Theses/Dissertations from 2024
Comparing the Return of Investment of Maintenance and Repair Treatments on Airfield Pavements, Aljhon C. Barrogo
Evaluating United States Air Force Installation Water Security, Michael L. Berg
The Impact of Advancing Technology on Fire Control Radar Costs, Dustin M. Brewer
Discerning Satellite Subsystem Costs to Improve Cost Estimation, Ryan A. Candella
Comparative Analysis of Satellite Battery Technologies: A Cross-Sectional and Temporal Study Within and Across Battery Types, Andrew H. Chung
Cost Estimating Relationships for Avionics Recurring Production Box Costs, Carla J. Cisneros
Development of Cost Factors for Satellite Rechargeable Batteries, Katelyn A. Clements
A Statistical Analysis of Phased Construction Projects, Timothy M. DeJong
Characterization of Per- and Polyflouroalkyl Substances in Aqueous Filmforming Foam Wash Waters, John M. Diskin
Long-term Deterioration and Investment Modeling of Water Distribution Infrastructure, Bethany M. Dorian
An Introduction of Adaptive Training Aid Concepts and Its Application to Accelerated Training for Air Battle Managers, John C. Gillispie
Machine Learning Predictions of Electricity Transfers Between Balancing Authorities in the Carolinas, Victoria Groleau
Modeling Recovery of the Florida Electric Transmission Grid After Severe Weather Event, Wei B. Guan
Optimizing Hub and Spoke Selections for Adaptive Basing in Agile Combat Employment, Alan Heng
Challenges That Inhibit SBIR Commercialization: The Small Businesses’ Perspective, Hart J. Holt
Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) in the Defense-Critical Semiconductor Industry: A History and Firm Level Analysis, Holden J. Holt
Predictive Analytics for Military Construction Overruns: A Machine Learning Approach, William D. Hunter
Quantifying Resilience and Redundancy for Air Force Linear Infrastructure, Ryan C. Jakovich
Cloud One Migration Schedule Drivers and Schedule Growth, Ryan J. Jansen
Integrating EOD and Readiness Competencies into the CE CGO Competency Framework, Kristina L. Johnson
Assessing Military Parking: A Deep Learning Approach to Evaluating Standards and Impacts, Ryan D. Lalonde
Advanced Oxidation of Tert-Butanol with Ultraviolet Light Emitting Diodes and Hydrogen Peroxide, Lauren R. Mainolfi
Level 2 Work Breakdown Structure Cost Growth Analysis, Kyle P. Marquis
A Framework for Dynamic Combat Support Exercises, Sean R. McCarty
Analyzing Cost Risk in Department of Defense Program Office Estimates, Todd L. Millard
Digital Airworthiness: Development of a Sysml Based Framework for the USAF Airworthiness Process, Justin T. Moore
Artificial Intelligence and Perception: An Empirical Study, Anthony J. Neil
Exploring Fiscal Year Budget Assessments: A Look at SBIR/STTR and Congressional Rescissions, Bryan N. Palmer
A Model-Based and System-Theoretic Approach to Design Advanced Autonomy for Air Dominance Missions: A Loyal Wingman Case Study, Elizabeth S. Pennington
Qualitative Insights from DoD's Cost Community: Data Visualization Challenges and Recommendations, Izel N. Reyes
An Analysis of Military Construction Cost Escalation and How It Is Accounted for in Cost Estimating Practices, Benjamin D. Rieben
Developing a Rule-of-thumb to Predict Total O&S Costs Utilizing a Single CES Element, Shane A. Scantling
Applying Digital Engineering to Defense Acquisitions through Model-based Systems Engineering and Discrete Event Simulation, Michael T. Shutlock
Human Capital Impacts in Military Acquisition, David K. Smith
Development of a Metric to Quantify Facility Hardening, Jesse C. Solorzano
Selection of Soil Stabilization Methods for Low-Volume Road Applications, Peter J. Spinks
Estimating Stimulated Raman Scattering Noise in CWDM O-Band Channels Induced by Two Classical DWDM Sources in a Quantum Network Fiber Segment, Kurt T. Spranger II
Deploying Field-Capable Genome Sequencing: Human Performance Considerations Under Various Personal Protective Equipment Ensembles, Steven A. Torres
Navigating Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) Transition in the Department of Defense (DOD): A Capability-Based Assessment (CBA) Use Case, Emily M. Tritschler
A Computer and Processor Analysis: Developing Cost Relationships and Factors of Satellite Subsystems, Dawson J. Vasconi
Analyzing Earned Value Management for Long Duration Development Efforts, Bradley L. Vuu
An Analysis of USAF Policy Implementation for Building Information Modeling, Evan J. Ward
Root Cause Analysis for Troop Construction Schedule Delays and Cost Overruns, Richard H. Wilkens
An Empirical Study on the Transfer of Virtual Reality Assembly Training, Casey P. Wood
Theses/Dissertations from 2023
Topological Variability in Water Distribution Networks, James M. Anderson
A Survey of Barriers/Challenges to Improve SBIR Participation & Commercialization Success, Benjamin L. Berezin
Time-Phasing RDT&E in Air Force Acquisitions, Trevor A. Bills
Environmental Trade-offs of Reverse Osmosis Water Purification Units (ROWPUs) and Bottled Water, Caleb A. Boone
Temporal and Spatial Variability of Specific Energy Consumption for Atmospheric Water Generators, Anthony T. Brenes
Investigation of Possible Alternatives to Fossil Fuels for the DOD in INDOPACOM, Terrence W. Caploe
Mission Dependency Weighted Water Distribution Networks, Payten A. Connally
A Systems Modeling Approach to Support Human-Agent Team Performance for Combat Identification, Clayton W. Couch
Effects of Level of Effort Measurement in the Application of Earned Value Management, James M. Demos
Investigation of Rhine Pointing as a Solution to the Aircraft Human Machine Interface Problem, Alexandra C. Dobranski and Samuel J. Medvec
The Kinetics of Biocontaminant Inactivation: A Comparative Study with Bacillus globigii and Bacillus anthracis, Leigh M. Durden
Critical Infrastructure System Resiliency Modeling Using Multi-Layer Network Optimization, Spencer R. Figge
Team and Skill Matching for Disaster Recovery Operations, Emily B. Frahm
Transition Analysis of Innovative Technologies into Military Applications, Cristian J. Henandez-Rivera
Introvert Personality Labor: A Unique Theoretical Construct that Describes the Effects of Introverts Existing in The Extrovert Idea, Kathleen S. Hendershott
Human-Machine Teaming Optimization: Creating A Measurement Tool for Operator Trust in Autonomous Systems, Kevin R. Hieronymus
Climate-informed IDF Curve Updates and Impact on Design Policy, Douglas C. Jaks
Civilian and Military Civil Engineer Mission in the Space Domain, Linda E. Kuster
Aligning DoD Cost Analysis Competencies to Third Party Standards, Helga D. Leite-Evora
Protection Of Linear Assets In Arctic Regions Using Basic Expeditionary Airfield Resources (POLAAR BEAR), Christopher P. Lintz
Defense Industrial Base Mergers and Acquisitions in the Post-Cold War Era, Corey D. Mack
Net Zero Water Air Force Installations, Kenneth R. McKnight
An Analysis of Cloud Computing Migration Costs and Effects for Dod Applications, Joseph S. Moore IV
Effects of Occupationally Military-Relevant Particle Mixtures (SiO2, CdO, Cr2O3) on A549 Human Pulmonary Epithelial Cells, Isabella M. Muffoletto
Decontamination of Perfluoroalkyl Substances from Stainless Steel Piping Used in Aqueous Film Forming Foam Fire Suppression Systems, Ryan M. Register
A Decadal Analysis of Factor Trends in Production Data for Department of Defense Acquisition Programs, Scott A. Reilly
Sea Level Rise Impacts on Wastewater Treatment Plants and their Social Vulnerability Differences, David S. P. Robinson
Cost Estimating Relationships for Recurring T100 Flyaway Costs, Kyrie M. Rojo
Illuminating the Unknown: A Mixed Methods Exploration of the DoD Software Factory Ecosystem, Zachary O. Ryan
Long-Term Asset Prioritization to Support District Planning, Melissa R. Sallberg
The Effects of International Defense Sales on Aerospace Prime Contractor Profitability, Gregory T. Sanders
Fragility of the Florida Panhandle's Electrical Transmission Grid to Hurricanes, Zachary D. Schumann
An Analysis of Escalation Forecasting for PPI3364, Jacob T. Smith
Applications of Fragile Curves to Water Distribution Networks, Danielle M. Van Lanen
An Analysis of a Modular Open System Approach on Program Management Metrics for Cost and Schedule, Kayla I. Vogler
Integrating ACE and MCA Requirements into the Civil Engineer Officer Occupational Competency Framework, Stone D. Williford
Validation of Digital System Models, James R. Winton
Arctic Construction Under Climatological Constraints: A Decision Support System for Expeditionary Construction Site Selection in the Arctic Environment, Zachary S. Wontrop
Theses/Dissertations from 2022
Root-cause analysis of RSAF Maintenance-related Flight Safety Mishaps, Heaf H. Alqahtani
Analysis of Task Performance during Radiological Surveillance by Means of Discrete Event Simulation, Michael H. Ames
The Impact of Visual Feedback and Control Configuration on Pilot-Aircraft Interface using Head Tracking Technology, Christopher M. Arnold
A Case Study of the Efficacy of Model-Based Requests for Information, Kyle J. Arruda
Hydrologic Profiles and Geospatial Trend Analysis Evaluating Recurrent Flooding at Coastal U.S. Air Force Installations, Dylan D. Bechen
Critical Evaluation of Construction Industry-Related Additive Manufacturing Research: A Scientometric Analysis, Tyler J. Brunjes
Development of a Methodology for the Quantification of Reaerosolization of a Biological Contaminant Surrogate Particle from Military Uniform Fabric, George D. Cooksey
A Reference Architecture for Augmented Reality Maintenance Support, Daniel A. Cuellar
A Thematic and Reference Analysis of Touchless Technologies, Eric R. Curia
Predicting TF33-PW-100A Engine Failures Due to Oil Issues Using Survival Analyses, Anna M. Davis
Airworthiness Decision Factors in the US Air Force, Derek N. Dennis
Prioritizing Water Distribution Network Asset Maintenance Using Graph Theory Methods, Ashton E. Doyal
Accelerating Transition to Production by Manufacturing Readiness Focus During Development, William K. Duncan