"Reorientations of Flexible Spacecraft Using Momentum Exchange Devices" by Kevin A. Ford


Kevin A. Ford

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

First Advisor

Christopher D. Hall, PhD


We study rest-to-rest reorientations of flexible spacecraft using momentum exchange devices. A new and concise form of the equations of motion for a rigid body containing a cluster of gimbaled momentum wheels is developed using the Euler-Newton approach. Special restrictions of the gimbaled momentum wheel equations yield equations of motion for the momentum wheel cluster and the control moment gyroscope cluster. A mathematical model of a free spacecraft with Euler-Bernoulli appendages is developed. Using the assumed modes method, a complete set of equations is developed which describes the dynamics of a spacecraft with flexible appendages and gimbaled momentum wheels. Special attention is paid to singularity problems in control moment gyro clusters. A control law based on the singular value decomposition is developed which avoids torque output commands in the nearly singular direction. The stationary platform maneuver, a maneuver along the set of equilibrium solutions of a zero angular velocity spacecraft, is extended to the control moment gyro cluster. The set of equilibria for a control moment gyro cluster is a unique surface in gimbal angle space. A control law which reorients the spacecraft while remaining close to this surface is developed using a Lyapunov method.

AFIT Designator


DTIC Accession Number

