Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science in Computer Engineering


Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

First Advisor

Thomas C. Hartrum, PhD


Simulations which model the behavior real world entities are often large and complex, and require frequent changes to the configuration. This research effort examines the benefits of using object-oriented techniques to develop a distributed simulation environment which supports modularity, modifiability, and portability. The components of the Parallel Discrete Event Simulation PDES environment are identified and modeled using the Rumbaugh modeling technique. From the model, a prototype implementation of a Parallel Ada Simulation Environment PASE is accomplished using Classic Ada. A system interface for the Intel ipsc2 Hypercube was developed to illustrate the concepts of modularity and portability. In addition, the prototype environment uses a filter which implements the basic Chandy-Misra time synchronization protocol. Finally, to test the correct operation of the environment, a simple battlefield application model is developed. PASE is tested in the sequential mode on both a Sun Sparc station and the Hypercube. The ability to distribute across n-nodes is demonstrated using various configurations on the Hypercube. The parallel test demonstrates the ability for objects on separate processors to interact with each other by passing messages, and to execute events generated by remote objects in the proper time stamp order.

AFIT Designator


DTIC Accession Number



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