"Technology Transition: Guidance versus Practice" by Walter E. Espy

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Department of Systems Engineering and Management

First Advisor

Sonia E. Leach, PhD


The transition of technologies ensures that U.S. warfighters have the necessary capabilities to fight ever increasing and changing global threats. The purpose of this study is to discover to what extent the Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) is implementing known technology transition best practices. The research will look at the current guidance on technology transition and determine if it is being used by program managers within AFRL. The study will consider the technology transition process or processes expressly exercised within AFRL by surveying the perspectives and knowledge of program managers. An understanding of this process from the science and technology program manager's perspective should give insight into the implementation of technology transition guidance, transition roadblocks, collaboration methods, and views on technology transition guidance. An extensive review of the literature and analysis of the survey data led the author to propose the following recommendations: implement a technology transition team, co-locate AFRL program managers in program offices, and provide program management training for managers in the science and technology community. The results showed that only some aspects of technology transition best practices were being implemented, and that technology transition involves multiple organizations for its success. Program managers need multiple resources and the right knowledge to facilitate technology transition.

AFIT Designator


DTIC Accession Number

