"Object Interaction in a Parallel Object-Oriented Discrete-Event Simula" by Walter G. Trachsel

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

First Advisor

Thomas C. Hartrum, PhD


This thesis investigates object interaction issues involved in developing an object-oriented parallel discrete-event simulation and develops a simulation model that provides object interaction capabilities. The research covers issues in object representation, object interaction, object management. discrete-event simulation, and parallel simulation. There are three primary types of objects that the research discusses. The first type is a basic simulation object, whose size and behavior is insignificant compared to the size of the simulation as a whole. The second type is an aggregate object which consists of smaller component objects that interact and affect the performance of the larger object as a whole. Finally, there are environmental objects, such as terrain and weather, whose size and impact are significant to the entire simulation environment. This research addresses issues about whether these objects can be represented the same in the simulation or whether a special case must exist for each type of object. As a result of the research, a simulation model is designed that allows interaction between simulation objects. The design goals used to develop the model were strict use of object-oriented practices. ease of simulation modification. and reuse across other applications in the same class of simulations. In this case, the class of simulations is interacting objects in a spatially partitioned discrete-event simulation. The model is then implemented using AFITs Battlesim program, which is a parallel discrete-event simulation that has a battlefield divided into partitions and allows objects to move and interact.

AFIT Designator


DTIC Accession Number



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