"A Comparative Assessment of Knowledge Management Programs across the U" by Patrick L. Booker

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Department of Systems Engineering and Management

First Advisor

Summer E. Bartczak, PhD


Knowledge is a corporate resource that is required to accomplish business processes, to make decisions, and to improve efficiency and effectiveness. To completely take advantage of the benefits of knowledge, organizations must harvest and leverage the collective knowledge of the entire workforce. This can be achieved through effective knowledge management. Knowledge management involves processes to create, to store, and transfer knowledge to accomplish business objectives and to achieve a competitive advantage. The United States armed services have also recognized the benefits of knowledge management in meeting the emerging challenges of modern warfare. This study investigated knowledge management programs in the U.S. Army, Navy, and Air Force. Using a case study methodology, each of the service's knowledge management programs were assessed against Stankosky et al.'s (1999) "Four Pillar Framework" which outlines key elements of leadership, technology, organization/culture, and learning associated with robust knowledge management programs. Based on the evidence reviewed for this research, the results indicate each of the services are making progress albeit with slightly different approaches towards a more mature KM program with the U.S. Army having the most complete approach according to the evaluation criteria. The research also revealed that there is much collaboration and work yet to be done among the services if the concepts of knowledge management are to be used to operate and fight more effectively as a joint force.

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