Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Department of Systems Engineering and Management

First Advisor

Michael Shelley, PhD


This research develops a system structure for the pollution prevention acquisition process and uses system dynamics modeling to develop management strategies that optimize life cycle cost. The structure of the pollution prevention acquisition process is developed by identifying primary influences and mechanisms and determining how they interact within the acquisition process. The model structure is based on the premise that rising total projected Life Cycle Cost (LCC) would provide an incentive to perform pollution prevention changes to reduce the overall LCC cost. The model successfully produces the expected reasonable behavior and confidence in the model structure is achieved using standard system dynamics verification testing. In the model, laws and regulations appear to have the greatest impact on reducing overall LCC; however, this is driven by the high effectiveness values assigned in the model, which assume the ability of laws and regulations to directly address material substitution in the specified weapon system. Air Force Policies and financial incentives (the projected LCC exceeding the LCC goal) also have significant effects on reducing overall LCC. Further defining these parameters to accurately affect the appropriate degree of influence in the model structure is an integral part of developing an effective pollution prevention management strategy.

AFIT Designator


DTIC Accession Number

