Theses/Dissertations from 2009
The Economic Impact of a Radiological Dispersal Device (RDE), Michael T. LeBrun
Dynamic Modeling of the Economic Impacts of a Terrorist Attack Using a Radiological Dispersion Device, Christopher B. Ledford
An Exploratory Social Network Analysis of Military and Civilian Emergency Operation Centers Focusing on Organization Structure, Joseph D. Legradi
The Hybrid Counterinsurgency Strategy: System Dynamics Employed to Develop a Behavioral Model of Joint Strategy, Ferdinand Maldonado
Analysis and Modeling of Motor Vehicle Crashes Involving Air Force Military Personnel, Antonios Markopoulos
Application of Reliability and Linear Regression to Enterprise Architecture in Support of the US Air Force's Capability Review and Risk Assessment, Peter C. Mastro and Richard L. Orcutt
A Metagenomic Analysis of Microbial Contamination in Aviation Fuels, Jerrod P. McComb
Task-Technology Fit Assessment of an Expertise Transfer System, Daphne R. McGill
Modeling of Aircraft Deicing Fluid Induced Biochemical Oxygen Demand in Subsurface-Flow Constructed Treatment Wetlands, William J. McLaughlin
Tailored Systems Architecture for Design of Space Science and Technology Missions Using DoDAF V2.0, Nicholas J. Merski
Value-Driven Enterprise Architecture Evaluation for the Joint Force Protection Advanced Security System, Craig E. Mills
Social Networking Website Users and Privacy Concerns: A Mixed Methods Investigation, Stephanie J. Mills
An Investigation of Knowledge Transfer and Retention in a Government Procurement Office, Garland T. Mobley
The Development of IT Suspicion as a Construct and Subsequent Measure, Matthew T. Olson
Methodology for Value-Driven Enterprise Architecture Development Goals: Application to DoDAF Framework, Justin W. Osgood
Shelter-In-Place: Indoor Exposure Assessment During an Airborne Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear (CBRN) Event, Robert D. Schmidtgoessling
An Analysis of Defense Information and Information Technology Articles: A Sixteen Year Perspective, Daniel K. Smith
Controlling Hazardous Noise and Dust within the Industrial Workforce Using a Simple Barrier, Daniel D. Sweeney
An Assessment of the Air Force Weather Agency's Readiness for Knowledge Management Initiatives, Daniel Tucker
Classification of Schedule Management Barriers Through Concept Mapping, Gregory W. Voth
The Emergence of a Content Acceptance Model (CAM): New Thoughts Regarding the Trial, Adoption, and Usage of New Media, Ryan G. Walinski
The Effect of Values on System Development Project Outcomes, Daniel B. Ward
An Economic Analysis of Military Family Housing: Should the Government Continue to Privatize?, Chad A. Woods
Evaluating the Influence of Past Gaming Experience on Learner Preferences and Motivation to Learn in a Military Training Environment, Steven D. Yelverton
Theses/Dissertations from 2008
An Analysis of Construction Cost and Schedule Performance, Michael J. Beach
Project Manager Personality as a Factor for Success, John D. Bedingfield
A Qualitative and Quantitative Assessment of Readiness for Organizational Change Literature, Andrew B. Burris
Romance of Leadership as a Leader Emergence Predictor, Troy A. Cerny
Impact of Language Immersion Programs on Foreign Language, Jean-Paul Chaussé
A Delphi Study of HIPAA Compliance to Battlefield Medical Evacuation, John A. Chessman
In Vitro Toxicity and Inflammation Response Induced by Copper Nanoparticles in Rat Alveolar Macrophages, Brian M. Clarke
An Analysis of Second-Tier Arms Producing Country Offset Policies: Technology Transfer and Defense Industrial Base Establishment, Brian S. Confer
An Analysis of Groundwater Flow Patterns in a Constructed Treatment Wetland Cell, Rebecca S. Corbin
Factors Leading to Effectiveness and Satisfaction in Civil Engineer Information Systems, Donald C. Crabtree
Development of a Screening Tool to Facilitate Technology of an Innovative Technology to Treat Perchlorate-Contaminated Water, Daniel A. Craig
Developing a Decision Model for Joint Improvised Explosive Device Defeat Organization (JIEDDO) Proposal Selection, Lyle M. Dawley, Lenore A. Marentee, and Alice Marie Long
Characterization of a Fluorescent Protein Reporter System, Sandra J. Dias
Strategies for Minimizing Monetary Loss in the Department of Defense Budget through Use of Financial Derivatives, Michael T. Edwards
Interoperability Measurement, Thomas C. Ford
Blending the Battlefield: An Analysis of Using Private Military Companies to Support Military Operations in Iraq, Heather L. Gallup
An Analysis of Competencies for Managing Science and Technology Programs, Sidney W. Goehring
A Multiple Case Study Analysis of Digital Preservation Techniques across Government, Private, and Public Service Organizations, David P. Gough
Modeling the Economic Impacts of Large Deployments on Local Communities, Aaron L. Gregory
Impacts of Weather Variations on Energy Consumption Efforts at U.S. Air Force Installations, James S. Griffin
Assessment of the Current Cultural Awareness and Training for the Air Force Contingency Contracting Officer, Reza A. Grigorian
An Analysis of Information Asset Valuation (IAV) Quantification Methodology for Application with Cyber Information Mission Impact Assessment (CIMIA), Denzil L. Hellesen
A Decision Tool to Evaluate Budgeting Methodologies for Estimating Facility Recapitalization Requirements, Krista M. Hickman
Evaluating Experiential Leader Development: A Programmatic of the Effectiveness of US Air Force Squadron Officer School Curricula, Jeffrey G. Holland
Bibliometrically Mapping Team Cognition Literature: A Co-citation Analysis, Ryan A. Howell
Position Characteristics and Their Relationship to Selection for Promotion, Juan A. Kays
What Constitutes an Act of War in Cyberspace, Kelli S. Kinley
Linking Embeddedness and Macroinvertebrate in Two Southwest Ohio Streams, Jonathan P. Kochersberger
Molecular Characterization of Wetland Soil Bacterial Communities in Constructed Mesocosms, Elisabeth M. Leon
Physical Attractiveness, Social Network Location, and Performance in the Military, Janell M. Lott
Software Assurance Best Practices for Air Force Weapon and Information Technology Systems - Are We Bleeding?, Ryan A. Maxon
In Vitro Toxicity of Aluminum Nanoparticles in Human Keratinocytes, Stephanie McCormack-Brown
A Case-Based Exploration of Task/Technology Fit in a Knowledge Management Context, Michael W. Moseley
A Delphi Study Assessing Long-term Access to Electronic Medical Records (EMR), Byron D. Nicholson
An Examination into How Group Performance is Influenced by Various Communication Channels, Jason C. Norgaard
Sustainable Design Policy and Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design Certification, David M. Nyikos
The Impact of Operations Tempo (OPTEMPO) on Intentions to Depart the Military. Does the Increase of OPTEMPO Cause Action, Nathan P. Olsen
Suspicion Modeling in Support of Cyber-Influence Operations/Tactics, Henry G. Paguirigan
Software Acquisition Improvement in the Aeronautical Systems Center, William A. Pogorzelski
An Analysis of the Design-Build Delivery Method in Air Force Military Construction, James W. Rosner
A Maturity Model and Architecture Definition to Support Graduate Distance Learning, Frank M. Saavedra
Three Models of Anthrax Toxin Effects on the MAP-Kinase Pathway and Macrophage Survival, Daniel J. Schneider
Optimization of Therapeutic Strategies for Organophosphate Poisoning, Gregory G. Seaman
Understanding the Emergence of Disruptive Innovation in the Air Force Science and Technology Organizations, David E. Shahady
An Analysis of Methodologies & Best Practices for Rapidly Acquiring Technologies to Meet Urgent Warfighter Needs, Charles D. Solomon
Selecting the Best Thermal Building Insulation Using a Multi-Attribute Decision Model, Theodore J. Sotoropolis
Optimal Adoption of Green Roofs: Hydrology and Public Finance Applications, Luke D. Stumme
Mining Association Rules between Credits in the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design for New Construction (LEED-NC) Green Building Assessment System, Benjamin J. Thomas
Oxygenation of the Root Zone and TCE Remediation: A Plant Model of Rhizosphere Dynamics, Ian F. Thompson
The Effects of Commercial Video Game Playing: A Comparison of Skills and Abilities for the Predator UAV, Johnny E. Triplett
Forecasting Flying Hour Costs of the B-1, B-2, and B-52 Bomber Aircraft, Stefanie L. Van Dyk
Comparative Kinetics and Distribution to Target Tissues of Organophosphates Using Physiologically-Based Pharmacokinetic Modeling, Rick E. Vermillion
How a Multidimensional View of Perceived Organizational Support Impacts Self-efficacy and task Understanding during Training for Boundary Spanning Tasks, R. Scott Wallace
An Exploratory Examination of Social Website Quality, Joseph B. Werling
A System Dynamic Model of Leader Emergence, Paul S. Wever
An Evaluation and Implementation Guide for Current Groundwater Mass Flux Measurement Practices, Jack G. Wheeldon III
An Empirical Investigation of Factors Influencing Knowledge Management System Success, John F. Whitfield Jr.
An Analysis of the Factors Affecting Training Transfer within the Work Environment, Daniel J. Williams
Risk Propensity and Knowledge Sharing Intentions of Individuals in a Downsized Organization, Ward G. Willis
A Cocitation Analysis of Crisis Management Literature, Elizabeth A. Yesué
High Performing Teams: The Moderating Effects of Communication Channels, Edgard I. Zamora
Theses/Dissertations from 2007
Beyond Passswords: Usage and Policy Transformation, Alan S. Alsop
Refinement of an Instrument to Assess Readiness for Knowledge Management, Landon C. Bailey
Assessing Perceptions of Knowledge Management Maturity/Capabilitites: A Case Study of SAF/FM, Aaron M. Blair
Professionalism in the Air Force: A Comparative Analysis of Commissioned Officers with Non-Commissioned Officers, Edward K. Boyd
The Effect of Downsizing on Attrition Rates in the Department of Defense (DoD), Tina M. Broas
Developing a Framwork for Evaluating Organizational Information Assurance Metrics Programs, Adam R. Bryant
Forecasting the KC-135 Cost Per Flying Hour: A Panel Data Analysis, Michael T. Bryant
Geospatial Informational Security Risks and Concerns of the U.S. Air Force GeoBase Program, Scott A. Bryant
An Analysis of the Military Retirement System: How Does Retirement Return Influence Retention?, Derren P. Burrell
Corporate Entrepreneurship Assessment Instrument (CEAI): Refinement and Validation of a Survey Measure, Michael S. Cates
The Effects of Social Network Centrality on Group Satisfaction, Peter M. Choi
Forecasting Demand for Civilian Pilots: A Cost Savings Approach to Managing Air Force Pilot Resources, Justin W. Collup