Theses/Dissertations from 2007
An Evaluation of Organizational and Experience Factors Affecting the Perceived Transfer of U.S. Air Force Basic Combat Skills Training, Shirley D. Crow
Recommendations for a Standardized Program Management Office (PMO) Time Compliance Network Order (TCNO) Patching Process, Michael Czumak III
Microbial Degradation of Fuel Oxygenates under Aerobic Conditions, John M. Dietz
Rapid Runway Repair (RRR): An Optimization for Minimum Operating Strip (MOS) Selection, David J. Duncan
Internal Versus External for Small Weapons Systems, Joseph S. Elkins
Using Value-Focused Thinking to Evaluate the Use of Innovative Stormwater Management Technologies on Air Force Installations, Jeffrey T. Falcone
The Impact of Human Capital on the Cost of Air Force Acquisition Programs, Jeffrey C. Feuring
Towards the Development of a Defensive Cyber Damage and Mission Impact Methodology, Larry W. Fortson Jr.
An Analysis of the Impact of Defense Acquisition Reforms and External Factors on Schedule Growth of Defense Weapon Systems, Michael P. Giacomazzi III
The Effects of Orthophosphate as a Copper Corrosion Control Inhibitor in High Alkalinity Drinking Water Systems, Stephen Grace
Aerobic Biodegradation of Fuel Oxygenates, Adam M. Gutshall
An Analysis of the Balance of Management Technical and Leadership Progression through the Three USAF Officer Tiers, Matthew J. Heath Van Horn
Biofiltration as a Viable Alternative for Air Pollution Control at Department of Defense Surface Coating Facilities, David M. Hudock
Information Management Principles Applied to the Ballistic Missile Defense System, John M. Koehler II
Selecting Electricity Generation Sources in Remote Locations, Kelly E. Kwan
Contract Delays: The Impact of Department of Defense (DoD) Contractors' Wealth, Jacqueline M. Leskowich
Mapping Change Management: A Co-citation Analysis, Brian R. Low
Triangulating Social Capital Measurement for Turnover Research: Applications to the U.S. Military, Frederic W. Lunas
Decision Analysis with Value Focused Thinking as a Methodology to Select Building for Deconstruction, Erika E. Maiorano
A Comparative Assessment of the Knowledge Management Leadership Approaches within the Department of Defense, Tommy V.S. Marshall II
Work-Home Conflict: A Study of the Impact of Role Conflict on U.S. Air Force Company Grade Officer Turnover Intentions, Gavain M. McDonald
Real Options as a Stragetic Management Framework: A Case Study of the Operationally Responsive Space Initiative, Robert H. Mitchell Jr.
South Korea's Current Status of FMS, Hyoungill Moon
Characterization Patterns of MILCON Project Contract Modifications, Tyler K. Nielsen
The Costs of Not Using Green Design in the USAF: Would Using Green Building Design Have Resulted in Life Cycle Cost Savings?, John Kimball Osborne
A Meta-Analysis of Questionaire Response Rates in Military Samples, Michael R. Parrish
Predicting Group Performance Using Cohesion and Social Network Density: A Comparative Analysis, Frederick W. Peterson
Air Mobility Command's EN Route Support Infrastructure: A Construct of Aircraft Type and Geographic Location Utilized to Assess En Route Aircraft Logistics Support, Robert D. Polomsky
Development of a Screening Model for Design and Costing of an Innovative Tailored Granular Activated Carbon Technology to Treat Perchlorate-Contaminated Water, William C. Powell
Internet Protocol Geolocation: Development of a Delay-Based Hybrid Methodology for Locating the Geographic Location of a Network Node, John M. Roehl
Indentifying and Assessing Effective Mechanisms for Technology Transfer, Michael A. Romero
Cost Growth in Weapons Systems: Re-Examining Rubber Baselines and Ecomonic Factors, Philip E. Ruter II
Strategic Planning to Conduct Joint Force Network Operations: A Content Analysis of NETOPS Organizations Strategic Plans, Antonio J. Scurlock
Modeling In Situ Bioremediation of Perchlorate-Contaminated Groundwater, Roland E. Secody
Identifying Knowledge, Skill, and Ability Requirements for 33Sx Officers in Deployed Environments, Douglas M. Simmers
Assessing the Impact of the Work Environment on Training Trasfer: An Investgation of the Air Force Acquisition Management Course, Anita C. Springs
Price vs. Performance: The Value of Next Generation Fighter Aircraft, John M. Stelly
The Net Effects of Social Network Density and Organizational Citizenship Behavior on Group Performance, Clifford M. Theony
Management Versus Non-Management Knowledge Transfer from Training to Real Work Environments: A Meta-analysis, Robert P. Toney
A Project Manager's Personal Attributes as Predictors for Success, Vhance V. Valencia
Characterization of Chlorinated Ethene Degradation in a Vertical Flow Constructed Wetland, James M. Waldron
The Effects of Career Broadening on Leadership Development, S. David Walker
The Perveived Effectiveness of Mentoring by Company Grade Officers in the United States Air Force, Jason B. Wolff
A Comparative Assessment of Knowledge Management Education Across the United States Department of Defense, Gary Lee Wright
Theses/Dissertations from 2006
Developing an Aggregate Marginal Cost per Flying Hour Model for the U.S. Air Force's F-15 Fighter Aircraft, Patrick D. Armstrong
A Comparative Usability and End-User Satisfaction Analysis of Two Geographic Information System (GIS) Applications, Mark E. Barner
Usability and Accessibility of Air Force Intranet Web Sites, Richard S. Bentley
Forecasting Mental Health Care Cost for OIF and OEF Veterans, Phil Andrew L. Bernal
Molecular Characterization of Wetland Soil Bacterial Community in Constructed Mesocosms, Ethan C. Bishop
A Comparative Assessment of Knowledge Management Programs across the United States Armed Services, Patrick L. Booker
Using Value-Focused Thinking to Evaluate the Practicality of Porous Pavement Parking Areas on Air Force Installations, Christopher D. Bulson
Building a Consensus Forecast for Crude Oil Prices, Kenneth W. Burke
Comparative Analysis of Airborne Chemical Exposure to Air Force Small Arms Range Instructors, Eric J. Cameron
Influence of Organizational Culture on the Relationship between Psychological Contracts and Organizational Citizenship Behavior, Jennifer M. Carbajal
A Market Reaction to DoD Contact Delay, Robert D. Carden
Analysis of Bacterial Population and Distribution in the Developing Strata of a Constructed Wetland Used for Chlorinated Ethene Bioremediation, Milton J. Clausen Jr.
Cost as an Independent Variable: A Study of its Continued Use by Aeronautical Systems Center's Programs and their Contractors to Set and Maintain Cost Objectives, Kevin W. Codrington
Estimating Required Contingency Funds for Construction Projects using Multiple Linear Regression, Jason J. Cook
Contemplating a New Model for Air Force Aerospace Medical Technician Skills Sustainment Training, Robert M. Corrigan
Development of an Evaluation Methodology for hazardous Waste Training Programs, Ryan A. Crowley
The Impact of the Defense Industry Consolidation on the Aerospace Industry, Judy B. Davis
Corporate Entrepreneurship Assessment Instrument (CEAI): Systematic Validation of a Measure, Tassika M. Davis
A Hedonic Approach to Estimating Software Cost Using Ordinary Least Squares Regression and Nominal Attribute Variables, Marc D. Ellis
Technology Transition: Guidance versus Practice, Walter E. Espy
How Does the Political Nature of the Defense Acquisition Process Affect Cost Growth, Nikolaos Gounatidis
The Effects of Ability Homophily on Individual Performance, Michael J. Gray
Evaluating KM Journal Content: An Assessment of Trends (2000-2005), Donnie O. Harp
Buying a Better Air Force, Jenny O. Herald
Evaluating Alternatives for Drinking Water at Deployed Locations, Brian S. Hughes
The Effect of Major Organizational Policy on Employee Attitudes toward Graduate Degrees, Frank R. Hughes
Indigenous Architecture for Expeditionary Installations, Matthew B. Hutchings
A Graph Theoretic Analysis of the Effects of Organizational Structure on Employee Social Networks, John R. Hutzel
High Performance Individuals and How They Manage Their Personal Knowledge for Decision-Making: An Exploratory Study of US Air Force Leaders, Kenneth M. Ivey
An Analysis of USAF Aircraft Noise and Hedonic Property Values, Melissa R. Johnson
Evaluation of Microbial Diversity in Wetland through Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) and Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism (RFLP), Gregory K. Joseph
A Decision Model for Choosing among Photovoltaic Technologies to Generate Electricity at Grid-Connected Air Force Facilities: A Value-Focused Approach, Mostyn O. Kellner
Comparative Analysis of Biosurveillance Methodologies, David M. Kempisty
Formal and Informal Work Group Relationships with Performance: A Moderation Model Using Social Network Analysis, Benjamin R. Knost
Use and Effectiveness of Contract Schedule Incentives in Air Force Materiel Command, Rodrick A. Koch
AFMC Civilian Retention: Forecasting Policy on the Future of the Civilian Workforce, Dex Y. Landreth
A Comparative Analysis of Transmission Control Protocol Improvement Techniques over Space-Based Transmission Media, Joseph M. Lawson
Effect of Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC) on Real Estate Values, Kevin R. Mantovani
Roadblocks to Software Modernization, Dyan E. McClamma
Challenges Facing Military Organizational Cultural Reform: A study of the 2004 Air Force Materiel Command Reorganization, Joy D. Mikulcik
The Longitudinal Effect of Self-Monitoring and Locus of Control on Social Network Position in Friendship Networks, Gary J. Moore
Investigating Barriers to Knowledge Management: A Case Study of the Air Force Center of Excellence for Knowledge Management, Edgar L. Myers IV
An Exploration of the Effects of Genetic Drift on the Endangered Red-Cockaded Woodpecker, Ryan E. Nelson
Moderating Effects of Perceived Organizational Support on the Relationship between Job Satisfaction and Turnover Intentions for Recently Retrained USAF Enlisted Members, Jennifer A. Phelps
Selecting Energy Efficient Building Envelope Retrofits to Existing Department of Defense Building Using Value Focused Thinking, David M. Pratt
An Evaluation of How Organizational Culture Can Perpetuate a Formal Mentoring Relationship, Daniel J. Rieker
An Asymmetrical Look at Air Force Human Capital Management: More Emphasis on Qualifications and Less on Rank, Daniel M. Romano
Factors Impacting Key Management Effectiveness in Secured Wireless Networks, Yongjoo Shin
The Impact of Economic Factors and Acquisition Reforms on the Cost of Defense Weapon Systems, James P. Smirnoff
Leadership in Groups: Social Networks and Perceptions of Formal and Informal Leaders, Mitchell D. Stratton
Acquisition Program Re-Baselines: Theory and Practice, Troy A. Suarez
Technology Transfer: A Qualitative Analysis of Air Force Office of Research and Technology Applications, David C. Trexler
A Decision Analysis Tool for the Source Selection Process, John R. Trumm
Investigation of Copper Contamination and Corrosion Scale Mineralogy in Aging Drink Water Distributions Systems, Nadja F. Turek
In Vitro Toxicity of Aluminum Nanoparticles in Rat Alveolar Macrophages, Andrew J. Wagner
Modeling Study to Quantify the Benefits of Groundwater Contaminant Source Remediation, David E. Wagner