"ADA Implementation of an Object Data Repository" by Stephen P. Perucca

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science in Computer Science


Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

First Advisor

Thomas C. Hartrum, PhD


The many benefits of object-oriented software development such as encapsulation and extendibility have inspired numerous models of the object- oriented paradigm. Rumbaugh's Object Modeling Technique (OMT) is an object- oriented model that uses three submodels. The object, dynamic, and functional submodels of the OMT describe the data, behavioral, and processing aspects of a system by using entity-relationship, state-transition, and data flow models. Cross-links relate how the three submodels tie together. Two metamodels (models of models) of the OMT are developed using the OMT methodology and notation. The essential data elements of the OMT are abstracted into a data metamodel, and the graphical elements are abstracted into a drawing metamodel. Visual programming concepts and examples are briefly discussed. The OMT model is analyzed and designed using OMT object models. The data and drawing elements are modeled and implemented in standard Ada as object classes, associations, and aggregations. An object manager is developed to provide a generic core class, to maintain an object data repository, and to assert unique object identities. Instantiated examples (instance diagrams) verify the correctness of the metamodel designs. Problems encountered during development are discussed and recommendations are made to improve the OMT. Possible future research areas are presented.

AFIT Designator


DTIC Accession Number



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