"Optimizing Air Force Depot Programming to Maximize Operational Capabil" by James D. Rhoads

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Department of Operational Sciences

First Advisor

Raymond R. Hill , PhD.


The Air Force wants to improve the link between resources and weapons system readiness by reducing costs, improving risk-based decision making, and balancing costs with performance. With that in mind, RAND Project Air Force developed a linear programming model linking Depot Purchased Equipment Maintenance to operational capability. This thesis examined that model, provided an alternate model, and then developed a new model that determined the minimum cost necessary to maintain the force structure. The utility of using the models using Weapon System Sustainment (WSS) and additional sources of data for aircraft and engine inventories was evaluated and critiqued. While every WSS requirement has a cost, the vast majority do not have quantities associated with them. Using the sources outlined for aircraft and engine inventories does not match up with WSS data. Aircraft inventory data is more specific than the WSS data requirements. Engine inventories are managed by engine type, not by aircraft. Many engines serve multiple aircraft, and many aircraft require multiple engines. The combined result is that using WSS data to process these models and obtain meaningful results is not possible at this time.

AFIT Designator


DTIC Accession Number

