Department of Systems and Engineering and Management | Student Graduate Works | Air Force Institute of Technology


Theses/Dissertations from 1996


An Activity Driver Based Analysis of Hazardous Materials Usage at Wright-Patterson AFB, Charles D. Perham


Evaluation of Hazardous Material Life Cycle Cost Tools for Use in Air Force Hazardous Material Pharmacies, Rowene J. Resler


Environmental Restoration Project, Peer Review Process Assessment, Paul A. Schantz


Surfactant Enhanced Microbial Degradation of JP-8 Contaminated Soil, John D. Thomas


Modeling Marine Exposure to Polychlorinated Biphenyls from Sunken Ships, Charles N. Wendt


Development of a Basis for a Hazardous Materials and Waste Management System for Air Force Contingency Deployments, Christopher J. West

Limitations in the Use of Partitioning Tracers for Estimating the Volume and Distributions of NAPLS, Christopher D. Wolf

Theses/Dissertations from 1995

Evaluation of the Natural Biodegradation of Jet Fuel JP-8 in Various Soils Using Respirometry, James A. Baker III


How Location and an Action Standard on a Risk Ladder Affect Perceived Risk, Lonny P. Baker


In Situ Warming and Soil Venting to Enhance the Biodegradation of JP-4 in Cold Climates: A Critical Study and Analysis, Ricky D. Cox


Validation Testing a Contaminant Transport and Natural Attenuation Simulation Model Using Field Data, Steven J. Flier


The Relationship between Environmental Attitudes and Environmental Behaviors among Air Force Members, Daniel T. Holt


A Case Study of the Environmental Impacts of the Beddown of the C-17 Globemaster III at Charleston AFB, Richard H. Houghton Jr.


A Comparison of Remediation Priorities Developed by the Defense Priority Model, the Relative Risk Evaluation Method, and a Quantitative Risk Assessment Approach, David M. Hunter


Effects of Ammonium Perchlorate on the Thyroid Hormone Levels of the Sprague-Dawley Rat, James H. King Jr.


Comparison of Gravel Substrate vs Soil Substrate for the Construction of an Experimental Fen, Carolyn S. Langley


Analysis of Soil Vapor Extraction Expenses to Estimate Bioventing Expenses, Steven M. Loken


A System Dynamics Approach to Modelling the Degradation of Biochemical Oxygen Demand in a Constructed Wetland Receiving Stormwater Runoff, Leslie A. Mudgett


Determining Types of Health Effects to Persian Gulf Veterans Due to Exposure to Occupational Hazards, Rebecca A. Nelson


An Analysis of 1994 Air Force Toxic Release Inventory Reporting, Brian A. Pollock

Analysis of Factors Influencing Energy Consumption at an Air Force Base, Michael J. Scheller


Perceptions of Coherence and Usability in Environmental Impact Documents as Functions of Visual and Linguistic Cues, Ronald B. Shankland


A Comparison of Response Surface Methodology and a One-Factor-At-A-Time Approach as Calibration Techniques for the Bioplume-II Simulation Model of Contaminant Biodegradation, Benjamin Shuman


Use of Respirometry to Determine the Effect of Nutrient Enhancement on JP-8 Biodegradability, Christian T. Totten

Theses/Dissertations from 1994


Analysis of the Potential for Plant Uptake of Trichloroethylene and an Assessment of the Relative Risk from Different Crop Types, Roy-Alan C. Agustin


Exposure of a Food Crop to Trichloroethylene from a Contaminated Aquifer, Richard G. Baringer


Development of a Comprehensive Base-Level Environmental Training Program for Total Environmental Compliance, William M. Barrett Jr


Analysis of the Air Force's Clean Water Act Notice of Violations as a Managerial Tool in Achieving Compliance, Sandra J. Beneway


A Comparative Pharmacokinetic Study of the Role of Gender and Developmental Differences in Occupational and Environmental Exposure to Benzene, Elizabeth A. Brown


Development of an Analysis Method to Identify the Root Causes of Finding from the Air Force Environmental Compliance Assessment and Management Program (ECAMP), Frederick B. Cade


A Retrospective Quantitative Assessment of Trichloroethylene Exposure of Workers at Aircraft Maintenance Facilities at Hill Air Force Base Through the Use of Modeling, Anthony O. Copeland


Coherence and Usability of an Environmental Impact Statement, Jill A. Easterly


Development of Field Guidance for Assessing Feasibility of Intrinsic Bioremediation to Restore Petroleum-Contaminated Soils, John T. Enyeart


Decision Support Model to Compare Hazardous Waste Site Remediation Process Alternatives, Christopher E. Findall


An Analysis of Alternative Methods of Measuring Hazardous Waste Reduction Progress at the Air Force Materiel Command's Air Logistic Centers, Edward C. Finke


Application of a Risk Model to Quantify Relative Risk of Remedial Actions, Timothy L. Fuller


Optimal Utilization of Field Generated Analytical Data for Site Characterization and Remedial Decision Making, Ronald J. Lester


Modeling Trihalomethane Formation Potential from Wastewater Chlorination, Carol A. McCormick

The Development of a Pharmacokinetic Description of Lipophilic Chemical Transport in Mammary Tissue, Bobbie A. Moore

The Pharmacy Concept for Hazardous Materials Management: Effect on Productivity of the Base Civil Engineering Operations Flight Work Force, David K. Nelson


Volatile Organic Compound Emissions from USAF Wastewater Treatment Plants in Ozone Nonattainment Areas, Brian A. Ouellette


Evaluation of Alternative Methods for Wastewater Disinfection, David C. Piech


Simulation of Hydrologic Influences on Wetland Ecosystem Succession, Robert A. Pompilio


Economics of Chlorofluorocarbon (CFC) Machine Replacement, Geoffrey D. Rudderow


Standardization of Protocol for the Sampling, Testing and abatement of Asbestos Containing Joint Compound, Gary J. Schneider


A Preliminary System Dynamics Model of a Constructed Wetland for the Mitigation of Metals in USAF Storm Water, Mark P. Smekrud


The Application of NEPA Requirements to CERCLA Remedial Actions, Connie L. Strobbe


Status of Storm Water Pollution in the United States, Lynne A. Urquhart


A Quantitative Method for Screening Pollution Prevention Program Options at United States Air Force Installations, Wayne M. Williams

Theses/Dissertations from 1993


Evaluation of the Total Petroleum Hydrocarbon Standard for Cleanup of Petroleum Contaminated Sites, Rick A. Blaisdell and Mark E. Smallwood


A Decision Support Model Using Life Cycle Cost (LCC) Analysis to Select Cost-Effective Alternatives for Hazardous Materials, Blaine F. Burley and Kirk A. Phillips


A Refinement of Risk Analysis Procedures for Trichloroethylene Through the Use of Monte Carlo Method in Conjunction with Physiologically Based Pharmacokinetic Modeling, William J. Cronin IV and Eric J. Oswald


Development of an Effectiveness Model or Metric for the Air Force Environmental Compliance Assessment and Management Program (ECAMP), Craig B. DeZell


A Predictive Model for the Determination of the Economic Feasibility of Construction and Demolition Waste Recycling in the Air Force, Byron L. Dixon


Economic Analysis of Costs Incurred from Chemical Exposures in the Workplace Resulting in Non-Carcinogenic Responses as Additional Justification for Pollution Prevention Projects, Michael L. Forcht and Timothy D. Neu


Capabilities of Air Force Wastewater Treatment Plants in Complying with Projected Regulatory Requirements, Steven R. Ford


A Strategy for Combining the Pollution Prevention Opportunity Assessment with the Environmental Compliance Assessment and Management Program, Stacy E. Gent


A Risk Assessment of the Health Liabilities from Exposure to Toxic Metals Found in the Composted Material of Air Force Municipal Solid Waste, Timothy L. Merrymon


A Study of Investigation-Derived Waste Management Options, Barry C. Mountain


An Analysis of Site Parameters Affecting Natural Attenuation in Saturated Soil, William H. Potts


Vadose Zone Contamination Measurement and Modeling, Thomas A. Reeder


Analysis of Best Management Practices for Storm Water Compliance at Air Force Airfields, Peter A. Ridilla and Bradley T. Hoagland


Application of the Simplified Dow Chemical Company Relative Ranking Hazard Assessment Method for Air Combat Command Bases, Raymond A. Sable


A Feasibility Study of Burning Waste Paper in Coal-Fired Boilers on Air Force Installations, Kenneth P. Smith


A Guide to Implementing Reclamation Processes at Department of Defense Municipal Solid Waste and Construction Debris Landfills, Gregory L. Tures


A Plan for Coordinating Department of Defense Emissions Trading, Charles H. Weir


Guidance for the Development of Air Force Storm Water Sampling Programs, Jerry K. Weldon III and Roy T. Willis

Theses/Dissertations from 1992


A Technical and Practical Study of Composting as a Solid Waste Management Alternative for the Air Force, Donald R. Abrams and Timothy D. Brecheen


A Model for Determining Modular Heat Recovery Incinerator Feasibility on Air Force Installations, Arthur H. Anderson Jr. and Paul R. Munnell


Pollution Prevention, An Investment Decision Model to Assess Financial Feasibility for Application to Air Force Processes, Debra S. Rankin and Clare R. Mendelsohn