Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

First Advisor

Meir Pachter, PhD


The problem of tracking control in the face of high amplitude dynamic reference signals, hard state and control constraints, and open-loop unstable plants is investigated. Saturation effects mitigation is a current research topic, and a large body of literature exists which addresses this problem. However, with a few notable exceptions, little work has been accomplished which is applicable to the problem of high amplitude dynamic reference signal tracking in the face of hard state and control constraints, and open-loop unstable plants. Moreover, methods that do address the stated problem generally limit the exogenous reference signal to statically admissible values to obtain a BIBO stable closed-loop system. In these investigations a nonlinear reference signal governor generates a modified reference signal based on the exogenous reference signal and the state of the controlled process. This research departs from previous work in that a dual-loop reference signal governor methodology is developed that prevents constraint violation but does not restrict the modified reference signal to statically admissible values. Thus tracking performance is improved. An arbitrarily close approximation of the controlled process maximal statically admissible set is characterized. On-line computational burden is generally less than that imposed by current reference signal governor methods, and the resulting closed-loop system is BIBO stable.

AFIT Designator


DTIC Accession Number

