Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

First Advisor

Patricia Lawlis, PhD


The research investigated the possibility that an object-oriented requirements analysis (OORA) specification model can be represented in a computer system and used as a basis for the elicitation of the information necessary for the development of an object-oriented specification for a particular problem. The proof-of-concept system developed is called the OORA automated Knowledge System (OAKS). OAKS contains a generic domain model that is modified to satisfy a particular problem in the domain. The core of OAKS is a reusable domain model, which represents a domain of interest. The domain model is used as a basis for user changes that are made to meet specific requirements of a particular problem. The domain model was structured to allow it to be ported to other domains of interest and inserted into the OAKS system. Therefore, OAKS represents an OORA system that can be used in numerous domains to develop an OORA specification for a particular problem.

AFIT Designator


DTIC Accession Number

