Theses/Dissertations from 2006
Image Processing Resource Allocation Methods for Multi-Target Tracking of Dismounted Targets in Urban Environments, Jonathan P. Champion
Analysis of Photoconductive Properties in Ge2Sb2Te5 (GST) Chalcogenide Films for Applications in Novel Electronics, John R. V. Chezem
Active FPGA Security through Decoy Circuits, Bradley D. Christiansen
Development of a Low-Latency, High Data Rate, Differential GPS Relative Positioning System for UAV Formation Flight Control, Stephen J. Comstock
Characterizing the Impact of Precision Time and Range Measurements from Two-Way Time Transfer Systems on Network Differential GPS Position Solutions, Kendra L. B. Cook
Adaptive Illumination Patterns for Radar Applications, Phillip M. Corbell
Performance-Metric Driven Atmospheric Compensation for Robust Free-Space Laser Communication, Peter N. Crabtree
Optimal Geometric Deployment of a Ground Based Pseudolite Navigation System to Track a Landing Aircraft, Matthew P. Crawford
Robot Localization Using Visual Image Mapping, Carrie D. Crews
Exploiting Semi-Directional Transceivers for Localization in Communication Systems, Andrew S. Crockford
Power-Scavenging MEMS Robots, Daniel J. Denninghoff
Optimizing the Replication of Multi-Quality Web Applications Using ACO and WoLF, Judson C. Dressler
Metamorphism as a Software Protection for Non-Malicious Code, Thomas E. Dube
Polar Phase Screens: A Comparison with Other Methods of Random Phase Screen Generation, Rebecca J. Eckert
Toward the Static Detection of Deadlock in Java Software, Jose E. Fadul
Air Gap Error Compensation for Coaxial Transmission Line Method of Electromagnetic Material Characterization, Ronald G. Fehlen
Cryptanalysis of Pseudorandom Number Generators in Wireless Sensor Networks, Kevin M. Finnigin
Mitigating Distributed Denial of Service Attacks in an Anonymous Routing Environment: Client Puzzles and Tor, Nicholas A. Fraser
FlashLight: A Dynamic Detector of Shared State, Race Conditions, and Locking Models in Concurrent Java Programs, Scott C. Hale
Multilingual Phoneme Models for Rapid Speech Processing System Development, Eric G. Hansen
Development of a Comprehensive Digital Avionics Curriculum for the Aeronautical Engineer, Thomas W. Hofer
Speech Recognition Using the Mellin Transform, Jesse R. Hornback
Doppler Aliasing Reduction in Wide-Angle Synthetic Aperture Radar Using Phase Modulated Random Stepped-Frequency Waveforms, Andrew W. Hyatt
Determining the Resistivity of Resistive Sheets Using Transmission Measurements, Milo W. Hyde IV
Development of a Wireless Model Incorporating Large-Scale Fading in a Rural, Urban and Suburban Environment, Roger A. Illari
Evaluation of a Field Programmable Gate Array Circuit Reconfiguration System, Jason L. Ives
Evaluation of Energy Costs and Error Performance of Range-Aware Anchor-Free Localization Algorithms for Wireless Sensor Networks, Gustav Julio Jordt
An Adaptable Energy-Efficient Medium Access Control Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks, Justin T. Kautz
Evaluating the Correlation Characteristics of Arbitrary AM and FM Radio Signals for the Purpose of Navigation, Bryan S. Kim
Development of a Malicious Insider Composite Vulnerability Assessment Methodology, William H. King
A Monocular Vision Based Approach to Flocking, Brian Kirchner
Laser Covariance Vibrometry for Unsymmetrical Mode Detection, Michael C. Kobold
Multiple Model Methods for Cost Function Based Multiple Hypothesis Trackers, Matthew C. Kozak
Comparison of Computational Electromagnetic Codes for Prediction of Low-Frequency Radar Cross Section, Paul C. Lash
Side-Looking Airborne Adaptive Operation in Hot Clutter, Timothy W. Lawson
Investigation of the Effects of Target Feature Variations on Ballistic Missile RCS, Sang H. Lee
Development of a Methodology for Customizing Insider Threat Auditing on a Microsoft Windows XP® Operating System, Terry E. Levoy
Decision Directed and Constant Modulus Algorithms Derived and Evaluated for Multicarrier Systems, Nicholas L. Linnenkamp
Blind Deconvolution of Anisoplanatic Images Collected by a Partially Coherent Imaging System, Adam MacDonald
Design and Characterization of a Radiation Tolerant Triple Mode Redundant Sense Amplifier Flip-Flop for Space Applications, Mark E. Martin
Active Optical Tracking with Spatial Light Modulators, Steven R. Mawhorter
Navigation Using Signals of Opportunity in the AM Transmission Band, Jonathan A. McEllroy
Robust Estimation of Mahalanobis Distance in Hyperspectral Images, Eduardo C. Meidunas
Biological System Impedance Identification Using Stochastic Estimation and Control, Enrique Mendezaceves
Wideband Signal Detection Using a Down-Converting Channelized Receiver, Willie H. Mims
Microelectromechanical Systems (MEMS) Interrupter for Safe and Arm Devices, Steven S. Mink
Performance Analysis of a Cooperative Search Algorithm for Multiple Unmanned Aerial Vehicles under Limited Communication Conditions, Kevin M. Morris
Dual Fine Tracking Control of a Satellite Laser Communication Uplink, Louis A. Noble
Detecting Potential Insider Threats through Email Datamining, James S. Okolica
LQG/LTR Tilt and Tip Control for the Starfire Optical Range 3.5-meter Telescope's Adaptive Optics System, Neil D. Paris
A Real-time Wireless Sensor Media Access Control (MAC) Protocol, Barry W. Park
Uncertainty Estimation for Target Detection System Discrimination and Confidence Performance Metrics, David R. Parker
A Platform for Antenna Optimization with Numerical Electromagnetics Code Incorporated with Genetic Algorithms, Timothy L. Pitzer
Characterization of the Field Emission Properties of Carbon Nanotubes Formed on Silicon Carbide Substrates by Surface Decomposition, Michael C. Pochet
Bio-Inspired, Odor-Based Navigation, Maynard John Porter III
Evolving Self-Organized Behavior for Homogeneous and Heterogeneous UAV or UCAV Swarms, Ian C. Price
Mitigating Insider Threat using Human behavior Influence Models, Anthony J. Puleo
Mitigating TCP Degradation over Intermittent Link Failures Using Intermediate Buffers, M. Brent Reynolds
Fast Scene Based Nonuniformity Correction with Minimal Temporal Latency, Christopher A. Rice
A General Framework for Analyzing, Characterizing, and Implementing Spectrally Modulated, Spectrally Encoded Signals, Marcus L. Roberts
Fault and Defect Tolerant Computer Architectures: Reliable Computing With Unreliable Devices, George R. Roelke IV
Evaluation of the Effects of Predicted Associativity on the Reliability and Performance of Mobile Ad Hoc Networks, Esteban Francisco Sanchez
Managing Bandwidth and Traffic via Bundling and Filtration in Large-Scale Distributed Simulations, Roberto C. Sánchez
Evaluation and Analysis of Node Localization Power Cost in Ad-Hoc Wireless Sensor Networks with Mobility, Brian A. Sessler
Estimation and Mitigation of Unmodeled Errors for a Pseudolite Based Reference System, Jeremiah A. Shockley
Non-Cooperative Detection of Frequency-Hopped GMSK Signals, Clint R. Sikes
AFIT UAV Swarm Mission Planning and Simulation System, James N. Slear
Characterization and Design of High-Level VHDL I/Q Frequency Downconverter via Special Sampling Scheme, Jesse P. Somann
Development and Testing of a High-Speed Real-Time Kinematic Precise DGPS Positioning System between Two Aircraft, Christopher J. Spinelli
Verification of a Decision Level Fusion Algorithm Using a Proven ATR System and Measured SAR Data, James Douglas Thompson
Application of the Strategic Alignment Model and Information Technology Governance Concepts to Support Network Centric Warfare, Jennifer R. Valentine
Fusion of Imaging and Inertial Sensors for Navigation, Michael J. Veth
Application of Fuzzy State Aggregation and Policy Hill Climbing to Multi-Agent Systems in Stochastic Environments, Dean C. Wardell
Supplementing an AD-HOC Wireless Network Routing Protocol with Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) Tags, LeRoy S. Willemsen
Multi-Dimensional Wave Front Sensing Algorithms for Embedded Tracking and Adaptive Optics Applications, Christopher C. Wood
An Airborne Radar Model for Non-Uniformly Spaced Antenna Arrays, Matthew V. Young
Theses/Dissertations from 2005
Modeling Information Quality Expectation in Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Swarm Sensor Databases, Patrick D. Baldwin
The Analysis of a Link between a Remote Local Area Network and its Server Resources, Theresa D. Beaver
Real-Time Mapping Using Stereoscopic Vision Optimization, Kevin M. Biggs
Geolocation of a Node on a Local Area Network, John R. Clarson
Explicit Building Block Multiobjective Evolutionary Computation: Methods and Applications, Richard O. Day
Efficient Electromagnetic material Characterization Via 2-D Rectangular Waveguide Reduction, Derek R. Dwyer
The Navigation Potential of Signals of Opportunity-based Time Difference of Arrival Measurements, Kenneth A. Fisher
Daytime Detection of Space Objects, Alistair D. Funge
Performance of a Spectrally Encoded Multi-carrier Phase Shift Keying Communications System in a Frequency-Selective, Slowly-Fading Multipath Channel, Charles M. Gaona
Reconstruction of Chromotomographic Imaging System Infrared Hyperspectral Scenes, Malcolm G. Gould
Determination of Structure from Motion Using Aerial Imagery, Paul R. Graham
Using Multiple MEMS IMUs to form a Distributed Inertial Measurement Unit, Ryan D. Hanson
A JBI Information Object Engineering Environment Utilizing Metadata Fragments for Refining Searches on Semantically-Related Object Types, Felicia N. Harlow
Characterization of Binary Offset Carrier (BOC) Systems Coexisting with Other Wideband Signals, John M. Hedenberg
An Examination of Range and Doppler Mismatch and their Effects on Radar Modeling, Gregory L. Izdepski
Accelerating Missile Threat Engagement Simulations Using Personal Computer Graphics Cards, Sean E. Jeffers
Head Tracking for 3D Audio Using a GPS-Aided MEMS IMU, Jacque M. Joffrion
Effects of Piconet Saturation on a Bluetooth Streaming Audio Channel, Theodore L. Josue
Protein Impregnated Polymer (PIP) Film Infrared Sensor Using Suspended Microelectromechanical Systems (MEMS) Pixels, Tetsuo Kaieda
Analysis of Effects of BGP Black Hole Routing on a Network like the NIPRNET, Michael D. Kleffman
Modeling Adaptive Middleware and Its Applications to Military Tactical Datalinks, Jason T. Lawson
Wide-Angle Multistatic Synthetic Aperture Radar: Focused Image Formation and Aliasing Artifact Mitigation, Jonathan E. Luminati
Weapon Release Scheduling from Multiple-Bay Aircraft using Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithms, Francis R. Lyons IV
Doppler Aliasing Reduction in Wide-Angle Synthetic Aperture Radar Using a Linear Frequency Modulated Random Stepped-Frequency Waveform, Jason R. McMahon