"Airborne Radar Interference Suppression Using Adaptive Three-Dimension" by Todd B. Hale


Todd B. Hale

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

First Advisor

Michael A. Temple, PhD


This research advances adaptive interference suppression techniques for airborne radar, addressing the problem of target detection within severe interference environments characterized by high ground clutter levels, levels, noise jammer infiltration, and strong discrete interferers. Two-dimensional (2D) Space-Time Adaptive Processing (STAP) concepts are extended into three-dimensions (3D) by casting each major 2D STAP research area into a 3D framework. The work first develops an appropriate 3D data model with provisions for range ambiguous clutter returns. Adaptive 3D development begins with two factored approaches, 3D Factored Time-Space (3D-FTS) and Elevation-Joint Domain Localized (Elev-JDL). The 3D adaptive development continues with optimal techniques, i.e., joint domain methods. First, the 3D matched Filter (3D-MF) is derived followed by a 3D Adaptive Matched Filter (3D-AMF) discussion focusing on well-established practical limitations consistent with the 2D case. Finally, a 3D-JDL method is introduced. Proposed 3D Hybrid methods extend current state-of-the-art 2D hybrid methods. The initial 3D hybrid, a functional extension of the 2D technique, exhibits distinct performance advantages in heterogeneous clutter. The final 3D hybrid method is virtually impervious to discrete interference.

AFIT Designator


DTIC Accession Number

