"Scattering from Dielectric Bodies" by Jeffery M. Parks

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

First Advisor

Peter J. Collins, PhD


The purpose of this study was to develop an RCS measured database of non-PEC targets and provide an example of its use to validate a code, 3D-RCIE. RCS prediction codes that handle penetrable materials require measured data to determine their accuracy. The materials used for this research include polyethylene and polyurethane with dielectric constants around 2.3 and 1.03, respectively. The polyethylene targets include a mini-arrow, ogive, conesphere, conesphere with a gap, sphere, and a large and small cube. The cubes were the only targets made from the polyurethane foam. Additionally, r-card was applied to the cubes and mini-arrow. The material properties of the two materials were measured using an X-band waveguide reflectometer. The RCS measurements were accomplished for each target at the Wright Laboratory Signature Technology Office's Multispectral Measurement Facility (WL/XPN). For each measurement, an uncertainty analysis was completed. RCS predictions of each target were accomplished using 3D-RCIE, a method of moments electromagnetic scattering code based on the radiation condition integral equations. The comparison of measured and predicted RCS data indicated that the linear mesh rate had a large impact on the results. Use of the appropriate mesh sizes generally produced good comparisons. For targets that were electrically large, mesh sizes were limited by the computer resources which in turn greatly deteriorated the predicted results. Furthermore, 3D-RCIE provided the most accurate predictions on the polyethylene targets, less the sphere and r-card application.

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