Theses/Dissertations from 2014
Aircraft Route Optimization Using the A-Star Algorithm, Garret D. Fett
A Proper Splitting Theater Distribution Model for Improving Force Flow Analysis, Charles M. Flores
Application of a Multi-Objective Network Model to a Combat Simulation Game: "The Drive on Metz" Case Study, Timothy D. Frawley
Fragment Capture Simulation for MANPADS Test Arena Optimization, Michael J. Garee
Reconstruction Error and Principal Component Based Anomaly Detection in Hyperspectral imagery, James A. Jablonski
KC-46 Workforce Requirements for Depot Maintenance Activation, Jacob C. Jensen
Value Focused Thinking Approach Using Multivariate Validation for Junior Enlisted Performance Reporting in the United States Air Force, Christopher M. Jones
Improving the Air Mobility Command's Air Refueler Route Building Capabilities, Tanya E. Kannon
Dynamic Bayesian Networks as a Probabilistic Metamodel for Combat Simulations, Clayton T. Kelleher
A Markov Decision Process Model for the Optimal Dispatch of Military Medical Evacuation Assets, Sean K. Keneally
Optimizing the Disposition and Retrograde of United States Air Force Class VII Equipment from Afghanistan, Arthur R. Litchfield III
Analysis of Biological Weapon Spread Through a Transportation Network, Michael V. MacAndrew
The Air Force Records Management Program: A Paradigm Shift from Compliance to Guiding Principles in an Ever-Changing Information Environment, Margret T. Martin
The Military Inventory Routing Problem with Direct Delivery, Ian M. McCormack
Exploring Heuristics for the Vehicle Routing Problem with Split Deliveries and Time Windows, Marcus E. McNabb
An Investigation into the Challenges of Joint Basing, Charles H. Morton
Improving Non-Linear Approaches to Anomaly Detection, Class Separation, and Visualization, Todd J. Paciencia
Approximate Dynamic Programming for Military Resource Allocation, Carl R. Parson
A Heuristic Approach to the Theater Distribution Problem, Emily K. Power
Department of Defense Operational Energy Strategy: A Content Analysis of Energy Literature from 1973-2014, Jose A. Quintanilla
Enterprise Analysis of Strategic Airlift to Obtain Competitive Advantage through Fuel Efficiency, Adam D. Reiman
Optimizing Air Force Depot Programming to Maximize Operational Capability, James D. Rhoads
Capturing Uncertainty in Fatigue Life Data, Brent D. Russell
Nation-Building Modeling and Resource Allocation Via Dynamic Programming, Cade M. Saie
Simulating F-22 Heavy Maintenance and Modifications Workforce Multi-Skilling, Wesley A. Sheppard Jr.
A Survey and Analysis of Aircraft Maintenance Metrics: A Balanced Scorecard Approach, Adrienne L. Stahl
Towards Reengineering the United States Department of Defense: A Financial Case for a Functionally-Aligned, Unified Military Structure, Luke R. Stover
A Methodology For Measuring Resilience in a Satellite-Based Communication Network, Jonathan S. Turner
Analysis of a SCADA System Anomaly Detection Model Based on Information Entropy, Jesse G. Wales
Automatic Target Recognition Using Nonlinear Autoregressive Neural Networks, Marc R. Ward
Enhanced Vehicle Beddown Approximations For the Improved Theater Distribution Model, Jonathan D. White
Theses/Dissertations from 2013
Horn's Curve Estimation Through Multi-Dimensional Interpolation, Andrew L. Bigley
Vehicle Minimization for the Multimodal Pickup and Delivery Problem with Time Windows, Benjamin A . Clapp
A Comparison Study of Second-Order Screening Designs and Their Extension, Shane A. Dougherty
Urgent Aeromedical Evacuation Network Capacity Planning, Scott C. Finkbeiner
Modeling Reliability Growth in Accelerated Stress Testing, Jason K. Freels
A Mixed Integer Programming Model for Improving Theater Distribution Force Flow Analysis, Micah J. Hafich
The Outsourcing-to-Insourcing Relocation Shift: A Response of U.S. Manufacturers to the Outsourcing Paradigm, Paul L. Hartman
Aerial Refueling Simulator Validation Using Operational Experimentation and Response Surface Methods with Time Series Responses, Alexander P. Hillman
Identifying, Tracking, and Prioritizing Parts Unavailability, Troy T. Huber
Traumatic Brain Injury Recovery Care: Demand Forecasting, Staffing, and Treatment Planning, Mitchell R. Kieffer
Operational Planning of Channel Airlift Missions Using Forecasted Demand, Taylor J. Leonard
Estimating the Probability of Being the Best System: A Generalized Method and Nonparametric Hypothesis Test, Aaron M. Lessin
Control Variates and Optimal Designs in Metamodeling, Joshua B. Meents
A Network Analysis of Social Balance in Conflict in the Maghreb, Eric A. Miller
Evaluating Courses of Actions at the Strategic Planning Level, Alhmet Ozdemir
Development of Availability and Sustainability Spares Optimization Models for Aircraft Reparables, Edmund K.W. Pek
Continuous Process Improvement at Tinker Air Logistics Complex, Robert S. Rabon
An Examination of Statistical Rigor Infused into the KC-46 Flight Test Program, Sean C. Ritter
An Empirical Investigation of USAF Logistics Readiness Officer Mission Sets, Matthew D. Roberts
Activity-based Calculation Models for the Brazilian Air Force Cellular Unit of Intendancy, Paula Ferreira da Silva
USAF Aircraft Maintenance Officer Knowledge, Skills and Abilities and Commonalities among the Logistics Officer Corps, David M. Thompson
Strategic Consolidation of Medical War Reserve Material (WRM) Equipment Unit Type Codes (UTC) Assemblages, Chad W. Whitson
Theses/Dissertations from 2012
Personnel, the Class 0 Supply Item: A Logistics Management Approach to Supplying Combatant Commanders with Warfighters, William P. Beard
Using VFT as a Constraint for Goal Programming Models: A Case Study for Turkish Air Force Flying Hour Program, Ahmet Bengoz
Value Focused Thinking in Developing Aerobatic Aircraft Selection Model for Turkish Air Force, Emel Bengoz
Modeling and Analysis of AF Depot Business Practices for Supply, Jason A. Blake
Using QR Factorization for Real-Time Anomaly Detection of Hyperspectral Images, Kelly R. Bush
The Effectiveness of Using Diversity for Selecting Multiple Classifier Systems, Harris K. Butler
Analysis of Kc-46 Live-fire Risk Mitigation Program Testing, Chad N. Chamberlain
A Prototype Overview for Allocating USAID Foreign Aid, Deane E. Cover
Minimization of Collateral Damage in Airdrops and Airstrikes, Steven P. Dillenburger
Surveillance Versus Reconnaissance: An Entropy Based Model, Tamilyn S. Dismukes
A Decision Analysis Perspective on Multiple Response Robust Optimization, Jonathan S. Findley
A Simulation to Evaluate Joint Military Logistics in a Humanitarian Assistance Environment, Ryan S. Fisher
Automatic Target Recognition for Hyperspectral Imagery, Kelly D. Friesen
Evaluation of Inventory Reduction Strategies: Balad Air Base Case Study, Aaron V. Glassburner
Analysis of Social Network Measures with Respect to Structural Properties of Networks, Joshua D. Guzman
Agent Based Modeling and Simulation Framework for Supply Chain Risk Management, Tiffany J. Harper
Rough-Cut Capacity Planning in Multimodal Freight Transportation Networks, Robert B. Hartlage
An Analysis of the Impact of Job Search Behaviors on Air Force Company Grade Officer Turnover, Teri M. Hunter
Using Hybrid Simulation/Analytical Queueing Networks to Capacitate USAF Air Mobility Command Passenger Terminals, Meredithe A. Jessup II
The Multiobjective Average Network Flow Problem: Formulations, Algorithms, Heuristics, and Complexity, Jeremy D. Jordan
Exploring the Dynamics and Modeling National Budget as a Supply Chain System: A Proposal for Reengineering the Budgeting Process and for Developing a Management Flight Simulator, Christoforos Kalloniatis
Decision Analysis Using Value-focused Thinking for Retention of Long-term Officers in the Korean Army, Jaebum Kim
A Multi-stage Optimization Model for Air Force Reserve Officer Training Corps Officer Candidate Selection, Marisha T. Kinkle
Ballistic Flash Characterization: Penetration and Back-face Flash, Michael J. Koslow
Tanker Fuel Consolidation: Effects of Higher Fidelity Modeling on a Resilient Plan, Jason A. Larimore
Simulation Modeling and Analysis of the Impact of Individual Mobility Augmentee Loss at the Tanker Airlift Control Center, Megan A. Leiter
Impact of Decision Criteria on Federal Aviation Administration Certification of Military Commercial Derivative Aircraft, Michael S. Low
Improving Knowledge of C-130 Aircraft Condition: A High Velocity Maintenance Case Study, Marcus R. McWilliams
Minuteman III Cost Per Alert Hour Analysis, Allen R. Miller
A Quantitative Methodology for Vetting "Dark Network" Intelligence Sources for Social Network Analysis, James F. Morris
Using Multiattribute Utility Copulas in Support of UAV Search and Destroy Operations, Beau A. Nunnally
The Impact of Supply Chain Business Processes on Competitive Advantage and Organizational Performance, John F. Perry II
Ballistic Flash Characterization of Entry-Side Flash, David J. Peyton
Value Focused Thinking for Nation Building in Afghanistan: A Regional Perspective, Muhammad S. Riaz
Understanding the Instruments of National Power through a System of Differential Equations in a Counterinsurgency, Cade M. Saie
The Effect of Supply Chain Management Processes on Competitive Advantage and Organizational Performance, Ronald M. Salazar
The Strategic Level Optimization of Air to Ground Missiles for Turkish Air Force Decision Support System, Nurdinc Senay
Combat Identification of Synthetic Aperture Radar Images using Contextual Features and Bayesian Belief Networks, John X. Situ
An Evaluation of the Argentinean Basic Trainer Aircraft Domestic Development Project, Guillermo A. Stahl
The In-Transit Vigilant Covering Tour Problem of Routing Unmanned Ground Vehicles, Huang Teng Tan
CNG as a Feasible Replacement for the U.S. Transportation Sector, Veysel Uz
The Effects of Deployments and Other Factors on Air Force Junior Officer Retention, Jarrett L. Weiblen
Forecasting Effects of Influence Operations: A Generative Social Science Methodology, Christopher W. Weimer
C-5M Super Galaxy Utilization with Joint Precision Airdrop System, Michael T. Weitz