"The AFIT Multielectrode Array for Neural Recording and Simulation: Des" by James R. Reid Jr

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science in Electrical Engineering


Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

First Advisor

Steven K. Rogers, PhD


A two-dimensional, X-Y addressable, multiplexed array of 256 electrodes (16 x 16) has been fabricated using conventional semiconductor processing techniques. The individual electrodes are 16O microns x 160 microns, approximating the size of the cortical columns; the overall array size is 3910 microns x 3910 microns. The array has been fitted to a chronically implantable package and tested for several days in a simulated neural environment. EEG-like data were collected successfully from individual electrodes in the array. This array improves on a previous design of a 16 electrode (4 x 4) array that was chronically implanted on the cortex of a laboratory beagle (Canis familiaris) in 1982. The original implant, located approximately over primary visual cortex, recorded both EEG and visually evoked response (VER) data. It proved the feasibility of multiplexing data directly from the surface of the cortex, thereby opening the possibility of very large arrays of electrodes since only a single wideband signal channel could address significant numbers of electrodes.

AFIT Designator


DTIC Accession Number



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