Software Architectures to Support a Domain-Oriented Application Composition System, Cynthia G. Anderson
Co-Channel Speaker Separation, Thomas S. Andrews
A Model for Determining Task Set Schedulability in the Presence of System Effects, Rusty O. Baldwin
Comparison of Synchronization Techniques for the AFIT Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum System, Edward A. Bednar
An Object-Oriented Computer Aided Design Program for Traditional Control Systems Analysis, Wayne E. Bell
An Analysis of USSPACECOM's Space Surveillance Network (SSN) Sensor Tasking Methodology, Jeff M. Berger, Joseph B. Moles, and David G. Wisley
Spatial Partitioning of a Battlefield Parallel Discrete-Event Simulation, Kenneth C. Bergman
An Investigation of Structural Locality in the Memory Referencing Behavior of Computer Programs, Michael E. Bletzinger
Optical HAAR Wavelet Transforms using Computer Generated Holography, Peter G. Block
Formalization and Transformation of Informal Analysis Models into Executive REFINE™ Specifications, Mary M. Boom and Bradley D. Mallare
Real Image Visual Display System, James R. Brandt
Parallel Simulation of Structural VHDL Circuits on Intel Hypercubes, Thomas A. Breeden
Distributed Ray Casting for High-Speed Volume Rendering, Patricia L. Brightbill
The Detection and Correlation Modeling of Rayleigh Distributed Radar Signals, Alan L. Buterbaugh
Automated Control of Aircraft in Formation Flight, Louis E. Buzogany
Etann Hardware Implementation for Radar Emitter Identification, James B. Calvin Jr.
Kalman Filter Tracking of A Ballistic Missile Using Forward Looking Infrared Measurements and Doppler Returns, Michael L. Ching