Theses/Dissertations from 2002
An Exploratory Analysis of the Impacts of Acquisition Reform Initiatives on Small Business Participation in the Aerospace Industry, Bruce J. Miller
Analyzing Differences between Public and Private Sector Information Resource Management: Chief Information Officer Challenges and Critical Technologies, Scott M. Mitchell
Determination of Chlorinated Solvent Contamination in an Upward Flow Constructed Wetland, Bryan C. Opperman
Application of Horizontal Flow Treatment Wells for In Situ Treatment of Perchlorate Contaminated Groundwater, Jeffrey C. Parr
Evaluating Air Force Civil Engineer's Current Automated Information Systems, Edward P. Phillips
Evaluation of Civil Engineering Operations Flight Competitive Sourcing Standards and Metrics, Ty A. Randall
Going the Distance with Distance Learning: An analysis of Motivational Factors that Influence E-Learning Course Completion Rates, Kevin A. Reynolds
Chromate Content Bias versus Overspray Particle Size in Three Aircraft Primer Paints, Brian S. Rhodes
Deception Detection: Study of Information Manipulation through Electronic Identity Theft-Email Forgery in the U.S. Military, Roy V. Rockwell
Hexavalent Chromium Dissociation from Overspray Particles into Fluid for Three Aircraft Primers, Richard A. Schilke
An Evaluation of Facility Maintenance and Repair Strategies of Select Companies, Christopher L. Sharp
An Analysis of the Knowledge and Skill Levels Required to Effectively Support Analytical Cost Decisions in Source Selections, Anthony L. Smith
An Analysis of Horizontal Flow Treatment Well Applicability for the Treatment of Chlorinated Solvent Contaminated Groundwater at United States Forces Korea Installations, Michael R. Staples
Predictability and Family Support: Effects on Air Force Organizational Outcomes, John R. Underhill
Comparative Energy and Cost Analysis between Conventional HVAC Systems and Geothermal Heat Pump Systems, David D. Vanderburg
Career Anchors of United States Air Force Information Systems Workers: A Turnover Predictor, Lee A. Wynne
The Predictive Validity of the AFIT Graduate Engineering and Environmental (GEEM) Admission Requirements, Charles C. Zitzmann
Characterization of the Surface Morphology of Bacillus Spores by Atomic Force Microscopy, Ruth A. Zolock
Aerospace Expeditionary Force Implementation and the Effect on Team Cohesion, Michael J. Zuhlsdorf
Theses/Dissertations from 2001
The Effect of Contextual-Based Training on Artifact-Based Deception Detection, Elizabeth A. Autrey
An Evaluation of Information Technology (IT) Outsourcing Determinants within the Department of Defense (DoD), Alexander J. Barelka
Dollarizing Qualitative Discriminators Used in Best Value Source Selections, Jason R. Borchers
Development of a Decision Framework for Knowledge Management Projects, William D. Bower
Factors Influencing Air Force Members' Tolerance of Fraternization, Amanda G. Brandau
Analysis and Evaluation of the Macroscopic Organizational Structure of Red Horse, Lance D. Clark
An Identification and Discussion of Key Success Factors in the Acquisition of Commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS-) Based Systems, John F. Corbett
An Analysis of the Computer and Network Attack Taxonomy, Richard C. Daigle
Influence of Feedback and Comment Labels on Information Sharing in a Computer Mediated Collaborative Environment, Gary D. Denney
United States Air Force Graduate Degrees from 1990 to 2000: A Comparison, Jonathan G. Downing
An Investigation of the Contracting Officer Career Pyramid, William B. Elyea
Optimization of Palladium-Catalyzed in Situ Destruction of Trichloroethylene-Contaminated Groundwater Using a Genetic Algorithm, Manuel Fernandez
The Effect of External Safeguards on Human-Information System Trust in an Information Warfare Environment, Gregory S. Fields
Predicting Software Development Cost for Command and Control Systems, Anthony W. Fife
Comparative Analysis of Traditional Versus Computer-Based Survey Instrument Response, Albert E. Franke IV
Evaluation of Strategy-Structure Fit of Space and Missile Systems Center Detachment 11, Tommy M. Gates
An Analysis of the Effectiveness of Pollution Prevention in Reducing Environmental Compliance Costs, Douglas W. Gilpin
Award Term Incentive Contracting: An Investigation of United States Air Force Strategic Purchasing, Rachael A. Harris
Influence of Personality Type and Anonymity on Participation in a Group Support System, Robert E. Hartmann
Factors Influencing the Air Force Cycle Ergometry Fitness Assessment, Heather M. Hunn
A System Dynamics Approach to Modeling Temperature Effects in Solid Waste, David A. Jokinen
Weapon System Environmental Life Cycle Cost Methodologies and Models, William H. Kale III
Dissolution of Chromium from Inhalable Primer Paint Particles into a Simulated Lung Fluid, David A. Kauth
A Delphi Assessment of the Digital Rosetta Stone Model, Don M. Kelley
The Affect of Varying Arousal Methods upon Vigilance and Error Detection in an Automated Command and Control Environment, Brent T. Langhals
Differences in Civil Engineer Perceptions of Change Based on Prior Training and Experience, Steven W. Lo
Analysis of Factors Influencing Tolerance of Fraternization, George J. Matusak III
Lifecycle Energy and Air Emission Differences between Electric and Internal Combustion Vehicles, David L. McCleese
Establishing a Career Development Plan for the System Support Manager, Noelia Mendoza
Chromate Content Bias as a Function of Particle Size in Aircraft Primer Paint Overspray, David B. Novy
Predictability, Work-Family Conflict, and Intent to Stay: An Air Force Case Study, Patrick J. Obruba
Organizational Design of Most Efficient Organization Air Force Civil Engineer Operations Flights, Jeffrey A. Payne
Estimating C-17 Operating and Support Costs: Development of a System Dynamics Model, Christopher D. Purvis
Determining the Value of Groundwater Contamination Source Removal: A Methodology, Benjamin C. Recker
Factors Affecting Exchange Relationships among Subordinates and Supervisors: A Study of Military Officers, Laurie K. Richter
Modeling Chlorinated Ethene Removal in the Methanogenic Zone of Constructed Wetlands: A System Dynamics Approach, Randall L. Roberts
Effects on the Red-Cockaded Woodpecker from Various Spatial and Temporal Applications of Management Practices, Chad F. Schroeder
Identification of Critical Roles of Program Managers and Contracting Officers, Daniel R. Shingledecker
Decision Analysis Methodology to Evaluate Integrated Solid Waste Management Alternatives for a Remote Alaskan Air Station, Mark J. Shoviak
Capturing the Policy that Air Force Raters Use When Writing Performance Appraisals on Junior Officers, Owen D. Stephens
A Model for Palladium Catalyzed Destruction of Chlorinated Ethenes in Contaminated Groundwater, Christopher M. Stoppel
Influence of Anonymity in a Group Problem-Solving Environment, Robert A. Sylvester
GSS Technology as a Moderator of Influence and Perceived Expertise, Kevin V. Thompson
A Critical Analysis of the Air Force's International Merchant Purchase Authorization Card (IMPAC) Program, Roy D. Thrailkill
A Delphi Expert Assessment of Professional Certification Programs for Contracting Personnel, Ronald L. Tougaw Jr.
An Analysis of Civil Engineer Officer Contingency Training, Rusty J. Vaira
A Case Study Analysis of the Overhead Rate Impact Model Used During the C-5 Maintenance Source Selection, William N. Ward
A Pharmacokinetic Study of the Effects of Stress and Exercise on Chemical Exposure, Karen M. Watson
Changing Organizations: A Meta-Analysis of Change Implementation Strategies' Effects on Organizational Outcomes, Jay A. Welborn
Core Competency Identification: Prescriptions for Air Force Major Commands to Follow, Richard E. Wells
Quantitative Validation of a Model of Chlorinated Ethene Natural Attenuation, Harold C. Young
Theses/Dissertations from 2000
Factors Affecting Perceptions of Ethics within Organizations: A Case Study of Organizations within Aeronautical Systems Center (ASC), David W. Carlson
Linking Engineer Career Orientation and Human Resource Management Practices: Does Fit Affect Retention?, Cynthia M. Davis
Effects of Moisture Content in Solid Waste Landfills, Craig P. Eck
Modeling the Effect of Nonlinear and Rate-limited Sorption on the Natural Attenuation of Chlorinated Ethenes, Peter P. Feng
In Situ Treatment of Chlorinated Ethene-Contaminated Groundwater Using Horizontal Flow Treatment Wells, Derek R. Ferland
Chromium Concentration Bias in the Particle Size Distribution of Primer Overspray, Joseph M. Fox
Analysis of the Air Force ISO 14001 Pilot Study Conducted by DoD, Rodney C. Harris
Cost Analysis between SABER and Design Bid Build Construction, Elwood Henry
Modeling Chlorinated Ethene Removal in Constructed Wetlands: A System Dynamics Approach, Colby D. Hoefar
The Influence of Outsourcing on Job Satisfaction and Turnover Intentions of Air Force Civil Engineer Company Grade Officers, James F. Kennedy
Empirical Evaluation of the Civil Engineer Career Pyramid and Career Guidance, Travis K. Leighton
Toxicity of Tolyltriazole to Bacillus Microorganisms, Christopher J. Leonard
Toxicity of Tolyltriazole To Gram-Positive Coccus Microorganisms, Heather L. Mitchell
Chromate Dissociation from Primer Paint in Simulated Lung Fluid, Tiffany J. R. Morgan
Organizational and Individual Effects on the Reporting of Wrongdoing in the Workplace, Brian M. Stumpe
A Pharmacokinetic Study of the Effects of Stress On Chemical Exposure, Sierra H. Suhajda
Use of Genetic Algorithms to Characterize Groundwater Contamination Source Areas, Chaz M. Williamson
Theses/Dissertations from 1999
Exploring the Management of Outsourcing and the Determination of Civil Engineering Minimum Manning Numbers in Order to Optimize Air Force Benefits, David J. Anason
Cost-Benefit Analysis of Cosolvent Flushing to Treat Groundwater Contamination Source Areas, Stacey L. Anason
Substrate Availability in Solid Waste Landfills, Brian D. Benter
Biodegradation of Aircraft Deicing Fluid Components in Soil, Baron W. Burke
High-Grade Paper Recycling: A Program Management Perspective, Rodger L. Carter
Textual Analysis of Environmental Compliance Assessment Program Findings, Arthur L. Gepner Jr.
Expeditious Method for Estimating Cleanup Costs at Department of Defense Installations in Korea, John M. Griffin
Expeditious Methods for Site Characterization and Risk Assessment at Department of Defense Hazardous Waste Sites in the Republic of Korea, Dean H. Hartman