Theses/Dissertations from 2019
U.S. Air Force Maintenance Group Aerial Ports: Strengths, Challenges, Opportunities, and Threats, Parker H. Alford
Social Network Threat Detection, Nathanael R. Beveridge
Uncertainty and Error in Combat Modeling, Simulation, and Analysis, Jason A. Blake
Methods for Using Manpower to Assess USAF Strategic Risk, Calvin J. Bradshaw III
Turbojet Range, Loiter, and Altitude Tradeoff Estimations in Efficient Modeling and Optimization Formulations, Lauren M. Bramblett
Persuasion, Political Warfare, and Deterrence: Behavioral and Behaviorally Robust Models, William N. Caballero
Hyper-parameter Optimization of a Convolutional Neural Network, Steven H. Chon
Comparison of Novel Heuristic and Integer Programming Schedulers for the USAF Space Surveillance Network, Kanit Dararutana
Examining the Drivers of C-130J Maintenance Requirements through Multiple Regression Analysis, Andrew V. Gill
Effect of Using Probabilistic Contingency Tables to Modify Forecast Predictions, Sarah A. Gold
Humanitarian Logistics: Shipping Designs for the Post Disaster Cargo Surge, Nicholas L. Green
The Impacts of Using Augmented Reality to Support Aircraft Maintenance, Terry R. Hebert Jr.
Search and Rescue Operations Forecasting and Optimization, Zachary T. Hornberger
Solving the Traveling Salesman Problem Using Ordered-Lists, Petar D. Jackovich
Strategic Location and Dispatch Management of Assets in a Military Medical Evacuation Enterprise, Phillip R. Jenkins
An Imputation Approach to Developing Alternative Futures of Country Conflict, Zachary J. Kane
Exploratory Analysis of the Potential Use of Augmented Reality in Aircraft Maintenance, Richard B. Keesling
Operational Decision Making under Uncertainty: Inferential, Sequential, and Adversarial Approaches, Andrew J. Keith
A Stochastic Game Theoretical Model for Cyber Security, Michael T. Larkin
Application of Absorbing Markov Chains to the Assessment of Education Attainment Rates within Air Force Materiel Command Civilian Personnel, Matthew C. Ledwith
A Qualitative Approach in Measuring Inclusion, Heston-John D. Lubiano
An Analysis of Changing the Federal Age Requirement for a Commercial Driver’s License, Matthew L. Mangen
Applying the Multiple Multidimensional Knapsack Assignment Problem to a Cargo Allocation and Transportation Problem with Stochastic Demand, Jocelin S. Maus
Predicting Failures of the Brazilian Air Force Tucano Fleet Using Survival Analysis, Luciana Mesquita Monteiro
Fuzzy Inference Systems for Risk Appraisal in Military Operational Planning, Curtis B. Nelson
Measuring Human Systems Integration in Directed Energy Weapon Acquisition Programs, Zachary A. Novitske
Women and Stability: A Topological View of the Relationship between Women and Armed Conflict in West Africa, Michaela A. Pendergrass
A Cost-Benefit Analysis of Pilot Training Next, Talon M. Pope
Time Series Analysis of Stochastic Networks with Correlated Random Arcs, Brendon T. Sands
Operations Research Methods for Multi-Domain Campaign Phase Planning, John A. Schlicht
Lightning Prediction Using Recurrent Neural Networks, Dominick V. Speranza
Examining the EXPRESS Supportability Module: Implementing an Autoregressive Distributed Lag Approach with Air Force Maintenance Data, Troy J. St Peter
Simulating Maritime Chokepoint Disruption in the Global Food Supply, Ryan B. Walton
Using Simulation to Model Reserve Officer Training Corps Cadet Flow, Marydell V. Westman
Theses/Dissertations from 2018
Operational Squadron Scheduling, Khaled A. Almannaei
Evaluation of RSAF Airworthiness and Applicability, Majed M. Altowairqi
How a Conducive Environment and Susceptible Followers Influence Toxic Leadership Behaviors in the Air Force: An Examination of the Toxic Triangle Theory, Rachel S. Beightel
Resilient Aircraft Maintenance Constructs: Enhancing Repair Network Designs to Effectively Manage Risks and Supply Chain Interruptions, Thomas S. Bihansky
Flightline Heroics and the Façade of a Healthy Common Support Equipment Fleet, Benjamin D. Bobic
Shop Around: An Experiment on Air Force Vehicle Parts Procurement, Melvin K. Boothe
Looking Past the Spark to Find the Fuel of the Arab Spring Fire, Luke M. Brantley
Band of Brothers… And Sisters: Developing a Strategy for Integrating Women into the Combat Rescue Officer Career Field, Samantha R. Bryan
Cyber Data Anomaly Detection Using Autoencoder Neural Networks, Spencer A. Butt
C-130J Inventory Control Point Location Determination, Joshua P. Casey
They're Only Nuclear Weapons: An Exploratory Analysis of Safety Climate within the Nuclear Enterprise, Brandon M. Clements
Improving Personnel Selection through Value Focused Thinking, Joshua D. Deehr
Air Force Officer Attrition: An Ecconometric Analysis, Jacob T. Elliot
Market Basket Analysis with Shortened Web Link Click Data, James C. Gallagher
The Africa First Initiative and Local Procurement, Rachel E. Herald
Supply Chain Financial Analysis in Support of International Development Objectives, Michael J. Hester
Strategic Sourcing Via Category Management: Helping Air Force Installation Contracting Agency Eat One Piece of the Elephant, Theodore S. Holliger
An Open Source Approach to Social Media Data Gathering, Anthony J. Kallhoff
Real-Time Heuristics and Metaheuristics for Static and Dynamic Weapon Target Assignments, Alexander G. Kline
Flexibility – Designing for Optionality on Warehouse Modernization Projects, Stephen T. Lane
A Surprising Symbiosis: Examining the Mutualism in Department of Defense Conservation Partnerships, Andrew J. Lankow
Parametric Survival Analysis of US Air Force Rated Officer Retention, Jacob R. Lindell
Experimental Designs, Meta-Modeling, and Meta-learning for Mixed-Factor Systems with Large Decision Spaces, Zachary C. Little
Scheduling Tool for the Nevada Test and Training Range, Miguel J. Macias
A System Dynamics Innovation Diffusion Model Applied to Carbon Nanotube Manufacturing, Frances G. MacKinnon
Water Security Issues Affecting Migration and Conflict in the Middle East, Richard E. Mard
A study of Military Health Care Costs: Direct versus Purchased Care in a Geographical Region, Lindsey N. McEvoy
Cultivating Agile Organizational Culture: Addressing Resistance to Change in Bureaucratic Government Organizations, Michael P. McLane
Flightline Simulation Model of a Squadron, Huseyin Mert
Sentiment Analysis of Twitter Data, Evan L. Munson
Forecasting Country Conflict within Modified Combatant Command Regions using Statistical Learning Methods, Sarah Neumann
Not All Tons Are Created Equal; Analyzing Aerial Port Capability to Define the Working Ton, Casey L. Owens
Critical Issues in the Air Force Medical Equipment Procurement Process, Samuel H. Pang
Characterization of Ambient Noise, Rachel C. Ramirez
Assessing the Reliability of the B-1B Lancer Using Survival Analysis, Francisco J. Rodriguez
Evaluating the Air Force Inspection System, Luis D. Rosado-Medina
The Developmental Test Scheduling Problem, Joseph E. Schoenbeck
Text Classification of installation Support Contract Topic Models for Category Management, William C. Sevier
Predicting Global Disposition of U.S. Military Personnel via Open-Source, Unclassified Means, Matthew T. Small
The Application of Text Mining and Data Visualization Techniques to Textual Corpus Exploration, Jeffrey R. Smith Jr.
A Study of Collaboration between the Defense Logistics Agency and the U.S. Agency for International Development in the Conduct of humanitarian Operations, Jessica M. Thomas
Outlier Classification Criterion for Multivariate Cyber Anomaly Detection, Alexander M. Trigo
Managing Supply Discrepancies: The Effect of Performance Measurement and Feedback on Order Fulfillment Quality, Michael J. Weber
Generating Strong Diversity of Opinions: Agent Models of Continuous Opinion Dynamics, Christopher W. Weimer
Analysis of a Voting Method for Ranking Network Centrality Measures on a Node-aligned Multiplex Network, Kyle S. Wilkinson
Aerial Port of the Future: Developing Paperless Operations, Peter J. Williams
Theses/Dissertations from 2017
Determining Field Requirements of the Air Force Supply System: a Delphi Study, Dominic G. Baker
On Proportionate and Truthful International Alliance Contributions: An Analysis of Incentive Compatible Cost Sharing Mechanisms to Burden Sharing, William N. Caballero
Benchmarking DoD Use of Additive Manufacturing and Quantifying Costs, Ryan C. Crean
Improving Minuteman III Maintenance Concepts, Daniel W. Crouch
A Condition Based Maintenance Approach to Forecasting B-1 Aircraft Parts, Joshua D. DeFrank
A Scenario-Based Parametric Analysis of Stable Marriage Approaches to the Army Officer Assignment Problem, Matthew D. Ferguson
Survival Analysis of US Air Force Officer Retention Rate, Courtney N. Franzen
An Analysis of Forecasting Methods on Supply Discrepancy Reporting, Cody S. Freeborn
An Investigation into the Indicators of a Successful Total Force Association, Greg E. Hoyt
Supply Base Reduction Efforts Regarding Laboratory Reagents within Hospital Networks, Kelsie L. Hughes
Refugees in Urban Environments: Social, Economic, and Infrastructure Impacts, Garrett L. Jameson
Using Markov Decision Processes with Heterogeneous Queueing Systems to Examine Military MEDEVAC Dispatching Policies, Phillip R. Jenkins
Real-Time Heuristic Algorithms for the Static Weapon-Target Assignment Problem, Alexander G. Kline
Common Support Equipment and Its Impact on Aircraft Availability, Jason M. Leighton
Cost Versus Risk: The Policy of Nuclear Weapon Maintenance of Tritium Based Limited Life Components, Michael P. Mason
Analyzing the Critical Supply Chain for Unmanned Aircraft Systems, Megan L. Muniz
A System Dynamics Model Investigating the Efficacy of Non-Kinetic Policy Strategies on the Diffusion of Democratic Ideologies in China, Maria S. Phillips