"Interactive Control of a Parallel Simulation from a Remote Graphics Wo" by Douglas C. Looney

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science in Computer Engineering


Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

First Advisor

Thomas C. Hartrum, PhD


Modern military commanders are faced with an overwhelming amount of intelligence data concerning the disposition of engaging forces, The sheer volume of data produced for a single planning scenario is an obstacle to the user as well as the computer. Today’s commander requires a real-time, three- dimensional representation of the battlefield in order to assimilate the data for the management of a conflict. Parallel computation is required to complete the processing of this information in a timely manner. A network protocol is required to link the interface with the parallel simulation. The of this study is to improve user interaction through graphical representation of a parallel simulation. Each portion of the system, the user interface, the simulation, and the network are discussed in this research. The concentration of the research deals with the parallel simulations ability to accept and act upon user input without corrupting the integrity of its execution. This includes the ability to receive and act upon a rewind or rollback command from the user. Effectively, this command halts the parallel execution and rewinds is back for restart at a previous state and time. Solutions to limitations in a conservative parallel simulation are developed and presented. Specifically, the ability of the parallel simulation to periodically save its state, and synchronize its separate logical processes for user input. All of the requirements for the users control commands and the effect of these requirements upon the entire system are developed and demonstrated. This research provides an increased capability to assist in battlefield management and critical decision making processes.

AFIT Designator


DTIC Accession Number



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