Theses/Dissertations from 2012
The Relationship Between Key Supply Chain Process Implementation, Competitive Advantage, & Organizational Performance, Anthonelli White Jr.
Examining EXPRESS with Simulation, David R. Williams
Towards the Mitigation of Correlation Effects in the Analysis of Hyperspectral Imagery with Extension to Robust Parameter Design, Jason P. Williams
A Benchmarking Study of Air Force Program Manager Competencies, Kristy N. Williams
Modeling Small Unmanned Aerial System Mishaps Using Logistics Regression and Artificial Neural Networks, Sean E. Wolf
Probabilistic Model for Laser Damage to the Human Retina, David R. Wooddell
An Assessment Tool of Performance Based Logistics Appropriateness, Korhan G. Yukselen
Theses/Dissertations from 2011
The Impact of Environmental Factors on Internal Integration in Support of Supply Chain Management, Mohammed I. Alzaben
Identification and Classification of Player Types in Massive Multiplayer Online Games using Avatar Behavior, Earl M. Bednar
Utilizing Social Network Analysis in Support of Nation Building, Brandon J. Bernardoni
Optimizing Ground Times for AMC Aircraft in Afghanistan, Eric W. Bucheit Jr.
Estimating Cargo Airdrop Collateral Damage Risk, Vincent R. Cammarano
A Simulation of the ECSS Help Desk with the Erlang A Model, Michael E. Chua
Metric Development for Continuous Process Improvement, Mark A. Degenhardt
Central Command Rest and Recuperation Hub-to-Hub Airlift Network Analysis, John M. Dickens
A Comparative Study Between U.S. and Brazilian Acquisition Regulations and Practices, Kesia G. Gomes
Tailoring the Statistical Experimental Design Process for LVC Experiments, Casey L. Haase
Nuclear Enterprise Performance Measurement, Andrew S. Hackleman
Determining Pilot Manning for Bomber Longevity, Jason S. Hamilton
A Methodology Using Simulation Results for Test and Evaluation, Jonathon S. Hosket
Optimal CH-47 and C-130 Workload Balance, Dustin P. Jones
Measure of Effectiveness for JSTARS Ground Moving Target Indicator: A Value Focused Thinking Approach, Gardner J. Joyner
Improving way of Logistics Management in Korean Army, Sungtae Jung
By Product Synergy Analysis, Francisco Edgardo Leguiza
A Meta-Analysis of the Antecedents of Voluntary Turnover in Studies Involving Active Duty Military Member Populations, Christy A. R. Licklider
Multi Criteria Decision Support Model for the Turkish Air Force Personnel Course/Education Planning System, Cem Malyemez
Weighted Key Player Problem for Social Network Analysis, Ryan M. McGuire
Modeling and Analysis of High Energy Laser Weapon System Performance in Varying Atmospheric Conditions, Megan P. Melin
Contextual Detection of Anomalies in Hyperspectral Images, Adam J. Messer
Optimized Hyperspectral Imagery Anomaly Detection Through Robust Parameter Design, Francis M. Mindrup
Face Recognition via Ensemble Sift Matching of Uncorrelated Hyperspectral Bands and Spectral PCTS, Mohd Fairul Mohd-Zaid
Decision Analysis and Validation of Value Focused Thinking Decision Models Using Multivariate Analysis Techniques, James L. Pruitt
Application of Post Modern Portfolio Theory to Mitigate Risk in International Shipping, Michael R. Quashne
QUEST Hierarchy for Hyperspectral Face Recognition, David M. Ryer
Alternative Active Duty Military Retirement Plan, Amy L. Schmidt
Determining the Value of Future Information, James J. Springston
Empirical Characterization of Ballistic Impact Flash, Thomas P. Talafuse
Migration Issues in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Michael J. Thompson
Fusion Schemes for Ensembles of Hyperspectral Anomaly Detection Algorithms, Brooks R. Turnquist
Depot-Level Simulation and Multivariate Analysis on B-1 High Velocity Maintenance, Florence K. Yee
Theses/Dissertations from 2010
A Linear Programming Approach for Determining Travel Cost Minimizing ECSS Training Locations, Jason S. Boerboom
Stealthy River Navigation in Jungle Combat Conditions, Fabio Ayres Cardoso
Screening and Sufficiency in Multiobjective Decision Problems with Large Alternative Sets, Michael D. Cote
Maximizing Strike Planning Efficiency for a Given Class of Targets, Necip Dirik
A Simulation Based Methodology to Examine the B-1B's AN/ALQ-161 Maintenance Process, Ricardo R. Garza
Delivery Time Variance Reduction in the Military Supply Chain, Preston L. Goodrich
The UAV Continuous Coverage Problem, Taegyun Ha
A Multi-Objective Approach to a Bipartite Assignment Matching Problem Using Weighted Values from Multiple Contraints, Greg S. Jeong
Measuring the Effect of Transportation Uncertainty in the Postponement Strategy, Chang-Sung Kim
Korean Domestic Third Party Logistics Providers: Research for a Global Market, Daewon Kim
Fuel Efficiency Assessment with DEA, Evren Kiymaz
An Empirical Study of Re-sampling Techniques as a Method for Improving Error Estimates in Split-plot Designs, Benjamin M. Lee
Neural Extensions to Robust Parameter Design, Bernard Jacob Loeffelholz
An Exploration of the Effects of Maintenance Manning on Combat Mission Readiness Utilizing Agent Based Modeling, Adam S. MacKenzie
Assessing Resilience in Power Grids as a Particular Case of Supply Chain Management, Gabriel Alejandro Montoya
Emergency Management Benchmarking Study: Lessons for Increasing Supply Chain Resilience, Jose M. Morais Jr.
Simulation Analysis of High Velocity Maintenance for the B-1B, Anson R. Park
Simulation Modeling and Analysis of TNMCS for the B-1 Strategic Bomber, Carl R. Parson
Manpower Cost Analysis of a Distributed En Route Support Structure Versus a Consolidated En Route Support Structure, Phillip M. Rehmert
Supply Chain Resilience: Assessing USAF Weapon System Life Cycle, Brian P. Tobin
Fuel Savings Opportunities from Air Refueling, Murat Toydas
Optimizing an F-16 Squadron Weekly Pilot Schedule for the Turkish Air Force, Murat Yavuz
Theses/Dissertations from 2009
Adaptive Pareto Set Estimation for Stochastic Mixed Variable Design Problems, Christopher D. Arendt
Developing a Tool for the Location Optimization of the Alert Aircraft with Changing Threat Anticipation, Okan Arslan
Quantification of Mandatory Sustainment Requirements, Joe M. Blackman
A 4-Step Process Evaluation Model to Assess the Success of Performance Based Logistics Contracts, Ferit Buyukgural
Project Scheduling to Maximize Positive Impacts of Reconstruction Operations, Andrew D. Chaney
An Analysis of Class II Supplies Requisitions in the Korean Army's Organizational Supply, Min Cheol Cho
Using Multiple Robust Parameter Design Techniques to Improve Hyperspectral Anomaly Detection Algorithm Performance, Matthew T. Davis
Waste Vegetable Oil as an Alternative Fuel for Diesel Vehicles, Harvey S. Gaber
Operations-Focused Optimized Theater Weather Sensing Strategies Using Preemptive Binary Integer Programming, Andrew J. Geyer
Ohio River Denial as a Transportation Corridor and Its Economic Impacts on the Energy Industry, Caglar Utku Guler
Simulation Modeling of the C-5 Galaxy High Velocity Regionalized Isochronal (HVRISO) Inspection Concept, Theodore K. Heiman
Probabilistic Estimation of Rare Random Collisions in 3-Space, Timothy Holzmann
Synthesis, Interdiction, and Protection of Layered Networks, Kevin T. Kennedy
Data Quality-A Key to Successfully Implementing ECSS, Craig A. Lane
Characterizing and Detecting Unrevealed Elements of Network Systems, James A. Leinart
Combat Identification Modeling Using Neural Network Techniques, Changwook Lim
Exploitation of Intra-Spectral Band Correlation for Rapid Feacture Selection and Target Identification in Hyperspectral Imagery, Michael K. Miller
Reusable Launch Vehicle Design Implications for Regeneration Time, Carlos Alberto Molina
An Advanced Tabu Search Approach to Solving the Mixed Payload Airlift Load Planning Problem, Robert Larry Nance
Creating Multi Objective Value Functions from Non-Independent Values, Christopher D. Richards
Forecasting USAF JP-8 Fuel Needs, Omer Saglam
Determining the Orbit Locations of Turkish Airborne Early Warning and Control Aircraft Over the Turkish Air Space, Nebi Sarikaya
Host-Based Multivariate Statistical Computer Operating Process Anomaly Intrusion Detection System (PAIDS), Glen R. Shilland
Education and Training as Part of an Expeditionary Combat Support System Implementation Strategy, Thomas M. Sprague
A Hybrid Templated-Based Composite Classification System, Michael A. Turnbaugh
Using Agent-Based Modeling to Evaluate UAS Behaviors in a Target-Rich Environment, Joseph A. Van Kuiken
Evaluation of Air Force Aircraft Maintenance Metrics for Integration into the Expeditionary Combat Support System, Brian D. Waller
Robust Sensitivity Analysis for the Joint Improvised Explosive Device Defeat Organization (JIEDDO) Proposal Selection Model, Christina J. Willy
A Cost Assessment of the Dayton Public Schools Vehicle Routing Problem, Frankie L. Woods Jr.
Theses/Dissertations from 2008
Determining the Surface-to-Air Missile Requirement for Western and Southern Part of the Turkish Air Defense System, Omer Alkanat
Simulated Multi-Echelon Readiness-Based Inventory Leveling with Lateral Resupply, Todd C. Burnworth
Discrete Event Simulation of a Suppression of Enemy Air Defenses (SEAD) Mission, Ahmet Aydin Candir
A Multi-Objective Linear Program Model to Test Hub-and-Spoke Networks as a Potential Air Force Deployment Alternative, Andrew J. Cullen
Aircraft Maintenance Organizational Structure Changes an Antecedent Model, Jeffrey M. Durand
A Simulation Optimization Approach to the Design of Unmanned Aircraft Systems, Emily C. Evans
Balancing Government Risks with Contractor Incentives in Performance-Based Logistics Contracts, Christopher P. Gardner
Analyzing Individual Decision Making Versus Group Decision Making for Alternative Selection, Alper Gezeravci
Robust Aircraft Squadron Scheduling in the Face of Absenteeism, Osman Bahadir Gokcen