Theses/Dissertations from 2008
Effects of Multipath and Oversampling on Navigation Using Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexed Signals of Opportunity, Christopher M. Schexnayder
Collision Avoidance for UAVs Using Optic Flow Measurement with Line of Sight Rate Equalization and Looming, Paul J. Shelnutt
Hardware Algorithm Implementation for Mission Specific Processing, Jason W. Shirley
Sub-circuit Selection and Replacement Algorithms Modeled as Term Rewriting Systems, Eric D. Simonaire
Operationalizing Offensive Social Engineering for the Air Force, Bryan E. Skarda
Hyperspectral-Augmented Target Tracking, Neil A. Soliman
Microfluidic Power Generation, Aaron J. Sprecher
A Survey of Satellite Communications System Vulnerabilities, Jessica A. Steinberger
Anti-Tamper Method for Field Programmable Gate Arrays Through Dynamic Reconfiguration and Decoy Circuits, Samuel J. Stone
Applying Frequency-Domain Equalization to Code-Division Multiple Access and Transform-Domain Communications Systems, Alfred A. Tamayo III
Improvement of ECM Techniques through Implementation of a Genetic Algorithm, James D. Townsend
A Wide Area Bipolar Cascade Resonant Cavity Light Emitting Diode for a Hybrid Range-Intensity, Reginald J. Turner
Closed-Loop Adaptive Optics Control in Strong Atmospheric Turbulence, Todd M. Venema
Analysis of Non-Uniform Gain for Control of a Deformable Mirror in an Adaptive-Optics System, Kevin P. Vitayaudom
A Formal Specification and Proof of System Safety Using the Schematic Protection Model, Raymond S. Way
Mitigating Reversing Vulnerabilities in .NET Applications Using Virtualized Software Protection, Matthew A. Zimmerman
Theses/Dissertations from 2007
Adaptive Gravitational Gossip in Monitoring the Joint Battlespace Infosphere, Edmund Descartes Aban
Multi-dimensional Classification Algorithm for Automatic Modulation Recognition, Ouail Albairat
Characterizationn of Polumer-Based MEMS Pyroelectic Infrared Detector, Mark E. Allard
Controller Design for Accurate Antenna Pointing Onboard a Spacecraft, Victor M. Barba
Software Protection against Reverse Engineering Tools, Joshua A. Benson
A Modular Mixed Signal VLSI Design Approach for Digital Radar Applications, Brian M. Brakus
Multi-Dimensional Range Querying using a Modification of the Skip Graph, Gregory J. Brault
Material Characterization Improvement in High Temperature Rectangle Waveguide Measurements, Eric A. Buschelman
Statistical Machine Translation of Japanese, Erik A. Chapla
Collaborative, Trust-Based Security Mechanisms for a National Utility Intranet, Gregory M. Coates
Using Concept Maps to More Efficiently Create Intelligence Information Models, Christopher E. Coryell
A Unified Framework for Solving Multiagent Task Assignment Problems, Kevin Cousin
Parallelization of Ant Colony Optimization via Area of Expertise Learning, Adrian A. de Freitas
Scaling Ant Colony Optimization with Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning Partitioning, Erik J. Dries
A Framework for Analyzing and Mitigating the Vulnerabilities of Complex Systems via Attack and Protection Trees, Kenneth S. Edge
Real-Time GPS-Alternative Navigation Using Commodity Hardware, Jordon L. Fletcher
Forensics Image Background Matching Using Scale Invariant Feature (SIFT)Transform and Speeded Up Robust Features (SURF), Paul N. Fogg II
Modeling, Simulation, and Estimation of Optical Turbulence, Byron P. Formwalt
Heuristically Driven Search Methods for Topology Control in Directional Wireless Hybrid Network, Roger L. Garner
Toward a Flying MEMS Robot, Nathan E. Glauvitz
Analysis of Routing Worm Infection Rates on an IPV4 Network, James Gorsuch
On-Demand Key Distribution for Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks, Daniel F. Graham
An Artificial Immune System-Inspired Multiobjective Evolutionary Algorithm with Application to the Detection of Distributed Computer Network Intrusions, Charles R. Haag
Hardware Realization of a Transform Domain Communication System, Marshall E. Haker
Overcoming TCP Degradation in the Presence of Multiple Intermittent Link Failures Utilizing Intermediate Buffering, Duane F. Harmon
Sub-Surface Navigation Using Very-Low Frequency Electromagnetic Waves, Alan L. Harner
APHID: Anomaly Processor in Hardware for Intrusion Detection, Samuel A. Hart
Locating Encrypted Data Hidden Among Non-Encrypted Data using Statistical Tools, Walter J. Hayden
A Hybrid Multi-Robot Control Architecture, Daylond J. Hooper
Performance Evaluation of Ad Hoc Routing in a Swarm of Autonomous Aerial Vehicles, Matthew T. Hyland
A Small-Scale 3D Imaging Platform for Algorithm Performance Evaluation, Steven A. James
Thermally Activated, Variable Blazed Grating for Coherent Beam Steering, Matthew T. Johnson
Phase Diversity and Polarization Augmented Techniques for Active Imaging, Peter M. Johnson
Piezo-Electrochemical Transducer Effect (PECT) Intercalated Graphite Micro-Electromechanical Actuators, Glen A. Kading
Multi-Robot FastSLAM for Large Domains, Choyong G. Koperski
Distributed Fault-Tolerant Quality of Service Routing in Hybrid Directional Wireless Networks, Larry C. Llewellyn II
Use of Tabu Search in a Solver to Map Complex Networks onto Emulab Testbeds, Jason E. MacDonald
Point Spread Function Characterization of a Radially Displaced Scatterer Using Circular Synthetic Aperture Radar, Uttam K. Majumder
Energy-Efficient Querying of Wireless Sensor Networks, Christopher R. Mann
Radar System Characterization Extended to Hardware in the Loop Simulation for the Lab-Volt™ Training System, Oscar C. Mayhew
Hardware Virtualization Applied to Rootkit Defense, Douglas P. Medley
Conceptual MEMS Devices for a Redeployable Antenna, Virginia Miller
Using Relocatable Bitstreams for Fault Tolerance, David P. Montminy
Passive Geolocation of Low Power Emitters in Urban Environments using TDOA, Myrna B. Montminy
Exploring Hardware Based Primitives to Enhance Parallel Security Monitoring in a Novel Computing Architecture, Stephen D. Mott
A Study of Rootkit Stealth Techniques and Associated Detection Methods, Daniel D. Nerenberg
Efficient GPS Position Determination Algorithms, Thao Nguyen
Hybrid Micro-Electro-Mechanical Tunable Filter, Edward M. Ochoa
Effective Mobile Routing Through Dynamic Addressing, HeungSoon Park
Multi-Objective Optimization for Speed and Stability of a Sony Aibo Gait, Christopher A. Patterson
Parametric Reliability of Space-Based Field Programmable Gate Arrays, Joseph C. Pomager
Performance Analysis and Comparison of Multiple Routing Protocols in a Large-Area, High Speed Mobile Node Ad Hoc Network, Daniel K. Roberts
Optimal Sensor Threshold Control and the Weapon Operating Characteristic for Autonomous Search and Attack Munitions, Roland A. Rosario
Sampled-Data Kalman Filtering and Multiple Model Adaptive Estimation for Infinite-Dimensional Continuous-Time Systems, Scott A. Sallberg
Biological Cell Identification by Integrating Micro-fluidics, Electrical Impedance Spectroscopy and Stochastic Estimation, Karl R. Schwenn
Nonlinear Time-Variant Response in an Avalanche Photodiode Array Based Laser Detection and Ranging System, Michael D. Seal
Voice and Video Capacity of a Secure Wireless System, Jason R. Seyba
The Effects of Signal and Image Compression of SAR Data on Change Detection Algorithms, Kiran Shenoy
Bipolar Cascade Vertical Cavity Surface Emitting Lasers for RF Photonic Link Applications, William J. Siskaninetz
In Pursuit of an Aptitude Test for Potential Cyberspace Warriors, Tiffiny S. Smith
Optical Tracking for Relative Positioning in Automated Aerial Refueling, James H. Spencer
Use of Thrust Vectors in Support of the CyberCraft Initiative, Michael Stevens
Polarimeter Blind Deconvolution Using Image Diversity, David M. Strong
Stochastic Estimation and Control of Queues within a Computer Network, Nathan C. Stuckey
Navigation Using Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexed Signals of Opportunity, Jamie S. Velotta
Characterization of Intercalated Graphite Fibers for Microelectromechanical Systems (MEMS) Applications, Bryan W. Winningham
Unified Behavior Framework for Reactive Robot Control in Real-Time Systems, Brian G. Woolley
Theses/Dissertations from 2006
Fast Video Stabilization Algorithms, Mohammed A. Alharbi
Methods for Aiding Height Determination in Pseudolite-Based Reference Systems Using Batch Least-Squares Estimation, John H. R. Amt
Comparison of Ray Tracing through Ionospheric Models, Shayne C. Aune
Forward-Looking Radar Clutter Suppression Using Frequency Diverse Arrays, Piotr Baizert
Nonlinear Suppression of Range-Ambiguous Clutter for Outdoor Radar Measurement Facilities, Michael C. Baumgartner
An Interactive Relaxation Approach for Anomaly Detection and Preventive Measures in Computer Networks, Garrick A. Bell
Reconstructing Spectral Scenes using Statistical Estimation to Enhance Space Situational Awareness, Travis F. Blake
A Minimum Effort Control Approach to Guided Munition Path Planning, Jeffrey M. Borkowski
New Tracking Filter Algorithm Using Input Parameter Estimation, Corey M. Broussard
Multiframe Shift Estimation, Stephen A. Bruckart
Space-Time Adaptive Processing for Side-Looking Arrays with Platform Maneuver, John T. Buckreis
Wavefront Curvature Sensing from Image Projections, Jonathan C. Buffington
An Estimation Theory Approach to Detection and Ranging of Obscured Targets in 3-D LADAR Data, Charles R. Burris
Formal Mitigation Strategies for the Insider Threat: A Security Model and Risk Analysis Framework, Jonathan W. Butts
A Study of Near Field Data Transformed to the Far Field for a Canonical PEC Scatterer, E. Matthew Cady
Investigation of Frequency-Domain and Time-Domain Free-Space Material Measurements, Kirt J. Cassell