"Optimizing an in Situ Bioremediation Technology to Manage Perchlorate-" by Mark R. Knarr


Mark R. Knarr

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Department of Systems Engineering and Management

First Advisor

Mark N. Goltz, PhD


Combining horizontal flow treatment wells (HFTWs) with in situ biodegradation is an innovative approach with the potential to remediate perchlorate-contaminated groundwater. A technology model was recently developed that combines the groundwater flow induced by HFTWs with in situ biodegration processes that result from using the HFTWs to mix electron donor into perchlorate-contaminated groundwater. A field demonstration of this approach is planned to begin this year. In order to apply the technology in the field, project managers need to understand how contaminated site conditions and technology design parameters impact technology performance. One way to gain this understanding is to use the technology model to select engineering design parameters that optimize performance under given site conditions. In particular, a project manager desires to design a system that: 1) maximizes perchlorate destruction; 2) minimizes treatment expense; and 3) attains regulatory limits on down gradient contaminant concentrations. Unfortunately, for a relatively complex technology with a number of engineering design parameters to determine, as well as multiple objectives, system optimization is not straight forward. In this study, a multi-objective genetic algorithm (MOGA) is used to determine design parameter values (flow rate, well spacing, concentration of injection electron donor, and injection schedule) that optimize the first two objectives noted; to maximize perchlorate destruction while minimizing cost. Four optimization runs are performed, using two different remediation time spans (300 and 600 days) for two different sets of site conditions. Results from all four optimization runs indicate that the relationship between perchlorate mass removal and operating cost is positively correlated and nonlinear.

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