"Analysis of the Air Force ISO 14001 Pilot Study Conducted by DoD" by Rodney C. Harris

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Department of Systems Engineering and Management

First Advisor

Michael T. Rehg, PhD


The Department of Defense (DoD) conducted an ISO 14001 pilot study with the primary goal of determining how ISO 14001 could help DoD organizations reduce risks, improve compliance with environmental regulations, enhance stewardship, contain costs, and meet emerging regulatory requirements. This thesis analyzed the pilot study, specifically looking at the ISO 14001 implementation at three Air Force installations participating in the study. The research objectives were to identify factors that affect implementation of ISO 14001, compare the implementation strategies used by the bases, and develop propositions for Air Force managers to consider when implementing ISO 14001. Interviews of key personnel, DoD Component ISO 14001 surveys, and implementation documentation served as the data. The data was analyzed and grouped according to the factors that affected implementation. The factors were conceptually grouped into two constructs. The constructs were compared and relationships developed that identified the impacts on the implementation. Propositions were made to reduce the impacts on implementation. For managers seeking to implement ISO 14001, the factors that effect implementation should be identified and strategies developed to minimize their effects. The recommendations from this research can be used in the development of future Air Force guidance on ISO 14001.

AFIT Designator


DTIC Accession Number



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