Theses/Dissertations from 2017
Simulation Modeling and Analysis of Deployed F-16 Operations and Logistics Support, Gregory D. Potts II
Development and Investigation of an Air Transportation Operations Safety Climate Scale, Matthew D. Roberts
Examining Regionalization Efforts to Develop Lessons Learned and Consideration for Department of Defense Medical Facilities, Erik B. Schuh
Optimal Design of a Hexakis Icosahedron Vacuum Based Lighter than Air Vehicle, Joseph R. Schwemmer
An Approximate Dynamic Programming Approach for Comparing Firing Solutions in a Networked Air Defense Environment, Daniel S. Summers
Maintenance Officer Initial Skills Training Timeline, Aaron T. Vincent
2018 Military Retirement Options: An Expected Net Present Value Decision Analysis Model, Bret N. Witham
Application of Enlisted Force Retention Levels and Career Field Stability, Jamie T. Zimmermann
Theses/Dissertations from 2016
Improving the Nuclear Reform Implementation for Success, Allen Y. Agnes
Applying Lean to the AC-130 Maintenance Process for the Royal Saudi Air Force, Fisal A. Alzahrani
An Examination of Commercial Motor Vehicle Hours of Service Safety Regulation, Jason R. Anderson
Simulation Of Modeling Sortie Generation Process In TURAF, Bahadir Aykiri
Non-Linear Metamodeling Extensions to the Robust Parameter Design of Computer Simulations, Joseph P. Bellucci
Simulation of Aircraft Sortie Generation under an Autonomic Logistics System, Gunduz Bingol
Heterogeneous Air Defense Battery Location: A Game Theoretic Approach, Nicholas T. Boardman
United States Air Force Officer Manpower Planning Problem via Approximate Dynamic Programming, Amelia E. Bradshaw
Contingency Workload Demand Forecast Techniques for Cargo and Flying Hours, Calvin J. Bradshaw III
Logistics Simulation for Long Duration Logistics Wargames, Kevin R. Cardenas
USAF Female Pilot Turnover Influence: A Delphi Study of Work-Home Conflict, David C. Caswell
Consolidating Supply Chain Management Education Through Professional Certification, Christopher L. Clawson
AMLO Promotion : Perception and Reality, Nicholas J. Conklin
Antecedents of Fuel Efficiency, James A. Cotton
Determination of Fire Control Policies via Approximate Dynamic Programming, Michael T. Davis
Modeling and Economy’s Dynamics and External Influences Through a System of Differential Equations, Thomas M. Dickey
Analysis of Military Entry Control Point Queueing, Justin J. Dwyer
A Response Surface Validation of a Quantum Key Distribution Model, Jacob M. Ehrlich
Epidemiology, Cost, And Aircraft Choice For Aeromedical Evacuation In AFRICOM, Daniel A. Griffith
An Examination of Economic Metrics as Indicators of Air Force Retention, Helen L. Jantscher
Simulation Modeling and Analysis of Air Force Depot Engine Repair During Normal and Increased Operational Tempos, Changsung Kim
A "Big Bang" versus a "Small Bang" Approach: A Case Study of the Expeditionary Combat Support System (ECSS) and the Maintenance, Repair, and Overhaul Initiative (MROi), George B. Lafiguera
The Impact of Reducing Full Time Support Positions in the U.S. Army National Guard and Reserves, Lucas J. Lease
Overhaul Facility Planning and Control Tool Selection and Implementation Analysis, Santiago L. Martin
Long-Term Impacts of Military Drawdown on the Industrial Base, Anton H. Martyn
Rate Setting Analysis: A Statistical Approach to Outlier Analysis In The Rate Setting Process Within The United States Transportation Command, Warren B. McGriff
Autoencoded Reduced Clusters for Anomaly Detection Enrichment (ARCADE) In Hyperspectral Imagery, Brenden A. McLean
Modeling The Components Of An Economy As A Complex Adaptive System, Richard J. Mickelsen
The Influence of Education and Experience upon Contextual and Task Performance in Warehouse Operations, Allen R. Miller
Using Multiple Objective Decision Analysis to Position Federal Product and Service Codes Within the Kraljic Portfolio Matrix, Robert T. Montgomery
An Evaluation of Forecasting Methods that Could be Used in the Brazilian Air Force Uniform Distribution Process, Leandro Valviesse de Oliveira
Optimizing Forecasting Methods for USTRANSCOM Railcar Demands, James M. Park
A Model of Ambient Noise Caused by Wind Flow, Jovan Popovich
Using Approximate Dynamic Programming to Solve the Stochastic Demand Military Inventory Routing Problem with Direct Delivery, Ethan L. Salgado
Factors Influencing Skill Retention in Multi-Skilled Air Force Aircraft Maintainers, Jessica A. Salgado
Sortie Generation Simulation of a Fighter Squadron, Abdurrahman Sevimli
A Logistic Regression and Markov Chain Model for the Prediction of Nation-state Violent Conflicts and Transitions, Nicholas Shallcross
Air Mobility Future: Evolving Command and Control Relationships in the Information Age, Ian M. Slazinik
Methods to Address Extreme Class Imbalance in Machine Learning Based Network Intrusion Detection Systems, Russell W. Walter
Increased Capacity Utilizing Aggregation and Consolidation of Contingency Cargo, Cassidy L. Wilson
Determining the Degree of the Routinization of Additive Manufacturing in the Air Logistics Complexes, Candis A. Woods
Application of Non-Rated Line Officer Attrition Levels and Career Field Stability, Christine L. Zens
Theses/Dissertations from 2015
Optimization of Turkish Air Force SAR Units’ Forward Deployment Points for a Central Based SAR Force Structure, Mustafa Acar
Autonomous Experimentation of Carbon Nanotubes Using Response Surface Methods, William Adorno III
Evaluating Opportunities for Improved Processes and Flow Rates in Royal Saudi Air Force F-15 Reparable Items Supply Chain, Ali A. Alshehri
Grabbing the Air Force by the Tail: Applying Strategic Cost Analytics to Understand and Manage Indirect Cost Behavior, Bradley C. Boehmke
A Predictive Logistic Regression Model of World Conflict Using Open Source Data, Benjamin C. Boekestein
Assessing GPS Constellation Resiliency in an Urban Canyon Environment, Aaron J. Burns
Supply Chain Interoperability Measurement, Christos E. Chalyvidis
Agent-based Modeling Methodology for Analyzing Weapons Systems, Casey D. Connors
Antecedents to Organizational Performance: Theoretical and Practical Implications for Aircraft Maintenance Officer Force Development, Andrew L. Cooper
The Military Theater Distribution Network Design Problem, Robert R. Craig
Forecasting Fuels Support Equipment Requisitions, Justin P. D'Agostino
The Brazilian Air Force Uniform Distribution Process: Using Lean Thinking, Statistical Process Control and Theory of Constraints to Address Improvement Opportunities, Luciano A. Dos Santos
Restoration and Humanitarian Aid Delivery on Interdependent Transportation and Communication Networks After an Extreme Event, Jacob A. Forbes
An Application of Social Network Analysis on Military Strategy, System Networks and the Phases of War, Thomas S. Furman
Characterizing and Classifying Acoustical Ambient Sound Profiles, Paul T. Gaski
Advancing Cost-Effective Readiness by Improving the Supply Chain Management of Sparse, Intermittently-Demanded Parts, Gregory H. Gehret
Modeling Attitude Variance in Small Unmanned Aerial Systems for Acoustic Signature Simplification Using Experimental Design in a Hardware-in-the-Loop Simulation, Mitchell N. Gillespie
A Game Theoretic Model for the Optimal Disposition of Integrated Air Defense System Assets, Chan Y. Han
Determining the Most Vital Arcs within a Multi-Mode Communication Network Using Set-Based Measures, Christopher A. Hergenreter
An Optimization of the Maintenance Assets Distribution Network in the Argentine Air Force, Santiago Hernandez
Indicators of Terrorism Vulnerability in Africa, Raymond J. Hill
Approximate Dynamic Programming Algorithms for United States Air Force Officer Sustainment, Joseph C. Hoecherl
Overcoming Hurdles Implementing Multi-skilling Policies, Joshua M. Isom
A Risk Based Approach to Node Insertion within Social Networks, Chancellor A. J. Johnstone
Modeling Network Interdiction Tasks, Benjamin S. Kallemyn
Addressing Enterprise-Level Information System Deficiencies, Dipta Kazi
Building Enterprise Transition Plans Through the Development of Collapsing Design Structure Matrices, Michael P. Kretser
Integrating Agile Combat Support within Title 10 Wargames, Daniel A. Krievs
C-5M Fuel Efficiency Through MFOQA Data Analysis, Michael P. Mariotti
Suitability Analysis of Continuous-Use Reliability Growth Projection Models, Benjamin R. Mayo
Using Approximate Dynamic Programming to Solve the Military Inventory Routing Problem with Direct Delivery, Rebekah S. McKenna
An Application of Multi-Criteria Shortest Path to a Customizable Hex-Map Environment, Jessica P. Morris
A Dynamic Game on Network Topology for Counterinsurgency Applications, Jared K. Nystrom
Cascading Effects of Fuel Network Interdiction, Jeffrey T. Painter
Optimizing the Domestic Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear Response Enterprise, Nicholas R. Paul
An Approximate Dynamic Programming Mode for Optimal MEDEVAC Dispatching, Aaron J. Rettke
Value Focused Thinking Applications to Supervised Pattern Classification with Extensions to Hyperspectral Anomaly Detection Algorithms, David S. Scanland
Non-Rated Air Force Line Officer Attrition Rates Using Survival Analysis, Jill A. Schofield
Active Duty C-17 Aircraft Commander Fuel Efficiency Metrics and Goal Evaluation, Michael J. Schumacher
On Pecuniary Resiliency, Early Warning, and Market Imitation Under Unrestricted Warfare, David M. Smalenberger
An Inventory and Safety Stock Analysis of Air Force Medical Service Pharmaceuticals, Blake Smith
Statistical Observations of Positioning, Navigation, and Timing in a Combat Simulation, Matthew G. Thomas
Optimal Policies for the Management of a Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicle Swap Station, Rebecca S. Widrick
Development of a Finite State Machine for a Small Unmanned Aircraft System Using Experimental Design, Jonathan D. Young
Theses/Dissertations from 2014
Advanced Composite Air Frame Life Cycle Cost Estimating, Mohamed M. Al Romaihi
Optimal Control of Fully Routed Air Traffic in the Presence of Uncertainty and Kinodynamic Constraints, Christopher D. Arendt
Mixed Methods Approach to Identify Factors and the Extent to Which They Influence Medical/Surgical Prime Vendor Use, Amber J. El-Amin
Optimizing Flight Schedules by an Automated Decision Support System, Ugur Erdemir
Simulation Modeling of Advanced Pilot Training: The Effects of a New Aircraft Family of Systems, Bryngel J. Erickson