"Optimizing the Disposition and Retrograde of United States Air Force C" by Arthur R. Litchfield III

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Department of Operational Sciences

First Advisor

William A. Cunningham, PhD.


To meet the President's established OPERATION ENDURING FREEDOM drawdown date of 1 December 2014, the United States Air Force, while continuing to conduct and support combat operations, must begin to plan disposition and execute retrograde its Class VII equipment. Calling upon concepts utilized in the management of closed-loop supply chains and optimization, this research proposes a multiple objective linear program to optimize the alignment of Bagram and Kandahar Air Base positioned equipment with in-garrison demand. Closed-loop supply chains provide planning process guidelines necessary for second use value creation and efficient reverse logistical flows. Optimization concepts provide the methodology for model development and output. The proposed multiple objective model provides solutions and equipment disposition instructions that minimize the deviations from the lowest total surface transportation cost and maximum average demand satisfaction values. To ensure compliance with Air Force guidance on equipment prioritization, cost-efficient transportation and maximum amounts of supply, multiple pre-process and model constraints limit the allocation of supply to demand bases. Combining situational specific user input values and constraints provides United States Air Force equipment managers the ability to test multiple courses of action for both real-time and future equipment movements.

AFIT Designator


DTIC Accession Number

