"An Investigation into the Indicators of a Successful Total Force Assoc" by Greg E. Hoyt


Greg E. Hoyt

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Department of Operational Sciences

First Advisor

Benjamin T. Hazen, PhD.


The Air Force, since adopting and subsequently developing the Total Force concept in the early 1970s, has not thoroughly outlined clear objectives by which the progress toward and realization of this strategic vision should be defined and measured. Without clear definition, direction, and method of evaluation, the ability to credibly claim any subsequent successes or failures in the pursuit of this vision become vulnerable to challenge. Indeed, the mere claim that a single, clear vision exists may be challenged. The Total Force concepts degree of success has, on multiple occasions through its history, been critiqued with the most recent instance occurring with the National Commission on the Structure of the Air Forces report, delivered to the President and Congress, specifying 42 recommended improvements. The relatively brief history of the Total Force concept has led to a gap in knowledge with respect to this topic. While the SecAF and CSAF have employed language implicitly claiming successful integration of the Total Force and all the stated benefits thereof, these benefits as well as the key success factors for attaining them at the tactical level have yet to be quantified. Therefore, through the semi-structured interviewing of tactical level Total Force leaders, this research provides an assessment of the perceived local Total Force Association health, highlights strategic and tactical level communication and perception disconnects with regards to the Total Force concept, and provides the Headquarters Air Force Total Force Continuum office an actionable listing of tactical level obstacles and concerns as well as a collection of best practices and innovative solutions.

AFIT Designator


DTIC Accession Number

