Theses/Dissertations from 2004
Measuring Small Business Participation in Air Force Contracting: the Impact of Acquisition Reform, William C. Pike
Exploring Content Management Issues in Air Force On-Line Communities of Practice: A Multiple Case Study Approach, Jaime A. Rodriguez
Application of Horizontal Flow Treatment Wells for In Situ Treatment of MTBE-Contaminated GroundWater, Preston F. Rufe
An Experimental Investigation of Productivity Stratification and Knowledge Transfer in an Electronically Mediated Environment, Jachin Sakamoto
Identifying the Benefits of Knowledge Management in the Department of Defense: A Delphi Study, David P. Sasser
Organizing to Exploit the Information Domain: A Content Analysis of the Transformation Literature, Todd S. Schug
An Analysis of Factors That Have Influenced the Evolution of Information Assurance from World War I through Vietnam to the Present, Kelvin B. Scott
Policy Analysis of Chapter 101A, Readiness and Range Preservation, of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2004, William E. Sitzabee
An Analysis of Generational Differences among Active Duty Members, Stephanie M. Skibo
Characterization of Chlorinated Solvent Degradation Profile Due to Microbial and Chemical Processes in a Constructed Wetland, Teresa A. Sobolewski
An Evaluation of Formic Acid as an Electron Donor for Palladium (PD) Catalyzed Destruction of Nitroaromatic Compounds, Mark R. Stevens
Military Deployments as a Respite from Burnout: An Analysis of Gender and Family, Trevor T. Sthultz
Keys to Successful Implementation and Sustainment of Managed Maintenance for Healthcare Facilities, Elizabeth A. Waggoner
Making the Business Case for Sustainable Design in the Department of Defense, David M. Warnke
An Evaluation of Formate as an Electron Donor to Facilitate Palladium (PD) - Catalyzed Destruction of Chlorinated Aliphatic Hydrocarbons, Matthew D. Welling
Analysis and Forecasting of U.S. Navy Operating and Support (O&S) Costs for Rotary Aircraft, Christopher J. Wilkes
An Analysis of Generational Differences among Civil Servants, Stacey L. Williams
Fair Opportunity within Federal Contracting : A Delphi Study of Justice, John Wodochek
Entrepreneurial Mindset in Department of Defense (DOD) Organizations: Antecedents and Outcomes, Christopher C. Wood
Analysis of Army Reserve Officer Training Corps Cadet Behavioral Leadership and Development, Matthew S. Woodruff
The Predictive Validity of the AFIT Graduate Management Program Admission Requirements: a Reassessment and Extension, Sarah E. Woods
Theses/Dissertations from 2003
Exploring the Diversification Discount: A Focus on High-Technology Target Firms, Donald F. Adkins Jr.
Groundwater Flow through a Constructed Treatment Wetland, Jack A. Blalock
An Analysis of Engagement of Those Who Telecommute vs Those Who Do Not, Daniel J. Boeh
Modeling Catalytic Destruction of Subsurface Contaminants in Recirculating Wells, Kerry J. Cadena
Antecedents and Outcomes of End User Computing Competence, David A. Case
The Development of an Integrated Measure of Readiness for Change Instrument and its Application on ASC/PK, Steven W. Clark
Characterization of Chlorinated Solvent Degradation in a Constructed Wetland, Nathan D. Clemmer
Analyze the Air Force Methods for Facility Sustainment and Restoration, Ronald C. Cole
Decision Analysis Model for Refreshment of Geobase Imagery: Basis for Investment Strategy, Matthew S. Craig
A Proposed Military Construction Facility Investment Model, Andre R. Dempsey
Deception Detection in a Computer-Mediated Environment: Gender, Trust, and Training Issues, Monica A. Dziubinski
E-Procurement Success, Jason R. Eaton
Factors Affecting Innovation within Aeronautical Systems Center (ASC) Organizations - An Inductive Study, Eric D. Feil
An Economic Evaluation of Binary Cycle Geothermal Electricity Production, Crissie D. Fitzgerald
A System Dynamics Approach for Information Technology Implementation and Sustainment, Nathan W. Fonnesbeck
The Generalizability of Private Sector Research on Software Project Management in Two USAF Organizations: An Exploratory Study, Michael R. Garman
Strategies Leaders Should Use to Respond to Hostile Questions Regarding Organizational Changes: An Empirical Investigation, Michael S. Gore
An Analysis of Microbial Contamination in Military Aviation Fuel Systems, Harold W. Graef
Visualization of Career-Related Computer-Mediated Communication for Increased Knowledge Management, Marc A. Grayson
Understanding the Dynamic System of Terrorist - Government Interaction, John A. Hanrahan
Development of a Simplified Sustainable Facilities Guide, David F. Hargy
An Analysis of the Implementation of Acquisition Reform Initiatives and Contract Cost Variance, Mark A. Holbrook
An Analysis of Role Conflict and Role Ambiguity among Air Force Information Management Professionals, Michele E. Johnson
An International Study of Organizational Change: A Simultaneous Analysis of Process, Context, and Individual Attributes, Hee-Hyung Jung
Developing Cost per Flying Hour Factors for the Operations and Maintenance Phase of the Satellite Life Cycle, Anthony K. Kimbrough
A Study of the Efficacy of Unit Contingency Contracting Training, Jesse A. Kirstein
Optimizing an in Situ Bioremediation Technology to Manage Perchlorate-Contaminated Groundwater, Mark R. Knarr
Determining the Value of Automation in Commercial and USAF Supplier Evaluation Systems, Michael E. Knipper
Perceptions vs Reality: A Longitudinal Experiment in Influence Judgment Performance, Monti L. Knode
Analysis of Anion Distributions in the Developing Strata of a Constructed Wetland Used for Chlorinated Ethene Remediation, Joshua D. Kovacic
Training Effects on Judgment Accuracy in a Computer-Mediated Environment, Mark M. Lankowski
Integrating Cost as an Independent Variable Analysis with Evolutionary Acquisition - A Multiattribute Design Evaluation Approach, Marc T. Lewis
A Life Cycle Assessment and Economic Analysis of Wind Turbines Using Monte Carlo Simulation, Edward J. Liberman
A Study of Voluntary Turnover of Air Force Officers in Critically-Manned Career Fields, Jeffrey H. S. Lin
Analyzing Differences between Public and Private Sector Information Resource Management: Chief Information Officer Challenges and Critical Technologies, Scott M. Mitchell
Analysis of Air Force Civil Engineering Strategic Planning, Francis J. Mondo Jr.
An Analysis of the Federal Acquisition Streamlining Act and the Clinger-Cohen Act and Their Effect on Cost Overruns in Department of Defense Contracts, Andrew K. Mosier
Remote Sensing Systems Optimization for Geobase Enhancement, Steve J. Paylor
Palladium-Catalyzed Destruction of Nitro Aromatic-Contaminated Groundwater, Dennis Landon Phillips
Incorporating Organizational Culture into a Decision Framework for Identifying and Selecting Knowledge Management Projects, Jeffrey A. Phillips
The Effects of Technology Turnover on Workplace Productivity Perceptions, Robert W. Povlich Jr.
Evaluation of Personnel Parameters in Software Cost Estimating Models, Steven L. Quick
A Comparative Analysis of the Cost Estimating Error Risk Associated with Fly Away Costs vs Individual Components of Aircraft, Jonathan D. Ritschel
A Theoretical Framework for Turnover Intention of Air Force Enlisted Information Systems Personnel, Dan W. Smith
Instilling an Entrepreneurial Mindset in Department of Defense (DoD) Organizations: Evidence from Entrepreneurial Organizations in the Private Sector, Rochelle D. Smith
An Analysis of the Air Force Working Capital Fund's Performance and the Pricing Strategy of the Materiel Support Division, Lisa M. Stanley
Assessing Organization Culture Readiness for Knowledge Management Implementation: The Case of Aeronautical Systems Center Directorate of Contracting, Martin R. Trent
Combat Air Forces Campaign Level Modernization Planning-A Study in Group Decision Making, Ian L. Walker
Text Manipulation Judgment Accuracy: An Exploratory Study, Randy S. Wardak
Utility Assessment of Specificity in Upward Feedback Instruments for Leadership Development, Theresa M. Wardak
A Delphi Expert Assessment of Proactive Contracting in an Evolutionary Acquisition Environment, Gary L. Wellman
Human Resource Slack as an Antecedent to Instilling the Entrepreneurial Mindset within Department of Defense Organizations, Jason A. Whittle
A System Dynamics Investigation of Genetic Drift and Translocation in the Red-Cockaded Woodpecker Metapopulation, Jason E. Yates
Theses/Dissertations from 2002
An Anion Characterization of a Constructed Wetland Used for Chlorinated Ethene Remediation, Bradley M. Bugg
A Comparison of Modeling Approaches in Simulating Chlorinated Ethene Removal in a Constructed Wetland by a Microbial Consortia, Jason S. Campbell
Beyond A-76: How to Achieve the Goals without the Pain, Kurt A. Chelf
The Management of Energy Savings Performance Contracts (ESPCs), Ericka M. Dailey
Task Load and Automation Use in an Uncertain Environment, Mark A. Daly
Six Years after Its Passage, What Has Been the Impact of the Clinger-Cohen Act on the U.S. Air Force, Edward H. Drollette
A System Dynamics Approach to Modeling Aircraft System Production Break Costs, John J. Dubelko
Spectrum Management and the Global Positioning System: A Case Study in Interagency Coordination, John A. Enis
Groundwater Flow through a Constructed Treatment Wetland, Andrew C. Entingh
Admissions Criteria and Academic Performance in the AFIT Graduate Cost Analysis Program, Kenneth R. Garwood
An Empirical Investigation of Critical Factors Affecting the Ability of Public Entities to Compete in Public Private Competitions, Timothy J. Gilbride
COMPARE and Complexity - When is COMPARE Not Enough?, Chris E. Greiman
An Exploratory Study of the Air Force's Technical IT Infrastructure Flexibility, Yashua W. Gustafson
An Evaluation of GeoBEST Contingency Beddown Planning Software Using the Technology Acceptance Model, Shawn J. Jensen
Decision Analysis with Value Focused Thinking as a Methodology to Select Force Protection Initiatives for Evaluation, David M. Jurk
Decision Analysis with Value-Focused Thinking as a Methodology in Structuring the Civil Engineer Operations Flight, Dee Jay Katzer
An Evaluation of Public and Private Sector Housing Alternatives for Military Families, Lawrence P. Kokocha Jr.
An Investigation of Environmental Factors that Influence Knowledge Transfer in the Air Force, Darin A. Ladd
Analysis of Air Force Contingency Contracting Training Needs, Peter S. Lasch
How Can the Air Force Maximize the Value of Reverse Auctioning as a Pricing Technique?, Cynthia L. Marion-Mullins