Theses/Dissertations from 2022
Optimal Aircraft Maneuvering Models for Cruise Missile Engagement: a Modeling and Computational Study, Izaiah G. Laduke
A New Approach to Career Field Matching for Commissioning Air Force Cadets, Daniel Griffen Laird
Improving Country Conflict and Peace Modeling: Datasets, Imputations, and Hierarchical Clustering, Benjamin D. Leiby
Experimental Design on High-Speed Sliding Wear, Irene D. Liew
Analysis of Twitter Networks to Aid Open Source Intelligence Capabilities: A Multilayer Network Approach, Austin P. Logan
Measuring Seaport Performance and Congestion in the Republic of Korea, Derrick J. Lohr
Generalized Robust Feature Selection, Bradford L. Lott
Comparison of Lightning Warning Radii Distributions, Michael M. Maestas
Using Generative Adversarial Networks to Augment Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Image Classification Training Sets, Benjamin J. McCloskey
Number of Authorized Suppliers and Supplier Delivery Performance, Beau D. Messenger
Bayesian Convolutional Neural Network with Prediction Smoothing and Adversarial Class Thresholds, Noah M. Miller
Multiagent Routing Problem with Dynamic Target Arrivals Solved via Approximate Dynamic Programming, Andrew E. Mogan
Team Air Combat using Model-based Reinforcement Learning, David A. Mottice
Operational and Cost Analysis of a LEO Radar-Based Satellite Constellation, Kyle O. Norbert
An Exploratory Analysis of Time Series Econometric Data for Retention Forecasting using Deep Learning, John C. O'Donnell
Examining the Relationship between an Aging Workforce and Logistics Performance Indicators, Daniel Parkhill
Screening Heuristics for the Evaluation of Covert Network Node Insertion Scenarios, Andrew E. Pekarek
Applying Models of Circadian Stimulus to Explore Ideal Lighting Configurations, Alexander J. Price
Understanding Logistics Airmen’s Risk Information Seeking and Processing during the COVID-19 Pandemic: The Role of Organizational Meetings in an Extended PRISM Framework, Christopher T. Price
Air Force Specialty Code Assignment Optimization, Rebecca L. Reynolds
Reconciliation, Restoration and Reconstruction of a Conflict Ridden Country, Muhammad S. Riaz
Analyzing the Impact of Blood Transfusion Kits and Triage Misclassification Errors for Military Medical Evacuation Dispatching Policies via Approximate Dynamic Programming, Channel A. Rodriguez
Analysis of Generalized Artificial Intelligence Potential through Reinforcement and Deep Reinforcement Learning Approaches, Jonathan Turner
Identifying Characteristics for Success of Robotic Process Automations, Charles M. Unkrich
Examining Failures of KC-135s using Survival Analysis, Vanessa I. R. Unseth
Innovative Heuristics to Improve the Latent Dirichlet Allocation Methodology for Textual Analysis and a New Modernized Topic Modeling Approach, Jamie T. Zimmerman
Theses/Dissertations from 2021
Strategic Upgrade Scheduling and Portfolio Management to Fortify Contested Networks, Justin L. Anderson
An Examination into Retention Behavior of Air Force Female Officers, Jessica M. Astudillo
Deep Learning for Weather Clustering and Forecasting, Nathaniel R. Beveridge
Meta-Heuristic Optimization Methods for Quaternion-Valued Neural Networks, Jeremiah P. Bill
Contract Information Extraction Using Machine Learning, Zachary E. Butcher
Predicting F-16 Cause Code H MICAP Hours Using JMP Regression Analysis, Scott E. Carr
Reducing Military Personnel Flight Wait Times Using a Simulation, Matthew D. Cornman
Examining the Influence of Source Dependence on Supplier Performance in the USAF Organic Supply Chain, Thomas A. Counter
Examining the Impact of Logistics on Military Strength among East Asian Nations Using Data Envelopment Analysis, Meaghan E. Crandell
Air Combat Maneuvering via Operations Research and Artificial Intelligence Methods, James B. Crumpaker
The Impact of Threat Levels at the Casualty Collection Point on Military Medical Evacuation System Performance, Nathaniel C. Dennie
Exploring the Limits of Strategic Thought: Evaluating how Different Communication Modalities Affect the Nature of Strategic Decision-Making using Cognitive Hierarchy, Stephen D. Donnel
Performance Improvement through Better Understanding of Supply Chain Resilience, Amanda L. Femano
Combat Assessment for the Simulation of Warfare, Benjamin L. Finch
An Examination of Potential Training Regression Recognition Algorithms for Pilot Training Next, Alex R. Gaines
Examining Military Cargo Pilots' Eco-friendly Flying Intention, Ioan A. Gaitan
The Autonomous Attack Aviation Problem, John C. Goodwill
The Impact of Triage Classification Errors on Military Medical Evacuation System Performance, Emily S. Graves
Using Custom NER Models to Extract DOD Specific Entities from Contracts, Kayla P. Haberstich
Automated Sentiment Analysis for Personnel Survey Data in the US Air Force Context, Julia M. Haines
Enterprise Resource Allocation for Intruder Detection and Interception, Adam B. Haywood
CCSFS/KSC Total Lightning Warning Radii Optimization for MERLIN Using Preexisting Lightning Areas, Kimberly G. Holland
A Simulation Modeling the Effects of Maintenance Personnel on Aircraft Sortie Generation, Benjamin D. Huffman
Examining the Impact of Logistics on Military Strength among European Nations Using Data Envelopment Analysis, Hunter C. Kalin
Improving Air Battle Management Target Assignment Processes via Approximate Dynamic Programming, Joseph M. Liles IV
Modeling Air Force Retention with Macroeconomic Indicators, Michelle K. McGee
Examining Crucial Demographic Trends in General Aviation, Joshua D. Meyer
Characterizing Convolutional Neural Network Early-Learning and Accelerating Non-Adaptive, First-Order Methods with Localized Lagrangian Restricted Memory Level Bundling, Benjamin O. Morris
Developing a Basic Formal Supply Chain Ontology to Improve Communication and Interoperability, David Morrow
Wavelet Methods for Very-short Term Forecasting of functional Time Series, Jared K. Nystrom
The Obstacles to the Modernization of Common Support Equipment, J. Erik Ritschard
Statistically Defensible Wind Tunnel Models, Timothy A. Roche
Analysis of Functional Responses in Experimental Design, Matthew E. Scherer
Resupply Operations of a Dispersed Infantry Brigade Combat Team using Approximate Dynamic Programming, Camero K. Song
Bayesian Augmentation of CNN-LSTM for Video Classification with Uncertainty Measures, Emmie K. Swize
Behavior of Lightning in Developing Storms, Erick A. Tello
Stochastic Programming Design for West Africa Logistics Networks, Julius C. Walker
Resilient Maintenance Infrastructure: Dynamic Repair Network Designs to Effectively Manage Supply Chain Disruptions, David W. Wallace III
New Methods in Wavelet Analysis for Applications of the Wavelet Transform, Jeffrey D. Williams
Defensive Counterair for Air Base Air Defense using Directed Energy and Kinetic Energy Weapons, Andrew S. Wilson
An Examination of Civilian Retention in the United States Air Force, William F. Wilson
Theses/Dissertations from 2020
Undergraduate Pilot Training Attrition: An Analysis of Individual and Class Composition Component Factors, Christina M. Akers
Investigation of an Avionics Part Deficiencies in Royal Saudi Air Force Fleets, Nasser S. Alanazi
Predicting Upper Atmospheric Weather Conditions Utilizing Long-Short Term Memory Neural Networks for Aircraft Fuel Efficiency, Garrett A. Alarcon
3D Printing for Solving Part Obscolescence, Ayman G. Alqarni
Strategic Sourcing of Air Force Contingency Pharmaceuticals: A Cost-Benefit Analysis Approach, Adam J. Brubakken
Characterizing Uncertainty in Correlated Response Variables for Pareto Front Optimization, Peter A. Calhoun
Algorithm Selection Framework: A Holistic Approach to the Algorithm Selection Problem, Marc W. Chalé
Inherent Jeopardy of Performance Based Contracting Metrics: A Simulation Experiment, Daniel Cherobini
The Effects of Aircraft Use and Available Repar Spares on Aircraft Sortie Generaiton: A Long-Duration Logistical Wargaming SimulationTool, Nathaniel M. Choo
Behavioral Antecedents of Fuel Efficiency, James A. Cotton
Hybrid Tri-Objective Optimization of F-15 Fleet Modernization Scheduling, Richard S. Danaher
Preferred Treatment Methods for Patients with Inflammatory Bowel Disease, James L. Deitschel
Conceptualization and Application of Deep Learning and Applied Statistics for Flight Plan Recommendation, Nicholas C. Forrest
Predicting Pilot Success Using Machine Learning, Aaron C. Giddings
MC80: Quantifying Effect of Fleet Health on Sortie Execution in F-16 Fleet, Kyle R. Gladney
Aligning Performance Management Systems for Lasting Outcomes in Humanitarian Operations, Kalyn M. Howard
Heuristic Approaches for Near-Optimal Placement of GPS-Based Multi-Static Radar Receivers in American Coastal Waters, Brandon J. Hufstetler
Explaining Weapon System Sustainment's Impact to Aircraft Availability, Michael D. Ingram
Ground Weather RADAR Signal Characterization through Application of Convolutional Neural Networks, Stephen M. Lee
Sortie-based Aircraft Component Demand Rate to Predict Requirements, Thomas R. O'Neal
Forecasting Attrition by AFSC for the United States Air Force, Trey S. Pujats
Analysis with Dynamic Bayesian Networks Compared to Simulation, Aaron J. Salazar
Resilient Aircraft Sustainment: Quantifying Resilience through Asset and Capacity Allocation, Zachary B. Shannon
An Analysis of a Lighting Prediction Threshold for 45th Weather Squadron Electric Field Mill Data, Charles A. Skrovan
Analysis and Forecasting of the 360th Air Force Recruiting Group Goal Distribution, Tyler Spangler
Database Analysis to Improve U.S. Transportation Command Forecasting Processes, Maxwell C. Thompson
Multivariate Analysis of Human Performance STRONG Lab Data, Kayla N. Tinucci
Meta Learning Recommendation System for Classification, Clarence O. Williams III
A Metamodel Recommendation System Using Meta-learning, Megan K. Woods