Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Department of Systems Engineering and Management

First Advisor

Steven Lofgren, PhD


The purpose of this research is to analyze the Air Force's 1994 Toxic Release Inventory data. Statistical tests were used to meet the following research objectives: (1) review the CY 94 data to determine which chemicals were most often reported and which bases and major commands had the most releases in terms of the number of chemicals reported and the amount of chemicals reported and (2) investigate factors which could influence the reporting status of a facility. An analysis of the TRI data showed that dichloromethane was the chemical released in the largest amount while methyl ethyl ketone was the most often released chemical. The five Air Logistic Centers owned by Air Force Material Command, Tinker AFB, Kelly AFB, McClellan AFB, Hill AFB and Robins AFB, were responsible for the most TRI chemicals both in terms of numbers and pounds released. An analysis of a survey of Air Force facilities indicated that two factors had an influence on the reporting status of Air Force facilities: (1) whether the TRI point of contact had confidence in the completeness of the data used for threshold computations and (2) whether the primary database used for threshold computations was the Standard Base Supply System. jg p9

AFIT Designator


DTIC Accession Number

