Theses/Dissertations from 2024
Enhancing Port Efficiency and Lead Time Reduction through Predictive Analysis: A Case Study of Container Management at Khalifa bin Salman Port, Abdulaziz A. Aljalahma
Optimizing Deployment Kit, Introducing Acceptance Threshold, Saleh A. Alshuhri
Electric Vehicle Support Equipment Deployment at Military Installations: A Mixed-Integer Linear Programming Approach, Katelyn M. Barton
Modeling & Engineering of USMEPCOM Business Intelligence Data, Merrick A. Bedford
Federated Medical Scoring Systems, Jacob F. Bryant
Examining the Effect of Contractor Logistics Support on the Reliability of Military Aircraft, Rodrigo S. Campos de Moura
On Intrinsic Dimensionality of Data Sets and Neural Networks, Ori Chachmo
Systematic Review of Supply Chain Control Tower Critical Success Factors and Resilience Effects, Clay H. Chaffin
Evaluation of VTOL-Capable Cargo UAVs for Dispersible Airfield Logistics in the USINDOPACOM AOR, Maria C. Chedzoy
2033 Digital Modernization at USMEPCOM: A Strategic Analysis of Future Military Applicant Processing, William A. Clay
Reinforcement Learning for Team Based Air Combat Maneuvering Decisions with Directed Energy Weaponry, Joshua D. Combs
Advanced Intermediate Manufacturing (AIM) Supply Chain Concepts Leading to Reduced Lead Times and Improved Responsiveness, Eric S. Draudt
An Integer Programming Model to Optimize US Army Deployment Cycle and Maximize Unit Availability, Grant R. Engel
Techniques For Addressing Extreme Class Imbalance for Artificial Neural Networks Training, Colin W. Foley
A Multi-Objective Approach to Optimal Deployment Policies for Wireless Sensor Networks Using Drop Points, Noah E. Fox
An Analysis of China’s Perceived Geographic Locations of Interest by Use of Value Informed Facility Location Models, Layton C. Hedge
Analysis and Visualization of Military Convoy and Supply Utilization in Support of State-specific Freight Plans, Madison E. Hofmann
Simulating Human-Autonomous Aircraft Teams in an Anti-Access Area Denial (A2AD) Environment, Michael Kaminski
USMEPCOM Prescreens: A Value-Focused Thinking Approach, Phillip M. Koenig
U.S. Army Cadet Command Branch Prediction Model, Daniel M. Krizan
The Use of Deep Learning and Transfer Learning in Complex Problems, Jacob S. Lang
Automated Image Registration for Titanium Aircraft Components via Resolution-Robust Parallel Neural Networks, Paige T. Luebbering
A Reinforcement Learning Self-Play Approach for Informing Wargaming Analysis & Development, Kathleen A. MacLean
Bayesian Augmentation of Object Detection Algorithms to Enhance Object Classification Stability, Taylor D. Markham
Training Schedule for the 56th Maintenance Group, Samantha K. O'Rourke
The Impact of Solar Angle and Cloud Shadows on 3D Reconstruction of Rolling Stock Cargo, Carlina M. Ostrand
Federated Analysis of Wearables Data for United States Air Force Mental and Physical Readiness, Sung Yong O
Factors Affecting the Retention of Active Duty Airmen, Gregory A. Picardi
A Reinforcement Learning Approach to the 2v2 Beyond Visual Range Air Combat Maneuvering Problem, Jacob J. Pike
A Random Forest-Based Q-Learning Algorithm: Toward Interpretable Artificial Intelligence, Victor R. Rae
Measuring the Comparative Performance of USAF Behavioral Health Clinic Operations: Emphasis on Capacity, Daniel L. Straw
An Assignment Model for Lateral Transfers Matching Base Repair Facilities to XF3 Coded NSNs Requiring Repair, George D. Valaika
Navigating Complex Environments: A Comparative Study of Shortest Path Algorithms for Military A2AD and Civilian Obstacle Avoidance, Ebony N. Williams
Knowledge Management Modeling and Decision Analysis for USMEPCOM, Luke G. Wunderlich
A Staged Framework for LLM-powered Information Extraction in Government Contracts, Jung H. Yae
Theses/Dissertations from 2023
Advances in Quaternion-Valued Neural Networks, Jeremiah P. Bill
Prediction of Persistent Post-Traumatic Headache with Long Short-Term Memory Networks, Todd C. Campo
Information System Availability Status and its impact on Customer Wait Times, Joshua A. Cramer
Garbage In ≠ Garbage Out: Exploring GAN Resilience to Image Training Set Degradations, Nicholas M. Crino
The Aerial Refueling Asset Basing and Assignment Problem, Camryn E. Deames
Analysis of Multi-agent Routing Solution Methodologies Exploring a Mosaic Warfare Strategy, Stephen D. Donnel
U.S. Army Force Structure Optimization and Sufficiency Analysis, Francis P. Gargin
A Comparison of Wireless Sensor Networks Under Stochastic Deployment Methods to Ideal Network Structures, Andrew J. Grove
An Analysis of Aircraft Maintenance Leading Indicator Metrics to Unit-level Aircraft Availability Rates, William C. Hardy
Hierarchical Federated Learning on Healthcare Data: An Application to Parkinson's Disease, Brandon J. Harvill
Lunar Search and Rescue: The Next Step for Human Spaceflight Recovery, Benjamin J. Johnis
Automated Registration of Titanium Metal Imaging of Aircraft Components Using Deep Learning Techniques, Nathan A. Johnston
Pattern of Life Modeling on Maritime Vessels with Bayesian Inferencing, Miles A. Kelly
Designing a Counter-IADS Drone Swarm: Using Evolution to Evaluate Combat Assumptions Underpinning Drone Swarm Target Assignment, Olin H. Kennedy
Bayesian Recurrent Neural Networks for Real Time Object Detection, Stephen Z. Kimatian
Uncertainty Quantification in Federated Learning for Persistent Post-traumatic Headache, Byungmoo Brian Kim
Predicting Success of Pilot Training Candidates Using Interpretable Machine Learning, Alexandra S. King
Refining Contract Management: Essays on Relational Contracting, Transaction Costs, and Text Analysis, Timothy E. Landucci
Probability of Agreement as a Simulation Validation Methodology, Matthew C. Ledwith
Improving Deep Reinforcement Learning Methodology for Autonomous Defense and Escort of Military High-value Assets, Joseph Liles IV
Network Vulnerability Identification for the Material Routing Problem, Carson G. Long
Air Force Cadet to Career Field Matching Problem, Ian P. MacDonald
Advancing Autonomous Swarm Behavior in a Simulated Anti-access Area Denial (A2AD) Environment, Chad P. MacWilkinson
Simulating Autonomous Drone Swarm Behaviors in an Anti-access Area Denial (A2AD) Environment, Alexander L. Martinez
Portfolio Optimization using Value Focused Thinking, Tyler Martin
Classification and Analysis of Twitter Bot and Troll Accounts, Callan P. McCormick
Examining Fuel Service System Failures of the USAF R11 Using Survival Analysis, Roed M.S. Mejia
Inducing Sparsity Within High-dimensional Remote Sensing Modalities for Lightning Prediction, Grace E. Metzgar
Examining Failures of KC-135 Boom Assemblies Using Survival Analysis, Benjamin D. Miller
An Approximate Dynamic Programming Approach for Solving an Air Combat Maneuvering Problem with Directed Energy Weapons, Elisha A. Palm
The U.S. Army Officer-to-Unit Assignment Problem, Andrea L. Phillips
Simulation and Analysis of Dynamic Threat Avoidance Routing in an Anti-access Area Denial (A2AD) Environment, Dante C. Reid
Federated Active Learning for Network Intrusion Detection, Matthew D. R. Sauer
Test Problem Generation and Metaheuristic Selection for the Multidemand Multidimensional Knapsack Problem, Matthew E. Scherer
An Improved Saliency Map with Trustworthiness for Localizing Abnormalities in Medical Imaging, Nolan C. Skelly
Analysis and Optimization of Contract Data Schema, Franklin Sun
A Reinforcement Learning Approach to a Beyond Visual Range Air Combat Maneuvering Problem, Caleb A. Taylor
Theses/Dissertations from 2022
Evaluating Performance Competencies in the Royal Saudi Air Force Engineering Directorate and Squadrons, Faisal A. Al Dawood
Investigating Supply Parts Delivery Delay from Supply Depot to King Khaled Air Base in Royal Saudi Air Force, Rashed S. Alkhathami
Cost-Benefit Analysis of the Saudi Land Bridge Project, Faris J. Alotaibi
Military Personnel Flight Customer Wait Time Reduction Model Using Simulation, Nicholas C. Anderson
Inverse Optimization: Inferring Unknown Instance Parameters from Observed Decisions, Keith Batista
Training LOGIC and Random Forest Models to Predict IT Spending, Jacob P. Batt
Analysis of Container Shipments for USTRANSCOM, John N. Campos Y Campos
Game Theory Framework to Evaluate Nuclear Deterrence, Michael A. Cevallos
Generative Methods, Meta-learning, and Meta-heuristics for Robust Cyber Defense, Marc W. Chalé
A Decision Analysis Framework to Consider Space Congestion in Orbit Selection, Anthony J. Correale
Smoothing of Convolutional Neural Network Classifications, Glen R. Drumm
A Decision Support Simulation to Analyze Scheduling Alternatives for Applicant Processing at Military Entrance Processing Stations (MEPS), Jonathan M. Escamilla
Assessing The United States Foreign Assistance Activities Impact on Violent Conflicts, Daniel F. Feze
Evaluating the Military Medical Evacuation Dispatching and Delivery Problem via Simulation and Self-Exciting Hawkes Process, Virbon B. Frial
Incorporating Armed Escorts to the Military Medical Evacuation Dispatching Problem via Stochastic Optimization and Reinforcement Learning, Andrew G. Gelbard
Analysis of the Perspective on Syrian Refugees by Neighboring Countries, Norma Ghanem
Narrative Analysis of Open-Source Social Media Activity in the INDOPACOM AOR, Aaron K. Glenn
Simulating Autonomous Cruise Missile Swarm Behaviors in an Anti-Access Area Denial (A2AD) Environment, Kyle W. Goggins
Emergency Logistics Stochastic Network Optimization with Prepositioning and Distribution Center Support, Christian Graves
Approximate Dynamic Programming for an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Routing Problem with Obstacles and Stochastic Target Arrivals, Kassie M. Gurnell
Retention Prediction and Policy Optimization for United States Air Force Personnel Management, Joseph C. Hoecherl
The Cyber Wargame Commodity Course of Action Automated Analysis Method, Alex Hoffendahl
Optimal Scheduling Of Aircraft Test and Evaluation Fleets to Balance Availability for Testing and Training, Sarah E. Hoops
Indicators of Political Instability in the Presence of Rapid Urban and Youth Population Growth, Douglas W. Hubbard
Qualitative Insights on the Military Entrance Processing Station (MEPS) of Excellence Program, Brian T. Johnson