"Measuring Small Business Participation in Air Force Contracting: the I" by William C. Pike

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Department of Systems Engineering and Management

First Advisor

Patricia G. Luna, PhD


Congress has mandated the Air Force to reform and streamline its acquisition procedures while promoting participation by small business contractors. Reports on the federal government as a whole suggest that the acquisition reforms have had a negative effect on small business participation, with a declining number of small businesses receiving contract awards. A causal regression model is used to determine that the Air Force has actually increased the number of small businesses receiving contract awards over the past thirteen years and has maintained a steady stream of new small businesses into that group. Variables are tested to determine their effect on small business participation. Those tests reveal that number of contract awards and number of government-wide agency contract orders placed are useful for predictive purposes. The research also identifies two performance measurements for the Air Force small business office: total number of small business contractors and total number of new small business contractors.

AFIT Designator


DTIC Accession Number

