"Formal and Informal Work Group Relationships with Performance: A Moder" by Benjamin R. Knost

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science in Engineering Management


Department of Systems Engineering and Management

First Advisor

Kent C. Halverson, PhD


Social networks have recently emerged in the management discipline as a unique way of studying individuals groups in organizations. While traditionally used in the analysis of un-bounded networks, applying social network analysis techniques to bounded work groups and organizational teams has become increasingly popular. Past research has established relationships between in-degree social network centrality and individual performance as well as social network density and overall group performance. This field study, conducted at a military training course, attempted to further refine this social network-performance relationship by modeling characteristics of both the formal and informal work group networks in relation to performance at the individual as well as group level. A sample of 406 students in 28 groups showed that individual performance is positively related to centrality in the formal social network while a negative relationship was found between performance and centrality in the informal social network.

AFIT Designator


DTIC Accession Number

