"Evaluating Alternatives for Drinking Water at Deployed Locations" by Brian S. Hughes

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science in Environmental Engineering and Science


Department of Systems Engineering and Management

First Advisor

Alfred E. Thal, Jr., PhD


Because of potential improvements to water security and cost savings, military decision makers may want to consider new means of providing potable water to Airmen in deployed locations. Drilling for water and field bottling show great potential because of the increased security and lower per unit cost when compared to bottled water from approved sources. However, the selection of the best means to supply water is a hard decision which must balance multiple objectives (e.g., security, palatability, and convenience) against limited resources (e.g., cost, airlift, trucks, and personnel). A multi-objective decision analysis model quantifies a decision-maker's values regarding the many different means of providing potable water. Consisting of four fundamental values and seventeen measures, the model captures the Air Force's objectives. Using three different notional bases, the model was tested by evaluating five initial alternatives for each base. Sensitivity analysis was also conducted to provide additional insight into the tradeoffs and to generate potentially even better alternatives which were tailored to the specific location and decision-maker's objectives. More emphasis on drilling wells could save hundreds of millions of dollars and provide a much safer water supply, thereby improving the chances for operational success.

AFIT Designator


DTIC Accession Number

