Theses/Dissertations from 2003
UML Assisted Visual Debugging for Distributed Systems, Benjamin R. Musial
WLAN CSMA/CA Performance in a Bluetooth Interference Environment, Randall B. Noel
Using Sequence Analysis to Perform Application-Based Anomaly Detection within an Artificial Immune System Framework, Larissa A. O'Brien
Generalized Residual Multiple Model Adaptive Estimation of Parameters and States, Charles D. Ormsby
INS Aiding Using Passive, Bearings-Only Measurements of an Unknown Stationary Ground Object, Alec E. Porter
Searching System Call Information for Clues: The Effects of Intrusions of Processes, Mark G. Reith
Adjusting Sensing Range to Maximize Throughput on AD-HOC Multi-Hop Wireless Networks, Christopher K. Roberts
Controlled-Stress Large-Area Pulsed Laser Deposition of Yttria Stabilized Zirconia, Paul C. Rounsavall
Performance Analysis of Protocol Independent Multicasting-Dense Mode in Low Earth Orbit Satellite Networks, Mark D. Saeger
Using the GPS to Improve Trajectory Position and Velocity Determination during Real-Time Ejection Seat Design, Test and Evaluation, Christina G. Schutte
Analysis of Broadband HIGP-Impedance Ground Plane Antenna Designs, James W. Stewart
Internet Protocol (IP) Over Link-16, Clinton W. Stinson
Redundant Discrete Wavelet Transform Based Super-Resolution Using Sub-Pixel Image Registration, Daniel L. Ward
Gaussian Mixture Reduction of Tracking Multiple Maneuvering Targets in Clutter, Jason L. Williams
The Effects of GPS M-Code on Radar Detection, Jae K. Yang
Explicit Building-Block Multiobjective Genetic Algorithms: Theory, Analysis, and Developing, Jesse B. Zydallis
Theses/Dissertations from 2002
Analysis of Ultra Wide Band (UWB) Technology for an Indoor Geolocation and Physiological Monitoring System, Cengiz Alabacak
Development and Characterization of an Emergency Communications System Using Near Vertical Incident Skywave Antennas, Richard A. Allnutt
Using an Inductive Learning Algorithm to Improve Antibody Generation in a Single Packet Computer Defense Immune System, Russell J. Aycock
Integrated MANET Mutual Authentication System, Jason T. Ballah
Using Relational Schemata in a Computer Immune System to Detect Multiple-Packet Network Intrusions, John L. Bebo
Congruent Weak Conformance, Ronald W. Brower
Evaluation and Analysis of Array Antennas for Passive Coherent Location (PCL) Systems, Baris Calikoglu
Performance Analysis of a Secure IEEE 802.11B Wireless Network Incorporating Personal Digital Assistants, John L. Camp
A Visual Meta-Language for Generic Modeling, Hakan Canli
Active Processor Scheduling Using Evolution Algorithms, David J. Caswell
Portable High-Performance Indexing for Vector Product Format Spatial Databases, Engin Colak
Fabrication Techniques for Micro-Optical Device Arrays, Ryan D. Conk
A Multiobjective Approach Applied to the Protein Structure Prediction Problem, Richard O. Day
Ontological Engineering and Mapping in Multiagent Systems Development, Jonathan M. DiLeo
Estimation of Atmospheric Precipitable Water Using the Global Positioning System, David A. Garay
Ambiguity Function Analysis and Direct-Path Signal Filtering of the Digital Audio Broadcast (DAB) Waveform for Passive Coherent Location (PCL), Abdulkadir Guner
Airborne Radar Interference Suppression Using Adaptive Three-Dimensional Techniques, Todd B. Hale
A Collaborative Visualization Framework Using JINIâ„¢ Technology, Chad M. Harris
Design and Fabrication of Micro-Electro-Mechanical Structures for Tunable Micro-Optical Devices, Michael C. Harvey
A Novel Electrocardiogram Segmentation Algorithm Using a Multiple Model Adaptive Estimator, Gregory S. Hoffman
Performance Tradeoff Study of a GPS-Aided INS for a Rocket Trajectory, Muhittin Istanbulluoglu
Space Time Adaptive Processing and Clutter Classification Integration and Evaluation, Nathan A. Jensen
Visual Execution Analysis for Multiagent Systems, Chong Kil
Post-Processing of Low Dose Mammography Images, Jesung Kim
Multicast Routing Algorithms and Failure Analyses for Low Earth Orbit Satellite Communication Networks, Jae Soong Lee
Wavelet Domain Communication System (WDCS): Packet-Based Wavelet Spectral Estimation and M-ARY Signaling, Marion Jay F. Lee
Application of Information Retrieval Techniques to Heterogeneous Databases in the Virtual Distributed Laboratory, Rodney D. Lykins
A Study of Satellite Navigation, Dilution of Precision, and Positioning Techniques for use on and around the Moon, John H. MacNicol
Translation and Rotation Invariant Multiscale Image Registration, Jennifer L. Manfra
Categorizing Network Attacks Using Pattern Classification Algorithms, George E. Noel III
The Analysis of Sophisticated Direction of Arrival Estimation Methods in Passive Coherent Locators, Ahmet Ozcetin
An Analysis of Mutually Dispersive Brown Symbols for Non-Linear Ambiguity Suppression, Matthew J. Papaphotis
INS Aiding by Tracking an Unknown Ground Object, Mursy Polat
Fabrication Techniques for III-V Micro-Opto-Electro-Mechanical Systems, Jeremy A. Raley
A Direct Sequence Code-Division Multiple-Access Local Area Network Model, James R. Rapallo Jr.
Statistical Error Analysis of a DOA Estimator for a PCL System Using the Cramer-RAO Bound Theorem, Kerim Say
Performance Analysis of a Dynamic Bandwidth Allocation Algorithm in a Circuit-Switched Communications Network, Timothy M. Schwamb
Performance Evaluation of Hyperbolic Position Location Technique in Cellular Wireless Networks, Hakan Senturk
Electromagnetic Scattering from a Gap in a Magneto-dielectric Coating on an Infinite Ground Plane, George R. Simpson
Characterization of Residual Stress in Microelectromechanical Systems (MEMS) Devices Using Raman Spectroscopy, LaVern A. Starman
Development of an Algorithm for Protocol Service Discovery in Wireless Networks, N. Kaan Tekinceer
High Energy Laser Pointing through Extended Turbulence, Jason A. Tellez
Flight Control Failure Detection and Control Redistribution Using Multiple Model Adaptive Estimation with Filter Spawning, Michael L. Torres Jr.
Evaluation and Mission-Specific Optimization of Satellite Packet Telemetry Protocol for Use on DoD Flight Test Ranges, Beth A. Trapp
Using the GPS to Collect Trajectory Data for Ejection Seat Design, Validation, and Testing, Brian R. Tredway
Bubble World - A Novel Visual Information Retrieval Technique, Christopher L. Van Berendonck
Broadcast vs Precise GPS Ephemerides: A Historical Perspective, David L. M. Warren
Microdot - A Four-Bit Microcontroller Designed for Distributed Low-End Computing in Satellites, Anthony R. Woodcock
Multi-Objective Mission Route Planning Using Particle Swarm Optimization, Kursat Yavuz
Data Mining Feature Subset Weighting and Selection Using Genetic Algorithms, Okan Yilmaz
Distributed Beacon Requirements for Branch Point Tolerant Laser Beam Compensation in Extended Atmospheric Turbulence, Virgil E. Zetterlind III
Theses/Dissertations from 2001
Nonlinear Suppression of Range Ambiguity in Pulse Doppler Radar, Jon M. Anderson
Hidden Markov Models for Visual Speech Synthesis in Limited Data, Harold A. Arb
Optical and Etching Studies of Native Aluminum Oxide Layers for Use in Microcavity Photonic Devices, William L. Bernhard
Using Direct-Sequenced Spread Spectrum in a Wired Local Area Network, Robert J. Bonner
The Calibration of Bistatic Radar Cross Section Measurements, Christopher J. Bradley
A Semantic Interface to Scenario Component Reuse in DoD Simulation Systems, Lawrence A. Breighner
Image Registration Using Redundant Wavelet Transforms, Richard K. Brown
Using GPS as a Reference System to Hit a Moving Target, Daryl J. Burnette
A Flexible Framework for Collaborative Visualization Applications Using Java Spaces, Sean C. Butler
A Radial Basis Function Neural Network Approach to Two-Color Infrared Missile Detection, Kin-Weng Chan
Characterization and Validation of the GP-3 Experimental Radar System, Benjamin L. Crossley
Numerical Study of Optical Delay in Semiconductor Multilayer Distributed Bragg Reflector and Tunable Microcavity Structures, Michael I. K. Etan
Broadband Application of High Impedance Ground Planes, Keven J. Golla
An Objective Evaluation of Four SAR Image Segmentation Algorithms, Jason B. Gregga
Control and Characterization of Line-Addressable Micromirror Arrays, Harris J. Hall
A Low Power Application-Specific Integrated Circuit (ASIC) Implementation of Wavelet Transform/Inverse Transform, Daniel N. Harvala
Air Vehicle Path Planning, Jeffrey M. Hebert
Development and Testing of a Multiple Filter Approach for Precise DGPS Positioning and Carrier-Phase Ambiguity Resolution, Paul E. Henderson
A Traffic Pattern-Based Comparison of Bulk Image Request Response Times for a Virtual Distributed Laboratory, David B. Hooten
Adaptive and Reconfigurable Flight Control, Yih Shiun Huang
Routing of Time-Sensitive Data in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks, Necdet Kilic
Wavelet Domain Communication System (WDCS): Design, Model, Simulation, and Analysis, Randall W. Klein
Redundant Wavelet-Based Image Restoration Using a Prior Information, Mary K. Marcum
Wavelet-Based Audio Embedding & Audio/Video Compression, Michael J. Mendenhall
Software Domain Model Integration Methodology for Formal Specifications, Joel C. Nonnweiler
Selecting a Software Engineering Methodology Using Multiobjective Decision Analysis, Scott A. O'Malley
Information Security: Securing Smart Cards with Iris Recognition, Orval E. Phelps
Using a Distributed Object-Oriented Database Management System in Support of a High-Speed Network Intrusion Detection System Data Repository, Phillip W. Polk
A Model to Predict Diffraction Attenuation Resulting from Signal Propagation over Terrain in Low Earth Orbit Satellite Systems, Peter R. Pollock
Phugoid Damping Control, Nicolas J. Schindeler
Traveling Salesman Problem for Surveillance Mission Using Particle Swarm Optimization, Barry R. Secrest