Theses/Dissertations from 2008
Balanced Scoredcard: Evaluation of Air Force Material Command's Implementation and Use, Aaron J. Hepler
Improved Feature Extraction, Feature Selection, and Identification Techniques That Create a Fast Unsupervised Hyperspectral Target Detection Algorithm, Robert J. Johnson
Combat Identification Using Multiple TUAV Swarm, Younin Kang
Intelligence Surveillance and Reconnaissance Asset Assignment for Optimal Mission Effectiveness, Ryan D. Kappedal
AFMC Customer Satisfaction Study at the Air Logistics Centers, Kelly D. Kendall
A Case Analysis of Explaining the Main Factors that Contribute to ROK's Decision Making in Procurement of Defense Articles, Se Young Kim
Combat Identification Modeling Using Robust Optimization Techniques, TaeHo Kim
Forecasting Expeditionary Training for Company Grade Logistics Readiness Officers: A Delphi Study, Phillip Kirk Larson
A Confidence Paradigm for Classification Systems, Nathan J. Leap
Street Gangs: A Modeling Approach to Evaluation "At Risk" Youth, Bernard Jacob Loeffelholz
Simulation of National Intelligence Process with Fusion, Joseph S. Lupa
Analytical Techniques and the Air Force Logistics Readiness Officer, Bryan D. Main
Robust Sensitivity Analysis of Courses of Action Using an Additive Value Model, Hunter A. Marks
It Is Time the United States Air Force Changes the Way it Feeds Its Airmen. Six University's Perspectives on Outsourcing, Troy J. Miller
Simulation Modeling and Analysis of F-16 Pilot Training Squadron, Adem Okal
Multi-Objective Optimization of Mixed-Variable, Stochastic Systems Using Single-Objective Formulations, Todd J. Paciencia
Assessing Capabilities of the High Energy Liquid Laser Area Defense System through Combat Simulations, Ryan S. Ponack
Metamodeling Techniques to Aid in the Aggregation Process of Large Hierarchical Simulation Models, June F.D. Rodriguez
Process Time Refinement for Reusable Launch Vehicle Regeneration Modeling, Joseph A. Servidio
Scramjet Fuel Injection Array Optimization Utilizing Mixed Variable Pattern Search with Kriging Surrogates, Bryan Sparkman
Developing an Excel Decision Support System Using In-Transit Visibility to Decrease DoD Transportation Delays, Brian B. Stone
Governance Structure Transforemation during ERP Implementations, Elise V. Strachan
Forecasting Instability Indicators in the Horn of Africa Region, Bryan R. Tannehill
Feasibility of JP-8 to Jet a Fuel Conversion at U. S. Military Facilities, Lance A. Vann
Inland Resupply without a Road or Runway: Airdrop Solutions Including High-Altitude Precision Systems, Derek L. Williamson
Theses/Dissertations from 2007
Optimizing the Prioritization of Natural Disaster Recovery Projects, Jason M. Aftanas
Modeling and Analysis of Resolve and Morale for the `Long War', Michael J. Artelli
Sizing Mobility Readiness Spares Packages for Today's Warfighting Units, Christopher M. Beckley
Improved Hyperspectral Image Testing Using Synthetic Imagery and Factorial Designed Experiments, Joseph P. Bellucci
Class VIIIA Materiel: What Problems Were Encountered Transiting OIF Air Transshipment Nodes?, Jessica L. Buck
Analyzing the Interdiction of Sea-Borne Threats Using Simulation Optimization, Kristen L. Cavallaro
Critical Infrastructure Rebuild Prioritization Using Simulation Optimization, Namsuk Cho
Analysis of Army Transformation and the Effects on Customer Ordering Behavior, Joseph M. Colacicco
Feasibility Study of Variance Reduction in the Logistics Composite Model, George P. Cole III
Unreliable Retrial Queues in a Random Environment, James D. Cordeiro Jr.
Approximate Analysis of an Unreliable M/M/2 Retrial Queue, Brian P. Crawford
Quantification of Risk for USAF Fire and Emergency Services Flights as a Result of Shortage in Manpower, Timothy D. Dalby
Planning and Assessing Stability Operations: A Proposed Value-Focused Thinking Approach, Gerald D. Fensterer
A Layered Social and Operational Network Analysis, Jennifer L. Geffre
Developing Advanced Academic Degree Educational Profiles for Career Fields, Katherine J. Gentil
A Multivariate Magnitude Robust Control Chart for Mean Shift Detection and Change Point Estimation, Ryan M. Harrell
An Efficient Metaheuristic for Dynamic Network Design and Message Routing, Robert B. Hartlage
A Future-Based Risk Assessment for the Survivability of Long Range Strike Systems, William D. Heuck Jr.
The Viability of the Air Mobility Command Pure Pallet Program for US Army Reparable Retrograde Shipments, William L. Jackson Jr.
Updating Optimal Decisions Using Game Theory and Exploring Risk Behavior through Response Surface Methodology, Jeremy D. Jordan
Prioritizing Satellite Payload Selection via Optimization, Benjamin S. Kallemyn
Automatic Target Recognition User Interface Tool, David A. Kerns
Commercial Firm Training Practices versus Aerial Port Hazardous Cargo Frustration, Jill L. Maynard
A Decision Model for Selecting Energy Efficient Technologies for Low -Sloping Roof Tops Using Value-Focused Thinking, Michael J. McCourt
Determining Logistics Ground Support Manpower Requirements for a Reusable Military Launch Vehicle, Sydney C. Michalski
The Chaos of Katrina: A Nonlinear Analysis of Federal Logistics Support during Hurricane Katrina Relief Operations, Gerald W. Morris Jr.
Mathematical Programming Model for Fighter Training Squadron Pilot Scheduling, Thomas M. Newlon
Classifying Failing States, Nathan E. Nysether
A Multi-Objective Decision-Making Model for Resources Allocation in Humanitarian Relief, Seungbae Park
Optimizing Distribution Sensor Placement for Border Patrol Interdiction using Microsoft Excel, Adrian C. Patrascu
Patterns of War Termination: A Statistical Approach, Paul D. Robinson II
Examining Clandestine Social Networks for the Presence of Non-Random Structure, Joshua S. Seder
Hyperspectral Imagery Target Detection Using Improved Anomaly Detection and Signature Matching Methods, Timothy E. Smetek
A Value-Focused Thinking Model for the Selection of the Best Rigid Pavement, Partial-Depth Spall Repair Material, Benjamin G. Speer
An Analysis of Robust Workforce Scheduling Models for a Nurse Rostering Problem, Paul K. Tower
Search Techniques for Multi-Objective Optimization of Mixed Variable Systems having Stochastic Responses, Jennifer G. Walston
Commander and User Perceptions of the Army's ITV Architecture, Charles W. Ward
Change-Point Methods for Overdispersed Count Data, Brian A. Wilken
Theses/Dissertations from 2006
Modeling Urban Warfare: Joint Semi-Automated Forces in Urban Resolve, Alexander B. Anastasiou
Coalition Modeling In Humanitarian Assistance Operations, Sung Wan Bang
An Epidemiological Approach to Terrorism, Kjirstin A. Bentson
Optimal Periodic Inspection of a Stochastically Degrading System, Timothy B. Booher
Theory of Effectiveness Measurement, Richard K. Bullock
An Adaptive Tabu Search Heuristic for the Location Routing Pickup and Delivery Problem with Time Windows with a Theater Distribution Application, Robert E. Burks Jr.
BDA Enhancement Methodology using Situational Parameter Adjustments, Michael V. Carras Jr.
Hazardous Material Cargo Frustration at Military Aerial Ports of Embarkation, Niel E. Christensen
Improving Maintenance Data Collection via Point-of-Maintenance (POMX) Implementation, William D. Cone
Gauging the Commitment of Clandestine Group Members, Doneda D. Downs
Perceptions of the Pure Pallet Program, Michael T. Dye
Combining Quality of Service and Topology Control in Directional Hybrid Wireless Networks, Michael C. Erwin
Understanding Innovation Adoption in the Air Force, Morgan J. Evans
Optimizing Mean Mission Duration for Multiple-Payload Satellites, John A. Flory
Review of the Joint Capability Integration and Development System (JCIDS) and the National Security Space Acquisition Process (NSSAP), Joyce A. Gamache
A Risk Assessment Methodology for Divesting Military Capabilities to Allied Nations, Jason A. Gastelum
Analysis of Layered Social Networks, Jonathan T. Hamill
Classification Characteristics of Carbon Nanotube Polymer Composite Chemical Vapor Detectors, Huynh A. Hinshaw
Modeling Network Centric Warfare (NCW) With the System Effectiveness Analysis Simulation (SEAS), Jason B. Honabarger
Assessing Resource Value and Relationships between Objectives in Effects-Based Operations, Robert D. Jones
An Exploratory Case Study of Information-Sharing and Collaboration within Air Force Supply Chain Management, Wendy S. Kierpiec
Comparison of Variance-to-Mean Ratio Methods for Repairables Inventory Management, Lisa J. Mahon
Implementing Reliability-Centered Maintenance Analysis in A revised Preventive Maintenance Program for the F-15, Michael H. Martin
Modeling a Reparable Supply Chain and Applying CPFR Concepts, Sandra A. Mayhall
Factors Affecting the Transfer of Basic Combat Skills Training in the Air Force, Rodney E. McCraine
Reducing Uncertainty in Effects-Based Operations, Wilburn B. McLamb
Analysis of Patient Information: An Empirical Modeling Approach, Tony A. Murphy
A Multi-Pass Construction Heuristic for the Aggregated Airlift Problem, Stephen T. O'Leary
Improving Intercontinental Ballistic Missile Maintenance Scheduling Through the Use of Location Analysis Methodologies, Dale L. Overholts II
Hazardous Materials Transportation: A Meta-Analysis of State Level Policy and Regulations, David J. Pastika
Factors and Interactions That Affect Air Force C-17 Aircraft Mission Capable Rates, Scotty A. Pendley
Access Based Cost Estimation for Beddown Analysis, Jasper E. Pennington
Discrete event simulation Model of the Ground Maintenance Operations Cycle of a Reusable Launch Vehicle, John T. Pope III
Algebra of Tankers, Margaret M. Romero
Using Agent-Based Modeling to Search for Elusive Hiding Targets, Jeffrey E. Rucker