"A Modeling Study for the Implementation of In Situ Cometabolic Bioreme" by John A. Christ

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Department of Systems Engineering and Management

First Advisor

Mark N. Goltz, PhD


The limitations of conventional groundwater remediation technologies have led to the development of innovative technologies which may achieve national hazardous waste site remediation goals. Before an innovative technology can be implemented in the field, remedial project managers, regulators and other stakeholders require adequate modeling tools to help assess the applicability of the technology at a particular site. This modeling study investigates how an innovative technology, in situ cometabolic bioremediation, might be implemented to remediate a TCE-contaminated site, under different site conditions. A steady-state model is developed which couples an analytical expression to simulate the effect of flow between multiple pumping and injection wells, with an expression to calculate TCE removal as groundwater circulates through in situ bioreactors established around the injection wells. Varying site conditions and well configurations are investigated to determine their effect on the overall treatment efficiency of a system. A dual screen well design is found to be an effective method for contaminant capture and treatment given typical values of anisotropy. Investigation of a multiple row implementation concept proves it to be an effective configuration for site cleanup. The model is integrated into interactive software which serves as a technology screening tool.

AFIT Designator


DTIC Accession Number

