Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Department of Operational Sciences

First Advisor

Nicholas T. Boardman, PhD


This research addresses the ideal structure of a deployed network of sensors over a geographical area based on metrics such as coverage and connectivity. Using a genetic algorithm, the ideal structure for a range of target network sizes is determined. Then, a series of realistic methods of sensor distribution simulating the scattering of sensors such as a single linear pass, perpendicular passes, and parallel passes are compared to determine the ability of each method to achieve the ideal structure for each target network size. From the results, it is determined that the ideal structure for smaller networks contains a highly centralized structure with sensors deployed in larger numbers around the sink node, while the ideal structure for larger networks is more uniformly spread over the area of interest. Additionally, the method that best achieved the ideal structure over the range of network sizes tested was the perpendicular passes with a sensor scattering strategy that is uniform in nature.

AFIT Designator



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